
I'll make you my queen

"How did you get in here?" Neera asked.

"You don't ask the questions, you obey," the voice told her, a harsh edge to its tone. A male or a female, Neera couldn't tell. It was an echo, as if the voice didn't belong to an earthly being.

"What do you want from me? I am a powerful demon now. Reveal yourself if you are no coward." Neera dared the voice.

There was a ringing of a cackle, loud and piercing, and instantly, the headache that bludgeoned Neera for weeks on end came with a force. She held her head in a hand and took everything in her not to hiss from the pain of it.

"Arrogance looks good on you," the voice said. "But there is a time and place for it, not here."

"I ask again, what do you want?"

"Patience, my dear," the voice was in front of her. Involuntary goosebumps crawled up Neera's arms. "I only have to check up on my piece."

"Your piece?"

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