
Settling In




After the arrival of the All-Father in Japan during the late hours on the 3rd of January, the All-Father has immediately encountered villains on his way to his newly bought home the Antilia.

During the incident, many onlookers heard the scolding of the All-Father, directing his words at the rising hero, Frost. Who was termed by the All-Father as an amateur who waited for reporters, which could mean that the Hero would have only moved under a spotlight!

After a fast save by the All-Father, he allowed the reporters on sight to question him, to which he only answered one. Asking whether he thinks he was too heavy-handed on them, questioned by a JNS news crew

To which the Hero just said,

[hah...What the Heroes of Japan are doing by simply arresting these villains is the same as putting a knife over the heads of civilians

Then what? They will just serve their time in jail or maybe escape. Then repeat a crime and this time they might kill someone

So tell me this, if I kill 100 murderers in a room how many murderers are left?

The answer is ONE which is, me.

That is what a Hero is about, you sacrifice a part of you to better society as a whole so that they don't have to experience the dirty part of it

So now what does the Japanese Judicial Court do if they catch 100 murderers?

They lock them up in 100 different cells! So tell me, how many murderers are left again?

The answer is 100 potential murderers waiting to get out and kill again

Since my answer was long that will be all, do give my words some thought into]

After his statement, it received negative responses from multiple heroes that were questioned about his statement, simply saying that he is not fit to be a Pro-Hero and a murderer at that!

One notable Hero's reaction was from the Symbol Of Peace, All Might!

"IT IS JUST A MATTER OF IDEALS! AT THE END OF THE DAY WE SAVE LIVES!" All Might said, before jumping off to chase another villain

However, no Government body has come to comment on the All-Father's statement, and has chosen to remain silent!

One thing is clear, the All-Father entered the country with a bang!




The ancient Lionheart family were shockingly called "big cats" by World-Class ranked Hero, All-Father, when interviewed about the possibilities of them clashing on trade interests

The Lionheart Family that is strongly rooted in the Western Industry is now trying to spread its branches into Asia!

And with their try for expansion, it seems they will go against a mountain! When many leading figures in the different industries heard of the Hero's claim, they simply said,

"Too young to know the game"

"He should just stick to being a Hero"

Is the common message for the Hero

The Lionheart family representative simply responded, "Cooperation is always on the table"

With such a response, multiple business insiders are now carefully observing what's going to happen in the coming future

The common thing is that the All-Father sure knows how to create storms!




When the Hero, All-Father, arrived at Shizouka Airport he was immediately greeted by swarms of reporters

It took some time for reporters to have finally noticed the floating babies that were sleeping inside a ball-shaped barrier

With the appearance of the children, others are trying to figure out who was the mother and from which hospital were they born!

The All-Father has also decided not to publicize their names and saying that they will know in the near future


-Streets of Europe-

Citizens were in a sudden joyous mood as even though their beloved Hero left their continent, after reading today's paper, everyone was in high spirits

As the All-Father in their eyes is their pride and joy, similar to All Might for the Japanese people, and what the All-Father did for them is countless

With his strength, he was able to cut down on crime at a very efficient pace, almost as if villains were just surrendering at stations

And when they saw their pride making headlines again and criticizing a country's hero system and its heroes altogether, they couldn't help but feel proud of themselves

One of the main reasons why he was also named the All-Father was because of his deeds, he has established many private orphanages throughout the countries of Europe that is being properly monitored

An orphanage with the three dragon head symbol is known to be under the All-Father...and will also be the business logo of the future

In fact, there were some cases wherein teens try to lie their way to get in on one of the orphanages, this just goes to show well-managed and properly cared for it is

In simple terms, it was basically a hotel in the eyes of all! A place where children can relax and wait for adoption...though it seems the children within have troubles wanting to get adopted

Within these orphanages, there is a clinic always on stand by if any of the children need medical assistance due to quirk related accidents

The All-Father has also promoted centers for quirks that affect a person's behavior, mentality, or way of living, these centers were named Quirk Training Centers

When these centers appeared people with harmful quirks and even villains started seeking help and this caused the crime rate to drop even lower!

In these centers, citizens can apply for a Quirk Card after showing that they have adequate control of their quirk, and with the card they can use their quirk for protection and publicly

The way of living in Europe in general improved so much so that it was termed one of the safest places in the world

As the only criminals left are the ones who crave power, and these villains tend to be the ones most dangerous to society

This is why slowly but surely, Heroes from Europe tend to branch out into different countries outside of the European continent as it was just too peaceful!

Although this has worked wonders for Europe, it seems no other countries want to adopt such a system as what others see is...they lose a big business market when things are in order

What the citizens of Europe didn't know is that this worked in Europe due to the presence of their All-Father

As none of the big corporations could go against him even in the shadows, as they seem to just disappear the next day when they target him








Meanwhile, our beloved MC was just reading the newspaper in the head seat of a grand dining table, with his five adorable daughters in their respective baby booster seats

"Cooperation? Not interested~" Alexander said in a sarcastic manner


Little Eina called out as she began waving her arms trying to get the attention of someone

Alexander hearing her went to his daughter that was trying to get his attention and just hugged her tightly while rubbing his face against her soft plump baby cheeks

This earned him baby laughter from Little Eina, Alexander sensing the looks of his other four children also immediately grabbed them one by one

Though little Yin and Hana didn't like to be spun around but instead loved the warmth that came from hugs, however, it was different for Little Jasmine and Lokia as they liked being tossed into the air

'My daughters are growing rather fast aren't they?' Alexander distressedly thought as he wanted them to stay like this for as long as possible

After the family's meal, Alexander began placing his daughters into their respective cribs as they once again fell asleep after being spun and thrown in the air multiple times

Remembering the drivers from yesterday he asked, "Sebas, where are the drivers or the people who cooked our meals?"

"The drivers were from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a way to greet you considering your status and influence, and about the food, I cooked it" answered Sebas plainly

"Then that basically means that we have no employees under us to clean the building, I mean I can instantly do it but I don't want to" Alexander bitterly complained

"Master, we technically do have employees though they are in Europe" Sebas said, which promptly shocked Alexander

"Employees in Europe? What sort of background did you create for me?" Alexander questioned, as the background seemed so great

"The background I have created for you in Europe is..." and so Sebas began explaining the details of his Master's supposed background







"Orphanages? Quirk Training Center? Quirk Card? Sebas, you have outdone yourself!" I praised loudly, as showing appreciation when need is always important, though he only nodded

"Anyway, Sebas you should start hiring employees, I'll give you a list"


50 Maids and 50 Servants

10 Professional Chefs

3 Helicopter Pilots

10 Gardeners

1 Female lifeguard

5 Massage Specialist

2 Gym Specialist

1 Doctor 5 Nurses

5 Mechanics

For security create 30 JAVELINS, Ranger, with their own personality and souls, and as for Head of Security get Carter-A259, from NOBLE TEAM


(I picked them because they looked the most "normal" instead of SPARTANS)

"Tell the future workers that they can get the service of their fellow colleagues during their day-offs, and all employees will have to live within the premises" I added, as these things will get them more eager...though my reputation is enough

"Will carry the task on at once, Master" Sebas said with a bow and as he was about to leave, "Remove the ones with other motives!" I shouted and only received a nod in response







3rd Person

In front of the garden entrance of the Antilia and home of No. 1 Hero of Europe, All-Father, there were numerous employees standing neatly ready for their first day on the job.

All of them stood quiet and not making a sound, as they were professionals and have been hand-selected by none other than head butler Sebas!

The thing that makes these professionals stand out from others when walking on the street is that, on their left chest area, a three dragon head symbolic platinum pin can be seen showing who they work for

After a minute or so, the person that they all have been waiting for has arrived! And what happened next was anti-climatic

"Well...don't you all look dashing? Anyway, I'm going back to my children" he said while walking past all of them

All of them could only look at their new employer in a new light...although they knew it was the All-Father they all had one thing in mind. He is serious.

But now a new way of describing him came to light, he is eccentric.






Author: (I saw the huge boost in views! From 100K to 130K and this was an amazing motivator, anyway, cheers!)

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