
Meeting April... Start Of The Team Battles

I-Is it really you Kale (April)

How come everyone can tell who I am at first glance am I that easy to spot *Joschwa*

[Well You Do Have The Magic Mask On Plus You Made It So It'll Show The Features Of How You Would Of Looked If You Didn't Have Your Current Race]

You're right well still ten years and they still can still recognize me is kind of a good thing *Joschwa*

[Enough About That She's Still Waiting]

Almost forgot *Joschwa*

He looked into her beautiful silver blue eyes and was mesmerized by them. Even though he's seen all sorts of different eyes he still finds hers very beautiful. Realizing she was showing a slight irritated face because he hasn't answered yet he cleared his throat and said

Hi April (Joschwa)

Kale (April)

Yes April (Joschwa)

It's really you (April)

Yes it's really me April sorry It took me so long but I'm back (Joschwa)

Saying that he saw as she practically ran towards him as he hold out his arms to hug him but was surprise by the sudden slap

W-wha… (Joschwa)

Before he could question it she hugged him tightly as if she didn't want to let him go. It made him shock but then he heard her sobbing and could only sigh then hug her back and tell her

I'm back and I will never leave again (Joschwa)

She didn't respond but kept sobbing into his chest as he was finally taller than her as she could feel his muscular lean body through his clothes but she didn't care for that only that she could finally see him again. 

Everyone in the Spring High Academy break area who saw this was shocked to see an unknown ordinary looking man getting hugged by one of the most beautiful people in the whole city. . 

People started whispering amongst themselves about him like why can such an ordinary looking guy hug one of their beauties. And even got her to cry to him, they wanted to know who he was and if he belonged to some powerful family, clan or guild but they weren't very opportunist about it though. 

They didn't voice it to him because of April and her background so they could only whisper their thoughts. 

Even though they couldn't, there were a few who could and that was the instructors who came from the other academies. They were the ones who called out Joschwa for being here and are now being ignored which has irritated them.

Now their target of lust was being intimate with some unknown ordinary man that made them even more frustrated. They proceeded to closer as they finally spoke in a cold tone towards Joschwa

Aye vermin you're quite bold to try to take away a woman that I have set my eyes on (Male Instructor)

Bray I think he letting this get to his head just because she hug him out of pity, pathetic (Another Male Instructor)

Your right Jean, just look at him. His looks aren't better than any of us but we have tried everything to get her to talk to us over the past few years now. And he didn't do anything but she's all over him (Another Male Instructor)

The onlookers had the same thoughts, what was so special about him that he could get a hug and tears out of one of our goddesses. It truly made them wonder about him. 

Seeing as Joschwa hasn't paid them any attention since the beginning to now which pissed them off completely as they approached Joschwa.

People around seeing this starting saying things like

Does he not know what he's got himself in now (An Instructor)

I don't think so, just look at him seems like he's from the countryside (Another Instructor)

Bray he's so dreamy, I'll let him do anything he wants (A female Instructor)

Keep dreaming, your qualifications are non-existent for him to pay any attention to and you're older Karla (Another Female Instructor)

You're no better Lana but it looks like he set his eyes on Instructor Bennett even though older is experiencer (Karla)

<Scoffs> Whatever but it looks like she rather have that country bumpkin instead by the looks of it (Lana)

<Sighing> If only I was few more years younger (Karla)

Lana just look at her friend and shake her head but soon turned her head towards Joschwa's direction as things started heating up.

Vermin get away from April now (Bray)

Don't you know who we are, you better listen (Jean)

Or else (A Male Instructor)

Hmm.. let's head somewhere more private because all I hear is a bunch of lowly vermins here (Joschwa)

Saying that last part in a cold voice towards the people who were ruining their moment together. Not ever putting anyone in this break area in his eyes all he did was glanced at them then looked back to April, who had finished wiping her tears away and looked shocked at what he said.

It seems what he said was something she thought he would never have said ten years ago. It made her think

What has happened to you since then Kale *April*

He saw as she was in a daze looking at him which made him think what could be the reason but decided it was nothing. He cleared his throat to get her attention and said

April, April did you hear what I said

Y-yeah sorry what did you say again (April)

I said let's go somewhere more private so we can talk (Joschwa)

Smiling towards her as he told her what he said made her blush but she quickly recovered as she realized people were looking at them. 

She finally notices the four instructors from two other academies which cause her to feel embarrassed at what she did then look up at Joschwa again as he was still giving her that smile she misses so much. Snapping back before getting off track again she answered him

Yes I know a place that's great for us follow me (April)

<Slight Chuckle> Okay (Joschwa)

But before they could leave out the door the instructor named Bray grabbed Joschwa's shoulder and squeezed it with his SS-Rank strength that could break any ordinary people without much effort. 

Smirking as he waited to see the pain face of Joschwa but was shocked to feel how tough his body was. Thinking to himself

What's up with his body why is it so hard isn't he just some country bumpkin *Bray*

The more he thought the more absurd his delusions got like thinking that Joschwa has some kind of defensive treasure on or because he's a country bumpkin so they're naturally tougher than the average person. 

Thinking this far he decided to increase his strength a little but before he could, April spoke

Instructor Collinton what do you want with Kale (April)


Don't call me by my name we're not that close and remove your hand that's rude (April)

Moving his hands off of Joschwa with a slight killing intent that wasn't noticeable but Joshcwa noticed it and just smiled to himself about it. Bray who looked at April and said 

Instructor Bennett if you have accepted my invitations to go out then we could get that close and more so how about it (Bray)

I've already told you that I'm not interested in you why can't you understand that (April)

I only want a chance to change that if you let me (Bray)

I said…(April)

Just think about it little more first okay (Bray)

Saying that as he moved closer to April who was in thought but then she saw as Joschwa came in front of her as she was slightly in front of him after Bray let him go and moved back some. 

Looking at that tall strong back of the friend that she missed so much made her heart speed up as she blushed about realizing Joschwa isn't a boy anymore but a man now. A man she has had feelings for since childhood. 

Seeing as Joschwa came in between the two Bray got more irritated but he soon heard Joschwa spoke to them in a mocking voice with coldness included

She said she's not interested so either leave or go after someone else 

W-why you…I am the first young master of the Collinton Family and an Instructor at the Emperor's Academy in Randu City. Do you believe that I can make you disappear and no one would even care if I did. That's the difference between you and me vermin (Bray)

Look he's so scared that he can't even talk anymore hehe (Jean)

Haha he had eyes and failed to see who he shouldn't offend now he's life won't be so easy (The Other Male Instructor)

You're right Klaude he should of stayed in the countryside where he belongs (Jean)

They just continue to laugh and insult Joschwa as he did bother to look at people who are nothing in his eyes. But then April spoke up in an anger voice to them

You take someone who my family is close with as someone who you all can threaten. Are the Bennetts a joke to you?

Miss Bennett we… (Klaude)

Shut up this isn't your place to talk let's go Joschwa (April)

She's still that impulsive firecracker when it comes to the people she cares about huh well that's what made her so cute *Joschwa*

You will cause strife between our families over someone like him who doesn't have any background (Bray)

Someone like him is a millions times better than some pretentious self-absorbed narcissist like you or any other person I've ever come across so to your question, yes now have a good day Instructor Collinton (April)

She grabbed Joschwa's hand and left with him under everyone's gaze as they were shocked and envious of some of their faces. Seeing as the two were leaving Bray was fuming with anger as he looked at them with killing intent as he saw Joschwa look back to him with a smirk and cold eyes. 

The four soon left right after because they didn't won't to stay as everyone was trying not to look at them. 

Walking back to their respective academies the last Instructor with them said 

Bray I know you so how you want to teach that vermin and b***h a lesson

Adin... Fronis...Parken (Bray)

Yes young master (Adin,Fronis,Parken)

Find out everything about that guy and set up a meeting with the Vadis Clan's young master and make sure you treat him with as much respect you would treat my father, he has quite the temper I heard and mention the secret tomb we found here. That'll get him interested. I'm sure of that and one of you go tail him understand (Bray)

Yes young master (Adin,Fronis,Parken)

His special guards vanished to carry out their orders and he turn to the other instructor and said 

Soon we'll all get to have our way with her 

What about the Bennetts though you two are good since your family is on par with hers but not ours (Jean)

Don't worry about that (Bray)

Why not they… (Klaude)

Because more things are to come today just relax and get ready for the show right Leo (Bray)

Yes you'll see something new after today (Leo)

Hmm what are these two going on about (Jean)

I don't know but it looks like something major is going to happen soon, well we'll see when it happens I guess (Klaude)

As they broke off to head to their respective academies as it was almost time for the third round to begin the team battles. 

April led Joschwa to her classroom where she made a protective sound barrier so no one could disturb them. Turning around after finishing she didn't notice Joschwa had created another barrier and also put up an illusion barrier up to. Once getting her thoughts together she finally spoke 

Kale I have a few questions I hope you could answer 

<Smile> I understand ask away I'll answer all I can (Joschwa)

<Relaxed her breathing> First question… Where have you been for ten years (April)

I was in another dimension and yes it's true you know I would never lie to you (Joschwa)

Unless it's something related to Priella, then I apologize in advance *Joschwa*

I'll believe you for now (April)

<Smile> Thank you (Joschwa)

Tsk, that smile again *April*

Then what have you been doing over there (April)

I have been surviving each and everyday while growing stronger in order to do three things (Joschwa)

What are those three things (April)

To find a way home, protect everyone I care about and to help them grow stronger also (Joschwa)

Saying as he looked at her with soft eyes with love in them as she blushed knowing what he means and the look he's giving her that's making her heart race. 

She cleared her mind to get back on track and ask more questions like how he has been, had he made any friends and did he miss her.

And of course he told her he's been good, made lots of friends and close friends. Also telling her he missed her a lot that there wasn't a day that went by that he wished he could see her again and now it finally can. 

That put a smile on her face while blushing then she said something he knew was coming but still gulped at the question.

My last question is how long have you been back (April)

Looking at him with narrowed eyes as to see what his answer would be and what he said made her mad and sad 

About a month or so now (Joschwa)

Y-you been back that long and you didn't think I would have wanted to know. I even came to your house to see if the person John told me was actually you but when everyone told me they still haven't found you yet I was heartbroken to know it wasn't you who saved him but someone with your name. And now you tell me it was you and you have been here for over a month now. Why Kale, why didn't you come see me do you have any idea how much I missed you or how much I could see you again. (April)

Saying all that she began to cry again and Joschwa went to hug her with a pained expression with guilt knowing it's his fault but he had no choice. Actually he was just indecisive about the whole thing but no excuse he should have gone to see her long ago. 

Hearing her cry he thought to himself that he wouldn't do that to her or anyone ever again which made him think about some people he left in the other dimensions that he has a promise to keep and he'll keep it.

April I just couldn't bear to see you cry but I was being selfish and not thinking about how you would feel. I'm sorry and I promise you or anyone else won't have to worry about me leaving you ever again (Joschwa)

After calming down a bit she remember something and asked him

Kale so that means your family knew you were back since I asked about you right (April)

Yeah sorry they said it was best if I told you since it's supposed to be my place too. They told me to tell you they're extremely sorry about lying to you then so they hope you could forgive them and me too. (Joschwa)

Of course I forgive them I'm not upset about it but I would have like to have know though (April)

Haha I know sorry so does that mean you forgive me too (Joschwa)

Hmm not quite, you have some major work to do for me to forgive you but I'm happy you're back (April)

Don't worry I'll make it up to you in anyway I can and I happy to be back (Joschwa)

As they hugged each other for a couple more minutes but soon heard the sound for the next round to begin in five minutes so everyone can head back to the arena now. 

They reluctantly separated while looking in each other's eyes, then smiled as they cleared their throats from embarrassment. 

Seems it's about time for the next rounds to begin, we should head back before they start to worry where I am (April)

Yeah I'll head to the spectators seats and watch the tournament from up there and once it's over I'll come get you and take you out to eat (Joschwa)

<Smiling> Okay it's a date then (April)

As she blush from what she said

Yes a date, now we better go before they really coming looking you (Joschwa)

They chuckle at the thought of that actually happening and proceed to leave after taking down the barriers. While leaving Joscwha called out to April 

April (Joschwa)

Yes? (April)

You look even more beautiful since the last time I saw you (Joscwha)

She blushed as she heard that and practically ran away in embarrassment even though she normally wouldn't but it was said by the person who she was always waiting for. 

It made her like old times and she just smiled as she glanced back to him to see he's still smiling and walking after her but she's already turned the corner to go back to the arena. 

Seeing how she went in a hurry like that he just shake his head smiling but soon his whole demeanor changed from the sweet, loving, gentle person he just was to the cold, calculative, ruthless and merciless person he has been described as for thousands of years in the other dimensions. 

Looking in a dark shaded corner of the hallway he had a murderous intent as he could feel and see a person who has been waiting on them or precisely him to come out. He knew that person was there since they were in the middle of talking.

He let that person know where exactly they were just so he could ask why he's spying on them. He said to the person in a cold voice

I already know you're there why don't you come on out already and tell me why you're spying on us and don't think about running away 

Oh so you can see me huh impressive but that's not good enough I was just going to follow you without making a move until I'm told to but since it came to this let me take your life and present your head to the young master (Adin)

Removing the sword that he carries, Adin channel his mana through it and makes it glow green as the Collinton Family uses the earth element with the bloodline of a three horned earth snake.  

Once he was close enough to swing his sword at the neck of Joschwa he smirked with killing intent and then used a movement skill to appear behind Joschwa as he proceeded to swing his sword Supreme Grade(Purple) Sword to chop his neck off in one motion.

Thinking that he was about to succeed made him laugh on the inside but soon he realized that  all of it was for not. He soon found that his vision changed as he was now looking at the ceiling then he soon saw his sword in his hand along with his body but it was missing something. It was his head. He soon heard Joschwa said

Don't worry your young master will join you soon enough but in the meantime you should go prepare for his arrival don't you think Adin (Joschwa)

As he heard that he wondered as he's head was falling from above, how did he know his name and how come he didn't see him make a move. And his last thoughts were, young master you need to leave he's not someone we should have provoked.

He soon completely died as his head hit the floor and Joschwa just looked on with an expressionless face as he was only getting rid of a weak vermin who didn't know his place and soon he'll be joined by many. 

He left the place after sending his shadow to devour the corpse and head while releasing the barrier he made for this moment. He left to find the spectators seats and as he was walking he made a shadow clone with the exact looks, skills, aura, etc. of Adin. 

Having no expression on his face as he told the clone his orders

Go report back to that young master of his and act accordingly, I gave you his memories and everything else so no one will ever be able to different you from the real one okay (Joschwa)

Yes I understand (Clone Adin)

Good I'll contact you with further orders but make sure you get report all his moves to me (Joschwa)

Yes master (Clone Adin)

<Muttering> It's been awhile since I used them looks like I'll get to soon (Joschwa)

The clone Adin vanished to report back to young master Collinton while Joschwa proceeded to where he was going

You was already on made me want to get rid of you and now you made it faster for me to do it thank you *Joschwa*

[What A Bad Ending That's To Come]

Well then let's see how today's show will be Priella (Joschwa)

[Of Course]

Next chapter