
Home At Last

Did you said his name was Kale (April)

Y-yes (Johnathan)

Being surprised as April grabbed him suddenly

S-sorry John, ahem so he told you his name was Kale right (April)

Yes (Johnathan)

<Muttering> Is it him, has he finally come back but why didn't he stay here if it was he or was it someone else (April)

Big sister April (Johnathan)

It's nothing so did this Mr. Kale say why he couldn't stay (April)

Not really he just said he had somewhere to be but we did talk a lot (Johnathan)

You did what did you two talk about (April)

He asked about my family (Johnathan)

Why and what did you tell him (April)

I told him about them, my missing uncle and how much they miss him (Johnathan)

Why did you tell him about your family, who knows what he would do with that information (April)

I don't know but I felt like I could trust him. He felt familiar to me even though it was our first time meeting (Johnathan)

He felt familiar, how? (April)

He resembled dad, grandfather and even me but he seemed to be an E-Human with no trace of elf blood that I could feel like with my dad, grandma and aunts. (Johnathan)

Are you sure, what did he said about your missing uncle (April)

He asked if they were still looking for him and I told him yes that's all (Johnathan)

Is that all he said, did he not said who he is and why he asked about them (April)

No that's all big sis sorry (Johnathan)

It's fine John but promise me you'll be more careful when talking to someone you just met especially about your family okay (April)

Okay (Johnathan)

Is it him or not I need to verify it for myself and the only way to verify is to go to his home but I won't be able to do that today since this has happened *April*

Haaa well since everyone has been checked out we should head back to the Academy where your parents are now with everyone else's (April)

Mom and dad are what about Kayla (Johnathan)

No I talked to them while coming here and she's at your grandparents now (April)

Okay (Johnathan)

After their conversation the head of the academy started to address everyone 

May I have everyone's attention.. I'd like to apologize about what has happened to you all today… The dungeon management team who determined this dungeon's level has been questioned about it.. We were told that they evaluated it's level three days ago and it was a level 1 dungeon (Head Of Academy)

Mr. Tex how could that be we saw some unique onis and they were peak level 3 monsters so how is it possible for them to be in a level 1 dungeon that was regularly evaluated three days ago (A male instructor)

Well instructor Igin… (Mr. Tex)

Coming back from checking the dungeon level one of the dungeon management team spoke out

<Ahem> Allow me to answer (Male Dungeon Management Employee)

Yes Mr. O'vin please (Mr.Tex)

Right… the evaluation teams always change each time so this team did the same thing as the others. Using a mana device that measures the amount of mana particles that's in a dungeon which will determine the rank of monsters that are possible for a dungeon. No one is able to manipulate the device with their mana because the dungeon mana particles and the outside mana particles are different as the dungeon mana particles are meant for monsters. It doesn't mean that it's harmful to us just that it won't help us as much and that goes for monsters when in the dungeon too. (Mr. O'vin)

What about the monsters in the tower or outside (Igin)

Well you'll have to ask the tower management team about it but all I know is that the tower monsters weren't created in the tower like the dungeon monsters that were created in the dungeons (Mr. O'vin)

So you mean that they came from another world or something (A Female Instructor)

Maybe, but the tower association hasn't gotten any conclusive evidence yet but enough about that. As I was saying you don't have to worry about any tampered results or anything. (Mr.O'vin)

So what you're saying is that for some reason that peak level 3 monsters were there because… (Mr.Tex)

The mana particles in the dungeon has become more abundant since three days ago and that's concerning (Mr. O'vin) 

Why concerning (A Female Instructor)

Well Mrs. Narvile, this could indicate that the other dungeons levels have changed also and there could be other places that have changed or maybe our world has started to change more. So that's both bad and good (Mr. O'vin)

How? (Mr.Igin)

It could help us develop better and grow stronger as the mana will become more abundant but it could also change monsters and by the looks of it for the better. (April)

It could also cause some problems within the governments as well as bring out those types of groups (Mr.Tex)

Yu mean… (Mrs. Narvile)

Yes those secluded families and organizations including the dark ones (April)

<Sigh> Exactly, which means we have to make sure we can prepare for it because I have a feeling it won't be too long before there's chaos in the world (Another Male With Mr. O'vin)

Well, we'll go back to the association and report this matter so the higher ups can decide what to do before telling the President of Atario (Mr. O'vin)

Yes Mr. O'vin but if you don't mind could you keep us posted about it (Mr. Tex)

Of course no problem Mr. Tex, now see you all later (Mr. O'vin)

Seeing as the dungeon management team has left the Head of the Academy spoke up to everyone again 

Now that, that's done it's time to head back to the Academy where your parents are waiting for you all and for the next five days the academy will be closed so get some rest but don't slack off okay kids

Yes Mr. Tex (All The Kids)

As some of the Instructors and Adventurers that had been assigned to assist in the training have left after the adventurers were sorry about what happened and took responsibility for any kid that got harm just as the instructors did the same. 

The headmaster didn't find fault in them since there was no way they could know something like this would happen plus there were no cascutiles. They will probably have to re-evaluate their ranks and possibly apologize to the parents along with the academy but nothing harsh.

Next to Mr. Tex was April and Johnathan which he asked both of them something 

I was told by Instructor Frikuxs that an unknown group of people consisted of men and women whose ages ranged from late teens to mid 20s came from the depths of the dungeon and saved them. He also said that the youngest looking one might possibly be from a secluded family and that he was more dangerous than the five with him who acted like bodyguards is that correct (Mr. Tex)

Looking towards the two and April was the one who answer

That's correct Mr. Tex but according to Johnathan they had just come from the lower floors when they saw Johnathan and the others in a predicament. Which the person name Kale....

That's the young man's name, so this Kale killed both the unique onis that the C rank adventurers and D rank instructors could only barely defend . (Mr. Tex)

Yes Mr. Tex but big brother Kale isn't a bad person he talked to me and I got to know that he's a much kinder person than he let us to believe (Johnathan)

I heard about you getting close to him and you should know that, that wasn't something you're were supposed to do (Mr. Tex)

<Downcast eyes> I know but I felt that I could trust him I'm sorry (Johnathan)

April looking at Mr. Tex with eyes that told him to fix John from feeling bad about it 

<Sigh> It's not your fault it's because he saved everyone and it made you more trusting to him since he didn't have too and it looks like he doesn't want anything from you or us since he didn't stick around long enough for us to meet him.  (Mr.Tex)

Yes sir that's what it seems like but I did see two extra people when we first got here where are they now (April)

It seems that Kale person told them to stay here in case something else goes wrong while waiting for us since he need to be somewhere important but they left the moment we got here so I didn't see who they were (Mr. Tex)

I see too bad I would like to ask them about that person who seems to be their young master (April)

Yeah me too, I have lots of questions for them but for now let's head back okay you two (Mr.Tex)

Okay headmaster (Both)

Have they already known about this long ago or are they the cause.. I need to go back and make some calls… I wonder why you specifically talked to Johnathan.. I'll probably know when we find out who and where he is *Mr. Tex*

Thought about as he left after April and Johnathan did

Joschwa and the rest are about home. On their way there he told the three to drop Lyn's friends off at the hospital so that they could rest more. Their mini system has updated since coming to this dimension, equipped with their own holographic maps they could also find the hospital with little help. 

Their mini systems don't have a store but it does have it's own missions for them but they only gain stat and skill points. Joschwa is allowed to buy and use anything in his store for anyone he wants to.

Coming back the three said it was done 

I hope you didn't just leave them in front of the hospital door like some trash right (Joschwa)

O-of course not we properly let those healers take them before leaving Kale (Shadow)

Oh okay good my bad (Joschwa)

Seems like those two have completed what you asked (Sheva)

As she said that both Colvin and Rain appeared out of Joschwa's shadow as they are able to and vice versa but that's because they are his contracted beasts

Yes (Rain)

We're back Lord Kale (Colvin)

Joschwa looking at him weirdly as Lyn looked to both with weird expressions also 

<Muttering> This bastard, he knows he doesn't call me like that  (Joschwa)

Aye bastard tell me again why I'm contracted to you again *Joschwa*

It's because some idiot thought it would be wise to just walk into a dragon's lair because he was a dragon himself not knowing dragons are territorial to even their own kind or you just had a death wish at that time you choose *Colvin*

[I Believe It Was Both] 

You too Priella, well it's old news but that doesn't say why I contracted with you though] *Joschwa*

[It's because of a certain skill I have if I recalled *Shadow*

Oh what skill *Sheva*

That skill remember all the trouble he was in at that time with that King back then *Shadow*

Ah that skill yeah I remember now *Sheva*

Whatever, anyway did everything went smoothly *Joschwa*

Yeah no problems *Colvin*

Well it looks like it's time (Joschwa)

Time for what (Elverlyn)

To see them (Joschwa)

Oh yeah it looks like we're finally home (Elverlyn)

Coming to the house where they grew up till now Joschwa was happy, sad, nervous but excited to see them again after so long

By the way Lyn these two are Colvin and Rain, you two this is my sister Elverlyn (Joschwa)

They greeted each other, shake hands then watched as Joschwa walked at a slightly fast pace to the gate then opening it as he knew they we're at the back but slow down a little as he thought to himself about something irrelevant

You know I always thought it was stupid to keep secrets or wait forever to reveal who you are to your loved ones


Because the moment you made enemies was the moment it didn't matter if you kept it a secret since one way or another they would find out about your family regardless so my motto was to kill any and everyone who showed me any murderous intent no matter how little it was because it could bloom into a major problem later on like that time *Joschwa*

[That Still Bothers You]

Of course because if I was more mature and ruthless they wouldn't had to die but if those people come to this dimension or come after my love ones they won't be able to run away like last time *Joschwa*

[It Would Be Hard For Them To Cross Here As Of Right Now]

I know what you mean and when that time comes, I'll make sure it'll be their last dimensional travel *Joschwa*

Let's put that all for later now it's my long awaited reunion with my family so without delay (Joschwa)

Saying that as they could hear him Elverlyn came to her brother and they both walked back to where his parents and sisters were located. He could also see another little girl who looks to be about 6 or 7 he thought it must be my niece smiling he said

<Muttering> Looks like I'll be meeting both of my brothers kids before him huh (Joschwa)

What that (Lyn)

Nothing (Joschwa)

Shrugging off what she didn't hear they came to where their parents, sisters and niece were. Elverlyn said as they didn't see or hear them yet

Mom, Dad, Melkalina and Selondra guess who's home 

As they all heard Elverlyn's voice and what she said they at first thought it was her older brother but when they turned to see. They were shocked, then happy and started crying as Joschwa said

I'm home 

As they all shouted Josh and their niece who didn't know what was going on also came along with them as they all hugged him

<Muttering> I'm really home (Joschwa)

Next chapter