
Side Story - Lucy and Rudel (Part 2)

This month was a crazy one.

Rudel defeated a group of mysterious guys, then took on Derrick without an armed unit, won him over.

Then he went to demand compensation from the six great nobles for what happened.

My heart beat as if I had run a marathon for hours.

Today I was happy, as since I now live in Erselica-chan's mansion, every day is fun.

Rudel and the boys get to fool around together. Yesterday they went fishing and the day before yesterday they went to a bar and got into a fight with the customers.

But my reason for being happy is only one.

There's a festival in town today!

Something like this is rare since usually events like this are planned by the great nobles, but it seems like it's an event after learning that Derrick is imprisoned.


"What do you mean you can't go?"

Erselica-chan and her boyfriends... it's still weird to me to know that these guys, not counting Rudel and the servant Allen, are her love interests.

It's amazing the free expression of love in the kingdom.

"I'm sorry, but these guys have to go to the embassy since they keep questioning us."

"I can go since they don't have to ask anything."

The person who said that was the most unexpected, Rudel with interest said he wanted to go.

I was going to invite him obviously, but I thought he would say something like. "For sure there are going to be a lot of troubled people who want my money."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure. I'm anyway bored until they finish setting up the comps."

"I understand."

For a moment, our gazes met and I averted mine from his.

Why did I do that?


"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Not at all."

We set off in the morning on a bike Rudel bought recently.

I was on the back in a short dress. And him, normal clothes for being at home.

He said that instead of using a cab it would be better to go like this.

I have no problem with that as there is a bicycle area so you can go quietly.

Some people were looking at us, it made me feel embarrassed as they would think we are a young couple.


After arriving at the festival, the whole place was lively.

We went to eat some meat skewers first.

You could put any toppings on it.

I dipped it in cheese sauce and he dipped it in some kind of green paste.

After the first bite, he screamed since it was that condiment was called wasabi or something.


Now we were on a carousel. It's fun to ride one.

But it seems Rudel can't handle the ride as he was getting dizzy and eventually threw up.


Now we were lining up for a few rotating rates to get on.

There were children to adults in line.

A man came up to us and asked if we were a couple as usually couples come up to cuddle without being noticed.

I felt a little embarrassed that he thought that.

I looked at him to see what he thought, but it seems wrong so we went from there to rest.


I never noticed it, but it was already getting dark.

The sun was setting.

It was a really fun day.

It's a pity for Erselica-chan and the others, but it was a very fun day for me.

Before the end of the day we got on this big spinning wheel.

I was on one end and Rudel was on the other.

I enjoyed seeing how big the city was.

It bothered me that this country was called the supreme kingdom. It's a very ostentatious name for a country.

Well, this country is the one where Vermillion Household, my late house was in charge of controlling.

But that all changed one day after the fire.

It pains me to remember, but there's no point in dwelling on the past anymore.

Without warning the wheel stopped. I got scared thinking that something bad was happening.

Then I noticed that the couple who got on before us in another carriage were kissing.

I blushed because of that unexpected act.

Not only them, the couple behind us were doing the same thing.

Wait, why are they doing that?

Don't tell me the reason why they only let two people per carriage on board was for this reason!

I felt so embarrassed, as soon as I looked at Rudel, he was asleep, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

It bothered me for some reason.

As night fell already, I don't know how much longer I had to wait until this colossus started normally.

At that moment, the most beautiful thing I've seen all day happened.

"How cute~!"

On the side of the window I watched fireworks being launched.

No matter what place I saw, everything emanated happiness from people's faces.

This happiness was the one I couldn't enjoy because of Sara's harassments and Jude's insistences.

But now, thanks to this boy, I can enjoy that.

My gaze went to his face.

I didn't notice it before.

But his hair is shiny in the night. It's black in color, but with a little light it makes it shine like it's daytime.

I didn't notice as I stood up and placed myself close to him.

Why am I doing this?

I hugged him. Why am I doing this? I don't understand.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me."

Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I... I was scared, I had no one to help me. But you and only you, you had the kindness and strength to not only do it. You also showed me that one can change the fate that awaits oneself."

I think I understand her.

I looked at Rudel, he asleep as if he were an innocent baby.

I feel ashamed of myself for not noticing.

"This is a gift for being the best man I've ever known."

My lips moved to his face. I touched his cheeks with a kiss.

It was the first time I had not only touched a man's body. It was also the first time I kissed someone other than my parents or Diana.

It was only on the cheek. But how would it feel if it was on the lips?

It's not the first time I've wanted to do that.

I wanted to have a boyfriend to do couple things with. But that never happened thanks to Jude.

Just as I was about to address my lips to his mouth, he woke up.

"Your Majesty I'm sorry, I won't hit your husband again, but don't look at me like that please!"

"Huh? What am I doing here?"

Quickly when he woke up, I headed to my seat as it really scared me.

"You were asleep while we came up here. That really made me freak out."

"S-Seriously? Sorry, I gave you a hard time."

"Not at all, you could say that... I really enjoyed you sleeping."

"Is that so? Sorry, I'll make it up to you tomorrow by buying something delicious at the market."


After that, when I was getting off the wagon we got out and went straight to the bike.

All the way home, I hugged him under the excuse that I was afraid in the dark.


"Rudel, there was a bacon left over, here."

"Thank you."

Today was dangerous and exciting at the same time.

After going to the market we ran into Jude, I felt terrified, but today Rudel showed me a side that made my heart leap.

He reached out his hand and said let's go home.

As a woman, I feel there is no turning back with my feelings.

I, fell in love with him.

In fact, I feel very happy to say it inside.

I thought all the strange things we both experienced were a sign that he wanted with me. I felt annoyed since this guy didn't realize that his plate was the only one in a heart shape.

Even now I watched him eat with a smile.

Well, it doesn't matter if he doesn't notice now or not. I have a whole year to be able to enjoy being with him and decide what I will do after that.

"Rudel, you're a count, you shouldn't neglect your image."

"Thank you again."

I hope, this is the happiness I've been looking for.

Since he alone, has made my heart beat at full speed just by seeing him.

For a girl, love is certainly a wonderful thing.

Lucy's point of view on what happened, part two.

With this, I think Lucy is rivaling the queen or those 2 as the best waifu and girl... right?

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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