
Save 58 - Friendship

After Lucy-chan slept forever we went to bury her in the backyard of Erselica's mansion.

We didn't bury her in the front garden because we didn't want to step on her grave by mistake, but instead we buried her in the courtyard next to some flowers to remember her by.

I and everyone else grew fond of her. Erselica seemed to want to hold my hand as she too remembered when we buried the last pet we had.

But it would be rare for her to do that so it remained in that feeling.

I stood in the yard for a while as the others came in.

The feeling of losing something you love is really excruciating.

The last time I felt it was in my past life. In my new life I haven't experienced something like that until this moment.

Fortunately I didn't lose anyone I cared about during the war against the commonwealth, but others did lose their families and loved ones.

If... I had lost my father, or Lyle, or Bram. And even if Alisa or Airi had something happen to them, I don't think I know how I would have reacted.


The one who came over to talk to me was Lucy.

"Are you feeling better now?"

I wasn't crying, but the feeling of sadness showed on my face.

"A little. Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone."

She shook out her hair, since she wasn't wearing her pigtails, her hair was untied and I could see how long it was.

"No. I'm the one who should be thanking you for rescuing her. The truth... I was scared when that guy kicked her."

"And I didn't do it earlier because of everything that happened, but, thank you for rescuing me. Rudel-kun... no, Rudel, thank you for showing me that there are people who can change fate in their favor."

"What are you talking about?"

I didn't understand what she said to me.

Lucy came over to me and sat next to me.

Almost our thighs were touching.

"Today you showed me several sides of you. You can be both heroic and terrifying. Kind as well as annoying. But mostly..."

She turned her face toward me. Our faces stared at each other.

"You've shown me that despite the crazy thing you did today, you're someone very human. Getting all teary-eyed over a pet is something I've rarely seen."

"Is that so rare? Sorry, but I'm unique."

"I've realized how unique and very special you are."

"That 'special' felt like it was more of an offense."

Lucy laughed a little.

"That's because you're not normal. No, seriously, who the hell fights an armed unit in real flesh and blood? I'll never forget what I just saw."

I was embarrassed since I was called weird. I'm not weird, what's weird is this bizarre fantasy world.

"I.-I'm sorry you saw my greatness in all its splendor."

"Indeed. Today I observed what the Hero of the Realm is capable of. No doubt Aster will not go quietly."

That's another problem.

"It's likely I'll be deported back to my country and no longer be able to continue studying."

Lucy's expression changed to one of sadness at hearing that.

"T-That's true... you'll probably go back to your country after that."

"That's a shame... I was getting used to speaking to you in Aster's language."

Lucy gave a light laugh.

"You suck at speaking my language, we'd better switch to yours since it makes you so much more comfortable, right?"

I looked at her in amazement.

"Are you sure, you want to hear how I yell at those kids in my native tongue?"

"I've heard worse things coming from you in my native tongue."

We both laughed a little.

It was getting dark.

Hurried footsteps came right at us.


The one shouting in a tone of alarm was Chlust.

"I know you're sad, but sadness is a very bad taste in your mouth that needs to be washed out as soon as possible!"

I didn't understand what this boy was talking about.

Liam and the other boys were behind Chlust.

"For that reason, let's improve your mood, by the way, let's celebrate your victory."

My expression of joy warped to one of disgust when Liam suggested I join them.

"Who the hell wants to go with you guys? I'm fine on my own- hey, get off me you idiots. help, Erselica!"

The idiots grabbed my shoulders and feet. Among them were Clovis and Warren joined in.

"Get off your bitter side, let's celebrate."

They were leading me to the door, at that moment, Erselica called out to them.

"Hey, where are you guys going? The food will be here in a few hours."

They stopped and Frey was the one who spoke.

"We're going to go celebrate the Count's victory and take off that sad face."

"Lolica, tell your boyfriends to bring me down!"

"Ah yes..."

She was thoughtful for a moment then stabbed at me.

"Don't drink too much and be here in less than two hours. I don't want the food to go to waste."


Hey, why you betray me little loli.

"No, let go of me!"

Lucy and Erselica's servant-friends also arrived.

"Fare you well~."

"Drink with caution, especially Chlust."

"Count, I ask that you please do not allow Chlust and the prince to have a duel of who drinks the most. You don't want to see a monstrosity."

The door opened and out we all came.


We got into a cab and it brought us to this fancy bar.

I was sitting in a bad mood as these idiots brought me against my will. Wait, isn't this just like kidnapping, I can report them!

"Umm, uh... first of all I, Liam, do not refer to me as the crown prince as I am currently not. I want to celebrate for two reasons."

Liam stood up with a mug of cold beer in his hand, the others had one too. I did not as my body does not tolerate alcohol for some reason. I asked for a glass of carbonated drink instead.

Everyone looked at me funny, even the bartender.

"Let's give condolences by way of a toast to Bunny Lucy, who despite being a pet, filled us with joy for a short time and was part of our group."

We all took a sip of that toast.

Oddly enough, in the kingdom toasting the deceased is the ultimate way to show respect for them. After the war there was an alcohol-only party to toast fallen comrades.

After the burials, many carried barrels of beer and spread them on the grave of their acquaintances. Apparently in my previous life there was such a custom and they adapted that in the game.

After giving a big toast, Liam continued.

"Now, let's drink to Bradford. Who not only defeated that despicable Derrick, but also defeated the supreme kingdom in a defensive battle of which they are very proud."

Hey, don't say that, the bartender was surprised by what you said.

We were drinking at the bar. I was in the middle, to my right were Clovis and Warren.

As for my left were the red, green and silver.

I was calmly sipping my glass which was 0 alcohol when out of nowhere Clovis hugged me.

"You really are amazing Bradford. Today has been a crazy day for you hahaha."

Clovis was reeking of alcohol. Warren added to what this drunk was saying.

"I can say the same thing myself. It's amazing not only what happened in the duel. But that he had to fight the Cashmiro Family before is amazing."

"It certainly is."

Frey was now the one speaking.

"They´re even more wanted than that man ever was. In case you don't remember I'm talking about the bloody knight."

"Don't remind me of that guy. It's a miracle I won him without losing a limb."

"Huhh, so it's true!"

The one who unexpectedly said that was Warren.

We all looked at them.

"Count... you actually defeated one of the greatest legends of the battlefield, and by yourself?"

"You bet!"

Chlust instead of myself was the one answering.

After taking a large sip of his beer he spoke.

"My father was even jealous of him, he said 'as a warrior I'm ashamed that a brat the same age as my son was the one who killed him and I wasn't', the funniest thing is that he started drinking because of how sorry he was."

(Good thing I know your father from afar.)

"Even if that's so, it's not that big of a deal Warr-"

As I turned to answer Warren, his eyes were red,

"... It's not that big of a deal, you say?"

"Warren? Hey..."

"You idiot!"


This guy made his eyes pop out of his glasses and then he pushed Clovis aside and held my shoulders.

"We're talking about that guy and you just say 'no big deal'! You idiot are! That guy was a worldwide threat and you defeated him, you should be bragging about it...i f it was me... if it was me!"

I was scared, this guy who seemed normal was behaving weird.

Then what he said, left me even more confused.

"If it were me, I definitely would have gotten points with Erselica!"


My expression like my body's was that of a blank drawing.

"Excuse me... but did you say Erselica?"

"That's right!"

"You mean it!"

What the hell was it that happened to result in this?

"Erselica certainly is a wonderful girl I'd like to show off that accomplishment to, just like that, I'm sure my family would accept her!"

"... Wouldn't they?"

"Absolutely not!"

"After all, as the son of a Count, I must commit myself to a girl who will bring benefits to my house, I never really cared about that until I met Erselica and could see how wonderful she was."

Again I didn't know what to say or how to react to this.

"She is without a doubt a wonderful girl who cares for others, her sense of humility is sublime, even being in a chaotic situation like having a curse on her neck, she showed no weakness."

(She didn't because she was scared inside which prevented her body from reacting.)

(The good thing is that after the duel against Derrick the mark disappeared according to her, I noticed it when I was changing my clothes.)

"Hey, Warren, I don't get it."

Clovis, who was lying on the floor got up.

I thought he was going to hit her when he said something even more egregious.

"You forgot to say that Erselica is good at cooking!"

"That's what you're worried about!"

"Of course!"

Clovis made a fist as he grabbed my shoulder to tell me unimaginable things.

"Listen well, Bradford... no, I think as we will now meet many more times, we must forget the past. I apologize for Alicelotte."

"... Actually, I don't mind since I took it out on you that day and Alisa herself forgot about it so I don't think that matters anymore."

Clovis was shocked to learn that his existence was so small that even Alisa didn't even remember him. In fact, she asked "Clovis? Did I know anyone like that?". You are so cruel, my future beautiful wife.

"W-Whatever, I hope we'll forget the past and live well from now on. yes?"

Clovis held out his hand, I didn't really care anymore. I mean, me and these three idiots colors have a bad relationship and you see me sitting with them. Wait, why haven't I left?

I hate these guys, but I haven't gone home despite having the exit available.

Could it be that I don't hate them anymore?


"Yes? Rudecchi?"

Clovis called me by my name, but in a weird way.

"Now that we've forgotten the past I want to tell you what's good about Erselica."

"Don't hug me."

"She's a great cook! Every day she cooked food for Warren and me!"

(No. Actually the one doing the cooking was Cana, Erselica was busy writing down things she remembered in fragments.)

Clovis kept saying more weird stuff about Erselica, the problem was the people listening to that.

"... Hey, guys, you seem to be forgetting something."

I turned my face to the real problem. These three guys.

Liam and the other two were looking at them with very angry faces.

(If one guy raved about my girlfriend, I'd be pissed too. But she has three so I don't think...)

"If you talk about nice things about Erselica, you should talk about how cute she is!"

(That bothered you!!!!!)

"She's really cute wearing clothes that go according to her body like... cat pajamas!"

A strange image of Erselica wearing cat pajamas popped into my mind. It was disturbing so instead of her I replaced it with a cute Airi.

"Your Highness, she's certainly cute dressed like that, but don't forget, what a time when we saw her wearing a short skirt her beautiful legs left a cool feeling in the air!"

Frey was saying even weirder things as his eyes sparkled.

"Hmph." It was Chlust who made that sound as he gave them both a superior look.

"How cute what you two say, but you are very childish."

"As you say!"

Chlust's smile made an expression of having won before them.

"You two have never received a lap pillow from her. I received it once after my training."

"Damn you Chlust! Not even me who's her main boyfriend..."

Liam bit his lips, envy showing in his eyes.

"Damn you ape... getting a taste of heaven before me."

Frey's eyes were bleeding from those winning words.

I was looking at them in disappointment.

Instead, Warren, who so far was hearing everything, laughed in a strange way.

"Sorry to say it you three, not four with you Clovis. But I have won entrance to paradise before."

They all looked at him like hungry hyenas. These guys are starting to scare me.

"While I was asleep, I slightly awoke and watched Erselica changing in front of me. It was just her blouse for another, but no doubt her petite body and pink bra were a godsend."

Harems are a scary thing, good thing I don't have one nor do I want one... wait, didn't the girls say they were my personal harem? Or is there a minimum number to be considered one?

"Damn you Warren, I'll kill you myself!" shouted Clovis.

"As Erselica's official boyfriend, I challenge you to a duel to erase that sacred image from your brain! I haven't even gotten past giving her a foot rub and you've already seen her belly! I'm jealous dammit!"

Liam was saying things that would disappoint his mother if she heard him.

"Alright, let's see who can drink the most!"

"I'll take it!"

These guys are hopeless idiots. Really no normal person could stand to be with them.

But... for some reason, it didn't feel bad at all to be surrounded by idiots.

I flashed a slight smile and then sneered at them.

"If these two seem obsessed with Erselica, does that mean she's going to make them her new boyfriends? Hahaha."

I laughed at Liam's tragic romantic life.

"So what's up with that?"

But then he said some words that left me flabbergasted.

"... Huh? Well, he talked about how your girlfriend might get two more boyfriends, doesn't that bother you?"

I was breaking out in a cold sweat. Liam was looking at me with a serious look, the kind they'd ask you if it's okay to eat something after a stomach diagnosis.

"No, why, should I?"

My sweat was rising more.

Then I looked at the others who looked at me as if it was normal what I said.

"... Well, I mean your girlfriend can have two new boyfriends, that should make you feel bad. Or is it that you don't mind seeing her kissing other guys?"

His stinging looks that I was asking a strange question were painful.

"... Bradford, you, you say weird things. Is it weird that my girlfriend has other boyfriends? I don't think so. In the first place, Erselica knows that if I ascend to the crown I will have to have a legal wife, but no woman is more worthy of me than she is. In case it happens, that woman will be queen in name only, I would never touch her, I'd rather make my son with Erselica's the new crown prince."

(What the fuck are you saying stupid prince! Do you want to die? Do you want your mother to murder you? What you're saying is not normal and not even coherent! It's very weird, you're all weird!)

"I think the same as the prince."

"So do I."

"I think we all do. Only Bradford is the only weird one here."

Why does everyone look at me like I'm a weirdo?

You're the weirdos, not me. I'm not talking about having mistresses, I'm talking about you all sharing the same woman.

It's so weird!

"I think Rudecchi doesn't know how love works."

"So it seems, despite having two girlfriends."

"Do I sometimes wonder why this weird man stalks our lives?"

... Did I just get called a weirdo?

Ixion, this world is upside down!

I want to be reincarnated somewhere else!


Erselica was sitting counting the gold coins the boys brought back from the dungeon.

She couldn't do it as they were too busy with too many things.

Erselica's face was distorted in a very grotesque way like Rudel does when he has a lot of money in his hands.

Coin by coin she counted them. She was very happy to have a lot of money for any unexpected event.

She knew that they would possibly be returned to the kingdom.

But both she and Liam still had the noose around their necks.

She thought that with that money she could live forever.

Unfortunately, after doing the math, she realized that it was only enough for a few months.

Erselica's face showed her pain, Lucy was bringing her a cup of tea when she found her crying.

"Erselica-chan what's wrong?"

Erselica tried to wipe her sad face with a joyful expression.

"N-nothing, I'm still in pain about Bunny Lucy, but I'm slowly feeling better."

(If I told her I was crying for money I would feel terrible.)

After placing the cup of tea on a low table, Lucy ran to the kitchen.

She had a music player that was only available from Aster.

"When I'm feeling sad, I like to listen to music. And after everything that's happened, I think we'll certainly be much better off with this."

Lucy touched a button and music began to play through an inserted compact disc. Erselica was amazed by it.

(That song is the one I listened to in my previous life. Also, in the game it came with some famous music tracks as extras. Really this world whether you want to accept it or not is that of a game.)

Lucy grabbed Erselica's hands to pull her out of the chair.

"Erselica-chan, let's dance. Dancing will make you forget all the bad stuff, hahaha."

Lucy started to move in a funny way.

Erselica laughed too and started to move her body.

Cana and Allen walked over to see what that sound was, they were amazed by something they never saw before.

Erselica moved towards their position to take their hands and pull them out to dance as well.

"You two come on, it's more fun with people."

Despite never having danced, they both came out to move along with Erselica who was happily raising her hands.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you, Lucy."

"You're welcome, it's what girlfriends do."

Hearing that word, Erselica's body froze. Lucy was left worried as Erselica was unresponsive.

"Something's wrong!"

Erselica reacted just then.

"N-No- It's nothing... I was just amazed that you called me a friend."

"Huh, is that weird, I thought we were for a long time?"

Lucy looked sad to hear that Erselica didn't see her as a friend.

"If you don't want to be then..."

"No, no, no, not at all, I'd be happy to officially be!"

Erselica's eyes sparkled at hearing those words.

(In my previous life I could never have a friend and when I reincarnated, I thought I would have more opportunities).

(The worst thing is that after lying during the chaos in the kingdom, I made those two hate me. I can still feel their sharp gazes when they saw me, even if it was just an inch when we were at the medal presentation. Their eyes never left me as they lovingly talked to my brother. But this time it's different, I won't destroy the possibility of having a friend.)

Lucy didn't understand why Erselica's eyes were shining, but she didn't care and they started dancing.

After a while later, Rudel and the boys arrived.

"We're back... What's that sound? Uh..."

Rudel was amazed to see that spectacle that he had never seen in his past life nor that it was possible in this world.

When Liam and the others came in, they were amazed.

"Erselica dancing is an unexpected miracle!"

"I won't miss this opportunity."

"Fufu, you guys watch as the great Clovis delights you with his forbidden steps."

It was certainly a rare and unique situation.

Lucy approached towards Rudel and took his hands to bring him into her close circle to dance.

Despite his feet moving awkwardly, Rudel was enjoying this moment as Erselica. A moment of joy with friends in their full youth enjoying the peace and quiet.

After we finished having fun, we all started to eat. I was with Erselica and a weird topic of conversation came up.

"Clovis and Warren as my boyfriends? I don't see a problem with that."

So said Erselica after declaring that she had somehow idiotized two boys.

Now we both found ourselves having tea and cookies as the others were sleeping.

"So, when did that happen?"

"To be honest, I have no idea."

She herself had no idea what happened.

"More importantly, onii-chan, you got this."

Erselica was showing me a letter.

The contents were that I was soon to be picked up by a fleet from Rosenberg Household to go to the temple and dialogue with the six great nobles after what had happened.

"It looks like it will soon be time for us to see if we will stay or leave here."

A meeting with the six great nobles will be a very stressful day no doubt, but what really worries me more is something else.

"You seriously won't say anything about how you now have five boyfriends? You little slut."

"I told you what- who are you calling a slut!"

"You, who else?"

"Why am I a slut according to you? Explain to me."

"No one, rather, no woman has more than one boyfriend. It's impossible to imagine that, but in your situation from three you go to five and to top it off the prince is one."

Erselica looked really annoyed.

"It's every girl's dream to have a harem of handsome boys! It's the same for men!"

I laughed at what she said.

"Yeah right."

"Hoo? What those do we have."

She looked at me like she knew something I didn't.

"Okay, Ixion, come here for a moment."

Ixion appeared out of nowhere at her call. Hey, why are you listening to him?

"Show him that."

"Erselica, I'm not your servant for you to call me. But since it's for the Master's sake I'll let it go."

Ixion dropped a bunch of photos falling from somewhere in the sky.

"I found a few in your wallet when I was looking for some money you have hidden."

(Why the hell were you doing that?)

"But I'm surprised at how fake you are my dear brother, you say you dislike the idea. But can you tell me why you have so many underwear pictures of your girlfriends?"

"Wrong, it's Bell's thing!"


I panicked to try to avoid the guilt, but she said something strange.

"What I mean is, why is it wrong to have more than one lover? In the romantic sense of course."

"Aren't those two technically your lovers?"

This girl said very unnecessary things.

"I-It's different, since it's just two."

"No. It's just because there are two that they're both your lovers. If you had more women it wouldn't change the fact that they're still your mistresses."

"W-Well, I kind of got what you're saying, but it still seems odd to me."

She smacked her face with her palm.

"What I'm trying to say is that it really doesn't matter to have more than one partner, you big jerk. If you have feelings for someone; that's enough. We're no longer bound by the rules of our world, so stop thinking you're doing something against the law."

"Remember, deep down you're a nasty old pervert and for sure a virgin who has two teenage girls as girlfriends! That's very disgusting, but in this world that's normal. You should be thankful that in the kingdom it's more flexible about love and mistresses."

It makes me feel strange all that.

"Why are you telling me all this?"

Erselica stared at me.

"... Virgin men are really the worst. Hurry up and satiate your thing and make those two happy. I'm sure those two are even more slutty with you than you say they are with me."

Not understanding what this conversation was about, I looked at Ixion who added to Erselica's words. "I told you that not doing so would bring severe problems.". But I still don't understand anything.

If you're curious about what song they were listening to...


Now that all the chaos with Derrick is over, Rudel has a moment alone with Lucy (human) over Lucy's (rabbit) death.

Rudel's heart of stone begins to open up and Lucy becomes aware of what a good person he is, while Liam and the others leave their resentment towards him behind.

Is this the beginning of a bizarre friendship between the protagonist and the villain?

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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