
CH144 (508), The End Is Near (2)

With the end of Dialday, the 5th term came to an end as well, ushering in the prelude of my final term here at Oak Labs. Once the 13th month passed, the three-month-long sixth term would begin, after which my internship along with my tertiary education would be complete.

Heck, I would not even be at the lab for the full 3 months since I would have to take part in the final exams during the second half of the third month.

Anyway, since I had a month-long break ahead of me, I decided to go home, but before that, I first went back to my dorm room and did a quick sweep of the place to ensure that it could be left alone for the rest of the month. I did not want to come back to a stinking and/or insect-infested room after all.

Once I was done with that, I made a stop at KFP. I ate a platter of crispy strips, while Mothra/Butterfree enjoyed a large Pecha and strawberry smoothie. I knew that I would have to make a whole lot of those once we were home and Mothra went back inside Utopia, but since smoothies could be made in large amounts at once, that was no problem.

I'd simply make a huge amount of smoothies using some of the basic berries to give everyone different flavor options. Honestly, the whole thing would not even take 15 minutes.

In the end, the follow-up went just as I expected it to. Once I was done eating, we left the KFP and made our way to Hope Town. As soon as we were back home, I decided to enter Utopia and once we were inside, Mothra began to excitedly tell the others about the super tasty smoothie she ate.

When Nyx, her minions, and the others came to me, I had already pulled out everything I needed to make some smoothies and was in the process of washing the berries I was going to use. It was funny to see their reaction when they realized that I did not give them the chance to use their puppy eyes on me.

For them, acting cute and making me "fall" for their act/cuteness was half the pleasure, so they actually pouted when I stopped their fun in its tracks. Still, it did not take them long to bounce back and watch me work full of anticipation.

Gwen/Gardevoir, Tatsumaki/Alakazam, Luna/Clefable, and Mothra offered their help, so I let them deal with one kind of berry each, while I dealt with the final berry. We levitated a large amount of each berry into the air and cut them all into 4 pieces before placing them into a large bowl.

That was then repeated with various kinds of fruits, and once we had filled 12 big bowls, each one filled to the brim with one of the berries or fruits, I asked everyone what kind of combination they wanted.

As soon as everyone had shared their preference, my assistants and I began using 5 big mixers to create the smoothies. It took us two rounds to complete all 48 smoothies, and in that time a few of the other Utopia inhabitants got lured over, so we made them some smoothies as well.

Before we knew it, we had served over 600 smoothies, and I was just happy that I had isolated the Ratatta area from the rest of the main space, or that number would have been over 1000.

Still, despite the number of smoothies we handed out, we managed to finish everything within less than 40 minutes. That surprised even me, considering that some of those smoothies were extra large due to the Pokemon receiving them being quite big, but that just showed that the girls and I had done a good job.

There were some requests for a second smoothie, and seeing how there were enough leftover berry parts, we fulfilled those wishes as well. That still left some pieces, so I handed them out to anyone that wanted them.

Since everyone was already gathered together we turned the whole thing into a pseudo-festival, with everyone interested doing a trick for the rest to watch. That actually went on until close to midnight before I dispersed them and went to bed.

The next morning I decided that I would simply be relaxing for the next while, so I spent the weekend and the following week only doing relaxing things.

I sang whenever I felt like it, but I made sure to stream my singing inside Utopia so that everyone could enjoy it. The same was true when I felt like playing the Ocarina. My Pokemon certainly enjoyed the impromptu short concerts.

I also did a few glass figures since I actually liked glassworking, and every time I felt like doing one of those figures/statues, we held a raffle to determine who got to pose for the figure. After Togetic won for the third time in a row the others protested and our pouting Heaven's Favorite was taken out of the raffle pool.

The same happens to Mothra shortly after that, when she got drawn for a second time within three rounds. In the end, I made 13 glass sculptures within those 9 days, and Togetic together with Mothra posed for 5 of those.

Unlike me, my Pokemon kept up their regular training during that period, unless I happened to do something that distracted them. I made sure to have one of my thought streams keep an eye on them all while they were training to ensure that they were not going overboard since that was actually something that many of them tended to do once in a while.

Thankfully, my Pokemon seemed to take into account that I wanted to unwind, so I only had to interfere twice during the whole 9 days. I handed out tips and instructions whenever I felt like it was needed but mostly kept quiet since they knew what they had to do.

I had instructed them beforehand after all, and they followed the plan we set unless I said otherwise or when they really wanted to change things up for a change of pace.

Regardless, the first full week passed like that and I was full of energy by the start of the new week. Seeing how I was alone, and considering that I really had nothing better to do, I decided to pay some of my friends a visit. Specifically, Jessie, Misty, Rose, Erza, Yoruichi, and Weiss.

I would have visited Ace as well, but he was with the Navy and you couldn't just show up to visit him at will while he was on duty. Yu, Kinji, Aaron, and the Dokuogi siblings were not on the same continent, and the others were not on the mainland either.

I chose to start with the closest ones, which were Jessie, Misty, and Rose. Since I met up with Jessie often enough, I simply spent Arcday with her before moving on to Cerulean City, where I stayed the night at a local hotel.

The next morning, I paid a visit to the Williams family home to surprise Misty. I had obviously made sure that she would be home around these few days, so I knew that she was actually at home. I got to see her sensational three sisters again, and they naturally did their sisterly duty as older sisters when they saw me.

I did not mind their teasing, but Misty did turn quite red. I was not sure whether that was due to anger or embarrassment, but when the redness approached dangerous levels, I defused the situation in the most professional manner possible. Namely, by beating a tactical retreat I naturally brought Misty away as well.

Still, that was not the only chance they got since I stayed at Cerulean City until Palkiday morning, and they certainly seemed to enjoy teasing their sister. I mean seriously, we "coincidentally" came across one of Misty's sisters at least three times a day each.

If that did not count as borderline stalking, then I did not know what did. Nonetheless, despite that, I'd say the two of us had fun hanging out during those two days. Ultimately, I said my goodbyes to Misty as well as her family and made my way to my next destination.

My final stop in Kanto was Teal City since that was where Rose was currently hanging out. I spent three days with her in Teal City, which was a day longer than I initially planned to do. I ended up helping Rose with her training and some of the performances/strategies she had come up with, so I considered that a good change.

Nevertheless, extra day or not, my stay with her did come to an end, and on Grouday, I made my way to Rota for the second part of my visits. Yoruichi, as well as Erza, were the ones I was planning to hang out with there, and Erza was the first one I was going to track down.

I knew that she was supposed to be in Pear City, so that's where I went. Ezra was pretty disciplined, so even though it was Grouday, I did not doubt that she would be up by now since it was 9:45 a.m. To be honest, I was not really sure where exactly she was staying right now, but I was assuming that it was at the PokeCenter since her messages in our group chat showed such a tendency on her part.

Luckily, I ended up being right, since I saw/found her munching on some pancakes in the cafeteria part of the PokeCenter. The surprised face she made when she saw me was pretty funny. She still had her fork in her mouth and her cheeks were a bit puffed out due to the pancakes. I saw her eyes widen upon spotting me, and I saw her cheeks slightly redden when she noticed my amused look.

She swiftly swallowed her food as I sat down across her. I calmly greeted her and she returned the greeting before asking me what I was doing here. I told her about my plan to hang around for two days, which pleasantly surprised her.

As I promised I spent the next two days with her, and she used the chance to have me take a look at her Pokemon since, in her words, I was a pretty great Pokemon expert. I was a bit surprised when she called out 7 Pokemon instead of 6 since I had not known that she had caught another one.

Yet, I saw a Flaaffy standing beside her Rapidash, Doublade, Corviknight, Dewgong, Braviary, and Gloom. I noticed the satisfaction on Erza's face when she saw my surprise, and she explained that Flaaffy was a rather new addition to her team. I let her have her moment and focused on the Pokemon instead.

They were all in great condition and after watching them train for I while I told Erza that she had done a good job taking care of them. Upon her request, I agreed to do a massage session for all her Pokemon much to their happiness, and her satisfaction.

Nonetheless, the two days passed swiftly, and I left Pear City on Mewday, right after breakfast. I headed to Rota City next since that was where Yoruichi usually stayed when she was not out on a mission. I first went to her apartment to see if she was home since I knew that she liked to sleep in if she could.

Unfortunately, no one opened the door even 5 minutes after I rang the doorbell, and I knew that her place was peek-proof, so neither my psionic nor aura senses could check if she was home. It seemed like I had no choice but to see if I could find her at one of her hang-out spots. I would have to call and ask her if I failed to find her which would ruin the surprise.

So, after I accepted that she was not home, instead of taking her time to answer the door, I turned around to leave. I ended up startled when I suddenly heard Yoruichi wishing me a good morning from behind me. I saw her snickering when I turned back around.

Yoruichi stood in the doorway and had a smug "gotcha" look on her face. To think that she kept waiting behind the door until I turned just to surprise me. Actually, that seemed like something she would do, and I could not help but chuckle as well.

When I told her I had come to hang out with her for a few days, she seemed pretty happy, though she shared that she had to leave for a job on Giratiday evening. That was a bit less time than I had been planning to stay in Rota City, but it could not be helped if she had work to do.

The first thing she did once Yoruichi had eaten her breakfast, was to drag me to one of the dojos for a spar. She proceeded to wipe the floor with me when I tried to face her with just my aura, but it became a draw when I used my psychic abilities.

Still, while she may have beaten me in personal combat, I dragged her to one of the battlefields and wiped the floor with her Pokemon team, including the "new" addition she was so proud of. Seb/Nidoking took down her lightning Liepard without too much trouble, and I enjoyed watching her pout when she lost the battle.


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Currently, the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/4 for this week.

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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