
CH133 (497), Every Action Results In A Reaction (1)

POV: Prof. Samuel Oak

Date: Kyoday, 02.03.2184

Location: Kanto, Pallet City, Oak Labs

He had once more gone through the papers Mikail had brought to him yesterday, and Samuel could freely admit that all three were well done. If nothing else, the boy had at least learned how to write proper papers during his time at Oak Labs.

Well, the papers also proved that he had certainly learned more than just writing papers, and he could not help but be impressed with Mikail's enthusiasm and diligence towards Pokemon.

There were not many trainers who would think about looking for an alternate evolution for their Pokemon just because said Pokemon did not like the one they had. Not to mention that the one used as a reference point was one that had mostly become something of the past due to various geological and ecological reasons.

The fact that Mikail actually succeeded, resulting in the discovery of Ursasol was more than incredible. Mikail then researching and developing a more convenient method of evolution for the evolution he discovered showed his diligence and talent.

The fact that he actually went out of his way to find an alternative trigger for Ursaluna, so that trainers and their Ursaring had the option to go down that route if they preferred Ursaluna over Ursasol proved his enthusiasm towards Pokemon.

Still, no matter how great his discovery was, and it was one of the greatest of the current millennium, Mikail had apparently not fully thought things through when he came here to hand in the fruits of his research.

While it was a smart move on Mikail's part to hand the papers to him to publish, using the name of Professor Samuel Oak as a silent backer/protector, Mikail did not ask him to wait until he was back at the lab and instead requested him to release it within the month.

It was obvious that the boy was underestimating just how much attention both negative as well as positive his papers would bring to him, and while the positive attention would take up his time and get on his nerves at most, the negative one could get pretty bad for him, especially since Mikail was not at his/Oak Lab's home turf.

There was only so much his reputation as professor and alliance founder could do while Mikail was staying in what was practically another region. There were always people blinded by greed, arrogance, or simple stupidity that would do "suicidal" acts.

Such people would always end up being used by smarter people to do their dirty work to avoid getting implicated, so the boy was needlessly exposing himself to danger without really realizing it. Mikail should have at least waited until he was back at Oak Labs before publishing his work.

Samuel had silently contemplated whether he should warn Mikail or not, but he felt that Mikail would miss out on an opportunity to learn something from his mistake if he did that.

Instead, he decided to shield Mikail from most of the negative consequences and the attention he would have received, at least until Mikail was back at the lab while noting down everything that Mikail had to be protected from.

That would show the boy what kind of consequences his actions could have had, and he was confident that there will be some consequences that would have been painful for young Mikail.

In that same vein, Samuel had ensured that the Ursasol and Ursaluna Mikail had "discovered" in the Mt. Moon Mountain Range were under protective surveillance as soon as he had learned about their existence, namely yesterday, once Mikail had left the lab.

Alakazam was asked to track them down before bringing a few others over so that they could keep an eye on things for him. By now, both Ursaluna and Ursasol were under observation 24/7 without having any idea of their Stage 6 security detail.

Anyway, he had a lot to do before he could have these papers published, so he decided to start working. The first step would be talking with Brian and Dan to ensure that Elm Labs and Brich Labs would stand beside Oak Labs when he made moves to ensure that Mikail could be temporarily shielded from the effects brought about by his papers.

They might have been his students, but he could proudly say that the two were among the most prominent professors of their northern continent. Well, at least after him, so when the three of them set the tone, the others would hopefully follow/play along.

He did not want any of them, the people under them, or the people/families backing them trying anything underhanded. While most people may have forgotten how he had forged the alliance with his own hands, Samuel doubted the same was true for the ones he was intending to warn.

It took only 15 minutes to get Brian and Dan on board and they decided to organize a conference on Mewday at the Northern Research Institute in Indigo City to personally address everyone of concern.

To ensure that everyone showed up, he personally began to go through the list of prominent professors and less prominent professors/scientists residing/working on their northern continent. There was no way they would be able to decline an invitation from him, especially since he was informing them three days in advance.

He gave Professor Varon an idea of what the conference was about since Mikail was staying at her lab at the moment.

POV: 3rd View/Samuel Oak

Date: Mewday, 05.03.2184

Location: Kanto, Indigo City, Northern Research Institute, Conference Room

It was not every day that one was able to see 46 top intellectuals gathered in one place. These were all the acknowledged top scientists as well as professors residing on the northern continent, and surprisingly, their appearance had been requested by none other than Professor Samuel Oak for the sole purpose of sharing the solo achievement of Mikail Geo in advance.

Well, that and to warn them from doing anything dumb. Professor Oak had even drawn in Professor Elm and Birch to support him in his endeavor, so no one had declined the "invitation" since the "big three" of their northern continent had shown a joint stance.

Anyway, "requested" presence or not, they were all intellectuals, so the air was rather excited since it was said that the big three would share and discuss a discovery of rather great importance with everyone present. At exactly 3 p.m., Professor Oak walked up to the podium, grabbing everyone's attention.

Those that had yet to take a seat at one of the available seats did so immediately and everyone listened attentively as Professor Oak explained the reason for the "conference". When everyone learned that the discovery could be mainly contributed to the efforts of Mikail Geo alone, there was a momentary silence before surprised gasps and explanations filled the air.

Still, even in such a situation, some reactions stood out more than others, or rather the people in question were more prominent than others, so their differing reactions caught the attention of those around them. Samuel Oak was also keeping an eye out for any such reactions, and the ones that stood out to him the most were from Bill Sonezaki, Ishiro Serizawa, Sanada Wiseman, and Anko Dokuogi.

Normally, Samuel might have been worried about the amused, borderline predatory, smile of Anko Dokuogi, but he knew that Mikail was good friends with the two rising stars of her family.

He knew for a fact, that Akame Dokuogi as well as her brother Coco Dokuogi were also Anko's favorites among the younger generation of her family. Seeing how the two kids did not have many other friends aside from Mikail and his group, Samuel seriously doubted that Anko would make any moves against Mikail.

Certainly not because of Ursaluna or Ursasol, since they had nothing to do with her research direction. Besides, the connection between her favorites and Mikail was in her favor, so he was not worried about the interest Anko displayed.

The reactions of Ishiro Serizawa and Sanada Wiseman would have been more worrying if he did not have a pretty good idea of their character. Ishiro had applied for quite a few collaboration requests and so he had not hidden his interest in Mikail even before this.

However, being an ex-student of his, Ishiro knew better than to do anything that could draw his ire, so his abrupt straightening up and rather loud groan of frustration could be ignored and attributed to the knowledge that Mikail would become even more popular after this.

Wiseman's frustrated shout on the other hand was a bit more concerning since his interests might have been hurt considering that his research focused on variants, even if the main focus were the shiny variants. It was not impossible for him to have been looking into Ursaluna since he was a Johto native.

Still, Wiseman tended to be slightly withdrawn and conservative, so it was unlikely that he would do anything stupid. Nonetheless, he would make sure to keep an eye on those two for the next while.

In fact, it was Bill Sonezaki's reaction that was the most worrying. Samuel saw some genuine anger and quite a lot of frustration coming from him, and knowing what he did about Bill, he decided to make sure that Bill would not do anything stupid.

Well, potential risks aside, after giving everyone a minute to calm down, Professor Oak, Professor Elm, and Professor Birch went over one of Mikail's papers each, starting with Professor Oak who talked about the general Ursaring-line paper and ending with Professor Birch who finished with the Ursasol/Sunshine Bellflower paper.

Everyone was impressed by what they learned and the discussions that followed Professor Birch's closing statement were quite animated.

POV: Prof. Samuel Oak

Date: Giratiday, 06.03.2184

Location: Kanto, Pallet City, Oak Labs

The conference yesterday had been a success and Samuel was confident that no one would do something out of line, at least not in the short term. He had even gone out of his way to have a personal word with some of the attendees to give the signal that he was keeping an eye on things.

Anyway, the next step was to call the heads of Nature, Pokemon Academia, and the Future Magazine to talk about publishing Mikail's papers. He was going to send one paper to each journal/magazine for now, but he promised them that they would be allowed to re-publish all three papers in one feature at a later date, presumably around 6 months later.

Obviously, all three heads tried to get exclusivity rights for their respective journal/magazine, but he made it clear that the 3 papers had to be published separately since that would reduce the impact and dissemination speed the papers would have among the general public.

In the end, all three agreed to his requests since there was no way they would let the opportunity slip by. Still, his work was not done by a long shot. Before sending out the papers, Samuel called the other big-name professors of the eastern, southern, as well as western continent to give them a heads-up and to request them to keep their sides under control for the next 5 to 6 months.

That would give Mikail at least until he was back at Oak Labs. After that, they could stop stopping others from molesting Mikail for attention. Considering how much work he had to do and how much he still had to deal with to ensure that nothing out of line happened, he was fine even if Mikail drowned in calls, emails, letters, and approaches.

Honestly, Samuel still had to head to Rota to speak with the Aura Guardians and Professor Varon. Not to mention having to head to the alliance headquarters in Saffron City to get some alliance support. How many people could say that they forced Professor Samuel Oak to run around the continent for them?

Mikail was lucky that he had shown as much promise as he did and that he liked the kid. If he did not believe that Mikail had the potential to become the biggest support/pillar of humanity, he might not have been this meticulous in his arrangements.


***A Big Thank You to Stonewall for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Cooper Taylor for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to John llanes for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

Currently, the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/4 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Stonewall for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Cooper Taylor for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to John llanes for becoming a Patron***

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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