
CH89 (453), Vacation (3)

After that trip to Wela Volcano, I talked to my parents and we decided that they would do their thing for the next two weeks, while I would do my thing, which was to keep making trips to the volcano to dig for more information.

Once the two weeks were up, we would spend the last week making a few trips to Melemele Island, visiting some of the big attractions of that island for a bit, but until then we would only occasionally meet during dinner and breakfast.

Anyway, due to that agreement, my parents got to enjoy a private vacation for the next two weeks, and I got to investigate something I found interesting. I really thought they deserved some private vacation time, and this way they got it. Yep, I was such a selfless person.

Ultimately, I believe I made pretty good use of these two weeks, and while I did not end up suddenly finding a living example of the male evolution I was searching/looking for, I did find enough to, at least, infer/conclude that the male evolution did in fact exist.

That was not an insignificant affair, even if many other people thought that even before I gathered a lot of tales, rumors, and hearsay to corroborate them for a proper conclusion. Besides, it was not as if "just" "proving", or more like affirming, the existence of the male Salandit evolution was all I did.

I also managed to get what I believed to be the best/most accurate "theoretical" description of what the potential male Salandit-evolution looked like. I got this "image" by combining the various snippets from all the information I gathered, and I got a lot by visiting tens of villages as well as towns, questioning hundreds of elders and librarians.

I even paid a visit to some of the bigger Salandit tribes on the volcano and questioned the oldest male Salandit I could find. I did that once they were alone, which meant out of the sight of the female ones since the legends on the male evolution seemed to be something the males only brought up among themselves because the females did not like that topic at all.

They probably did not like the possibility of their position as matriarchs being challenged, which was certainly possible since the current situation was based on the fact that the females were plainly stronger due to the option of evolving to Salazzle.

First of all, I had to admit that I failed to find an explicit name for the species/evolution. In all the lore/information I found, the male evolution was called either Chief or King.

With that admission out of the way, it was time to talk about the picture I put together at the end of the two weeks from all the information I managed to gather. Let us start with something all sources agreed upon, his color scheme.

The King retained the color scheme of the Salandit-line, which was black and red. The red was the same deep red that Salandit had not the pinkish one that Salazzle gained upon evolving, and the purple at the belly area was of a much darker purple shade.

The base body shape of the King was also something that everyone seems to agree upon. According to them, the base body shape of the King resembled that of Salazzle, just broader/more muscular. However, from what I gathered, there were a few distinct differences between the two evolutions/species, aside from the King's more muscular build.

Unfortunately, it was with these differences that things were becoming less sure. One point that all tales/stories agreed on was that the head of the king was less smooth and more angular. Nonetheless, I had to add that some sources simply said that the head was angular, while some called it draconic, though the latter came up less than the prior.

Another point that came up quite often was the scythe blades that the King apparently had growing out from his arms. Furthermore, most of those sources noted that the blades grew out from below his wrists. The next bit was less conclusive, but the blades seemed to follow his color scheme. Most suggested that the edges were red and the rest of the blades were black. However, some said that the edge was purple instead.

Now, came the two parts that did not come up that often, but still got mentioned often enough that I would not call it rarely. It was mentioned a few times that the King had a short red mane around his neck, but as I said, it came up rarely enough that I was unsure whether that was truly the case or not, unlike the points I brought up before this one.

The next one I was just as doubtful about as with the red mane. There were a few mentions that mentioned protrusions on the king's head resembling a crown, but as I said I was suspicious if that was true. Anyway, if I was unsure about these two points, I was downright skeptical about the last possible body part since it came up only twice or thrice among the thousands or more tales, stories, and rumors I compiled.

Well, let's say it came up 2.5 times since one of them only alluded to wings but did not outright mention them, while the other two did explicitly mention draconic wings. However, as I said it only came up 2.5 times out of the thousands of accounts I gathered, so I was extremely doubtful of the validity of these 2.5 mentions.

Still, it did come up, and I thought the Salandit evolution possessing dragon wings was rather cool, so I decided against straight up excluding the possibility. The fact that his face was called draconic along with angular was another reason I did not outright deny the possibility.

Regardless, that was pretty much everything I managed to gather and compile regarding the male Salandit evolution. Though I did manage to find some things unrelated to his looks.

I knew that Salandit and Salazzle could naturally learn Dragon Pulse along with a few dragon-type moves they could learn/had to be thought, but I found mentions of the King using moves like Dragon Rage and Dragon Rush which those two couldn't learn.

That was another reason I did not refute the possibility of him having dragon wings. Even if the King did not have wings, there was a not-inconsiderable chance of him having a fire/dragon or a poison/dragon typing aside from the current poison/fire typing. Unfortunately, but predictably, there was no definite mention of which typing was the right one, so all three had a chance of being true.

Another really interesting point I found was that they usually had a harem full of Salazzle, who were usually known for having harems full of male Salandit. Oh, how the turns had tabled on that one. I would like to say that, that had nothing to do with petty revenge, but it probably did.

Or, they were doing that to hopefully pass on whatever it was that allowed them to evolve into Salaking, or whatever the actual species name was. In that case, I would say they failed seeing how there had been no sighting of one in hundreds of years and that they had become the stuff of stories, myths, and rumors.

Honestly, after gathering this much information I began to wonder why no one was researching this, and I knew that to be the case since the first thing I looked up was whether anyone was researching this stuff. In case it was not apparent, no one was doing it right now, and no one had done it in the past since I failed to find anything in that direction in my super library as well.

All I found were snippets that mentioned the existence of the male evolution. It seemed that for some reason everyone was okay with the status quo and no one appeared interested in the reason why only female Salandit evolved or if the males could evolve. That was the only reason I could think of for the current situation.

I mean, I managed to gather this much information within two weeks of thorough digging, so I doubted that no one else would have managed to gather as much within at least a month or two of reasonable work. Truly, no matter how questionable or suspicious it sounded, everyone being uninterested seemed to be the reason for the lack of proper research into the topic.

Well, either it was that, or we could get all conspiratory and claim that someone had his or her hand in the lack of research, but I disliked conspiracies, so I wouldn't do that. Yep, totally ludicrous that one.

Nonetheless, all this digging and compiling confirmed a few suspicions I used to have, and gave me a few more concrete ideas on how to get Eggy/Salandit to evolve into Salachief, or whatever the male evolution was called. I would be able to work on a few of them from the get-go, but a few would have to wait until Eggy was at least at the (high) bronze stage or even the silver stage before I could try them out.

Anyway, throughout the last two weeks, I mentioned a few of the things I had found out with my parents, during the times we had seen each other during meals, but those were only some bits and pieces. Right now, we were in their hotel room, and I was sharing with them what I managed to come up with as a result of my two weeks.

They were happy that I had fun, which I did, and they were gladdened to hear that I had found evidence that Eggy could evolve in the future. They also mentioned a few more things they did with their two weeks before we began talking about our plans for our final week.

We confirmed that we would be visiting Melemele Island a few times, but we would not be visiting any of the other islands since doing just a single trip seemed like a waste.

Mom and Dad could testify that even two weeks were not enough to see everything a single island had to matter, so visiting the other islands just so that we can say that we visited them felt like half-assing it and that was something we would not do.

Instead, we decided that we would stop by Melemele Island for four days of our week. As for the other 3 days, Mom and Dad would bring me around the places they liked the most during the two weeks they spent traveling around Akala Island.

The next day we teleported to Hau'oli City. We initially considered taking a ferry, but the travel time was up to 8 hours depending on the ferry, so we went with the method that took minutes instead of hours. Hau'oli City was known as the largest city of Alola and it deserved that title.

The city was a bustling metropolis, and we spent the day walking around the city, checking out the shopping districts, since there was a modern one, a more traditionally focused one, as well as a mixed shopping district, and each shopping district had a lot of restaurants/food stalls.

Mom was in her element and dragged us around each district for a few hours.

We had our breakfast at the traditional one, our lunch at the modern one, and our dinner at the mixed shopping district. We only returned to our hotel on Akala Island at around 9 p.m., and I had to admit that Mom had managed to tire me a bit by that point.

Still, all that vanished after I entered Utopia and spent some time with my Pokemon. My supposed exhaustion was completely forgotten when Tiamat/Milotic suddenly declared that she had reached the (high) gold stage about two hours after I entered Utopia.

I naturally congratulated her, but we/I did not throw her a party since it was already past 11 p.m., so we decided to postpone it to tomorrow night instead. Nonetheless, just because we postponed the party did not mean that I could not bring out some good stuff to reward her right now, so I pulled out some of her favorite snacks and gave them to her.

I obviously had to give some snacks to the others as well, but Tiamat got the most, and I made sure not to go overboard with the snacks to keep things from escalating.


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Eeveelution poll no.4 (Color Scheme) is over. The new Eeveelution's look has finally been decided. There is an ongoing poll to decide the species name, which is going to end on Wednesday noon (CET).

Currently, the first goal has been completed, so for the duration of April, the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, I will release 2 bonus chapters on webnovel, and the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on will be 8, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 12.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/4 for this week.

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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