
CH58 (288), The End In Sight

The final term began and that thought made me a bit sentimental. I could hardly believe that it had been nearly 3 years since I applied to the Aaron Aura Academy, and so much had happened since then. I had gained a lot in my time here, and I could definitely count it as a successful chapter in my life.

Anyway, there were only two months and a week until the final exams, and two months as well as two and a half weeks until the qualifiers for the global competition, so if we wrote off the final month for exams and competitions, then there were only two months of lessons left.

Besides, the lessons of the final term for us graduating students were mostly spent going over the subject of all years. This meant I had nothing to do since I made sure that I was up to date in all my regular subjects, and because I did not have to go through any exams for aura-centric classes, I was going to have a really relaxed exam phase.

Sorrel was probably the only one that had it nearly as easy as me since the had written his aura-centric exams last year, but he still had to focus on his regular exams due to having inferior mental capabilities compared to me. I was not dissing him, it was just like that thanks to the boosts I got as a psychic.

Well, I was getting ahead of myself, the exams were still two months away, so I had to do my best until then. Arcday went as usual for me, as did Mewday, but on Giratiday that changed.

During our free period Sorell, Marlene, and the other two came up to me and told me that they could no longer come for my coaching lessons since they were too busy preparing for the exams. They thanked me profusely for all my help and promised to invite me to a meal once the exams were over.

I told them that I didn't mind, since I could understand their reasoning. Besides it was not like I lost something, since I had actually been spending some of my time helping them train, so I could simply use that time to do something else.

The next day, another change happened. I was pretty happy at the end of our sparring session since I had managed to break past the 10-minute mark, but that happiness got a bit muted when Yoruichi and Mr. Burns told me that it had been the final one against her now that I could last for 10 minutes in a fight against her.

Mr. Burns told me that I would be facing a different person with a different specialty starting next week. I had to accept that, even if I had wanted to increase my time against her. Yep, that was totally the only reason I was disappointed. Still, I thanked Yoruichi for all her help, but she waved it off and said that it had been her pleasure.

While I was mulling whether or not to ask her for her number, she sauntered over to me, threw her arm over my shoulder, pulled out her phone, and placed it in my hand, telling me to save my number so that she could call me up for some sparring sessions once I was stronger since she found me interesting.

I naturally did as she asked and she snatched her phone back as soon as I entered my number. Then she deliberately held the phone so that I could see the display before she saved my number under "Cutey Mika".

After she did that she released a melodious laugh before she swaggered away after having teased me for a final time. As a wise man once said, "troublesome woman". *le sigh*

She sent me a message an hour later that contained a photo of her showing the V-sign along with a message to save her number along with the suggestion to save her number under beautiful, magnificent, gorgeous Yoruichi.

I had to laugh at that one and saved her under Kuro Neko. Still, after that, the regularity of Dialday was practically welcome. On Grouday, as if to round off the week Optimus gave a small surprise. His Energy Density rose to S, and it was his third one, so he was halfway through his first round of limit breaking.

The next week had no surprises until Palkiday when Mr. Burns introduced me to George, my new sparring partner. George was a Tier 3 First-Class Aura User with a moderate body build, and while he was not short, he was only 170 cm tall.

I was mentioning that because his preferred fighting style was unexpected. George was an endurance fighter, whose focus was on toughening it out and countering if possible as well as grappling.

I experienced firsthand how he used aura to boost his endurance and defense while using grappling moves to lock up the opponent or to simply force him or her to excerpt more energy. He was patient and did not mind the time it took to exhaust his foe until he or she could no longer resist.

I managed to last for 55 minutes in our first spar, but that was more because he allowed me to exhaust myself. Mr. Burns instructed me to be on the offensive and not drag out the fight on purpose so that 40 min was how long I lasted while going all out.

Unfortunately, I did not manage to take George out even though he did not bother countering or taking me out. After giving me a freebie, George began to actively exhaust me while using any chance he got to counter.

Once that happened my time fell to 30 minutes, and the last one was around 35 minutes. Due to the length of the spars, we only held three rounds before the time was up.

The next three days were calm, but on Arcday of the third week Ali/Kirlia's Strength rose to S, and with that, he finished the first round of his limit breaking.

The days went by, and by Dialday I noticed that the attitude of the students was turning a bit more serious than usual, especially my year mates. I was unaffected and breezing through everything, discounting the sparring sessions on Palkiday.

Sparring against George proved to be exhausting, not only physically, but also mentally. Honestly, I was not enjoying the spars as much as I had been while fighting against Armani or Yoruichi.

Well, one good thing was that the frustration at my inability to hurt him seemed to help increase the strength of my hits. While doing my routine checkup that day, I noticed that Kun/Azuraid's Energy Capacity rose to S, and that was his second parameter to do so. Nonetheless, his Vitality had yet to reach A, so he still had not officially started his limit breaking.

On Kyoday, I got bamboozled into starting a massage and grooming session. They, Mothra/Butterfree, Nyx/Umbreon, Enji/Arcanine, and co, used their cuteness, giving out hints until I folded and told them I would do it without them having to outright ask for it.

It took Kyoday as well as Grouday for me to finish with the landbound Pokemon, and I started working on the water types on Arcday after coming home from the academy.

I decided to work on the Sinister Six first, and it took the whole day for me to finish them. However, even I was impressed with the result of my efforts. The scales of all six Gyarados were gleaming, and all of them were oozing satisfaction. They collectively gave me a 5-star review.

On Mewday, after coming home, I began working on the other water types, and after Kun's turn, I noticed that his Vitality had risen to A. With this Kun officially began his limit-breaking training. I did not want to toot my own horn, but I was an awesome groomer/masseuse.

'Name: Kun-Peng (Kun)

Species: Azuraid

Gender: Male

Age: 9+ Years


Type: Water, Flying

Potential: Light Purple (69.1%) -> (79.99%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Swift Swim, Keen Eye

Talents: Sniper

Affinities: Water, Flying


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirks: None



Stage: Silver Stage (high)

Vitality: B -> A

Strength: A

Endurance: A

Agility: S

Energy Capacity: S

Energy Density: A


Resistance: Fire (Minor), Water (Minor), Fighting (Minor), Bug (Minor), Steel (Minor)


Weaknesses: Electric (Minor, Strd), Rock (Minor)



Electric (in-progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy



Water Energy Manipulation (Advanced)

Flying/Air Energy Manipulation (Novice) -> (Beginner)




(Unofficial) Initial:







Liquidation (new, +), Hurricane (new, +)



Psybeam, Aurora Beam, Bullet Seed, Lock-On, Endure, Soak, Rain Dance, Thunder Wave, Air Slash(+), Air Cutter (new, ++), Gust (new, ++), Hyper Beam (+), Flamethrower (+), Protect (+), Aqua Jet (new, ++)



Water Pulse, Focus Energy, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Bubble Beam, Charge Beam



Water Gun, Scald (+)


Combo moves/Custom moves:

Hydro Scald (in-progress)'

Well, in the first half of his status screen nothing had changed for quite some time except for his age and his potential. I think the age part needs no explanation, and his potential had increased bit by bit over the last two years and had gotten infinitely close to 80%.

Parameter-wise Kun already had two parameters at S, so he only had to raise the other 4 to finish the first round of limit breaking. Sometimes, I was wondering how it would have been if I was not inspiring in doing the whole limit-breaking spiel.

Still, I knew that they would have had much worse potential, along with a worse foundation if I did that, so in my opinion, it would not have been worth it, even if I would have managed to raise some dark gold stage Pokemon by now. Yet, even that was not guaranteed, since I could not know by how much their lower potential would have reduced their progress speed.

Moving on to his type relation section. This one was interesting because of his electric weakness. Due to him standardizing that particular weakness as a Remoraid, it turned back to a minor weakness instead of becoming a major one upon his evolution to Azuraid.

It would have been a major weakness due to his water and flying dual typing. Anyway, this sequence of events led to Kun standardizing his minor electric weakness for the second time.

The next part was his masteries, and those were coming along pretty well. His advanced water energy manipulation only needed another two water type moves to increase to the mastered grade, while his flying/air energy manipulation only needed another move to reach proficiency to upgrade from beginner to proficient mastery.

Currently, the move Hurricane was at beginner mastery, so once it got improved to proficiency, the flying/air energy manipulation would automatically follow. It along with Air Slash, air Cutter, and Gust were his only flying type moves, so it may be time to consider learning some more flying type moves.

Well, that would have to wait until he successfully finished the combo move he was working on, but after that, it could be their turn. I think that would be more important than working on other moves such as Liquidation.

Speaking of the combo move, Kun was trying to blend Scald and Hydro Pump, for a scalding Hydro Pump. Normally combining two moves belonging to the upper echelon of moves was pretty hard, at least it was much harder than combing "weaker" moves.

However, since he had mastered Scald and had Hydro Pump at advanced mastery, Kun could work on combining them without having to spend years on it.

Anyway, after Kun, I worked on Manami/Lapras before stopping for the day. I finally managed to finish with all of them the next day and decided to relax for the rest of the week, which also happened to be the rest of the month.

Well, the day after that happened to be Palkiday, and I wouldn't call the sparring sessions with George relaxing, so I started relaxing starting on Dialday, and as if trying to help the mood, Stan/Gyarados's Vitality rose to SSS that evening.

After this increase, Stan was halfway through the final round of his limit breaking. Only three more parameters to go before he could break through to the gold stage.


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The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of August the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8. Those want access to them can find them on my patre*on.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, the lowest number of advanced chapters available will be 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 10.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 2/5 for this week.

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of August the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. An patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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