
CH20 (250), Project Complete and Special Conditions

The day after dad's birthday Abzu/Milotic's potential finally reached purple. Just this increase of roughly 4.5 percent took roughly 66 months and that with all the resources I had. Situations like this reminded me each time that I would have a really hard time raising the potential of my Pokemon as greatly as I did if not for the existence of the limit-breaking bonus.

Thank Mew and Arceus for implementing that into the strength progression system while they were creating this universe. I may have still managed to slowly raise the potential of my Pokemon to the same height without having the bonus thanks to my super library and Utopia, but it would have taken a considerably longer time to do so.

Anyway, Abzu's case remained not the only one, just two weeks later, toward the end of the exam week of the fifth term, Optimus/Butterfree's potential finally reached deep blue.

It had been a bit more than a year since he broke through to (high) silver, and much longer since he reached the silver stage, and others could not imagine how hard Optimus trained to keep up with his team members that either had a higher racial value, much higher potential or even both.

He demonstrated why his quirk was hardworking increasing his parameters close to the limit of the regular phase within this relatively short time. He even managed to raise his Energy Capacity to S, and I was pretty sure his Vitality was going to increase to A pretty soon as well.

I made sure to talk to him quite often to make sure that he did not get into a negative mindset due to the nearly desperate pace he set himself to keep up with the others.

Thankfully he was not resentful because of his situation and did not develop any complex or envy as well as hate towards the others, which could happen due to complexes that could sprout during comparisons. The fact that everyone on the team was supportive and that I had drilled into them that they were all one family helped with that.

Additionally, he was not the only one that I held these "counseling" sessions with. I held such private talking sessions with all my Pokemon, but the content varied from Pokemon to Pokemon. Prime/Beedrill was in a similar situation as Optimus, so he received a similar "counseling" as well.

Others simply treated the sessions as bonding moments or to talk about difficulties, complaints, or requests. Still, knowing what it took for Optimus to reach his current stage, I would not be surprised if he gained the quirk determined one of these days, and I saw once more what a difference the potential and racial value could make to the progress speed of a Pokemon.

Those that kept going at it with fewer resources and tools/knowledge than me had my respect for their efforts alone. Optimus reaction when I told him the news was a sight to see, and we threw a party to celebrate the event.

'Name: Optimus

Species: Butterfree

Gender: Male

Age: 7+ years


Type: Bug, Flying

Potential: Blue (81.73%) -> Deep Blue (0.02%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Compound Eyes, Tinted Lens

Talents: None

Affinities: Bug, Flying


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirks: Hardworking



Stage: Silver Stage (high)

Vitality: B

Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: A

Energy Capacity: S

Energy Density: A



Grass (Major), Fighting (Major), Ground (Minor), Bug (Minor)



Electric (Minor), Fire (Minor), Ice (Minor), Flying (Minor), Rock (Major)



Electric (in-progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy, Elated, Moved



Bug E. Manipulation (Proficient) -> (Advanced)

Flying/Air E. Manipulation (Proficient)




(Unofficial) Initial:




Rage Powder, Hurricane (new)



Tackle, Whirlwind, Protect (new, +), Mega Drain (new, +), Shadow Ball (new, +), Teleport (new, +)



Bug Bite, Harden, Iron Defense, Roost (new, ++)



Electroweb, Bug Buzz, Psybeam, Air Slash, Tailwind, Confusion, Signal Beam, Quiver Dance, String Shot (+), Psychic (++), Gust (+)



Sleep Powder (+), Stun Spore (+), Poison Powder (+)



Powder Bomb (All variants, Proficient), String Variant (All 3, Proficient), Web Variants (All 3, Proficient)'

Considering Optimus's current parameters, I was estimating that he would officially start his limit breaking sometime around the start of my third year. I was hoping it would happen towards the end of the break, which would be a nice start to the new academic year. However, I was pretty confident that it would not take as long as the first vacation.

I could understand his condition since it was a pretty significant moment for him, that could only be exceeded when he reached light purple potential after his breakthrough to the gold stage.

The last time Optimus had been this happy was roughly 13 months ago when his Bug E. Manipulation had reached advanced mastery after his String Shot rose to advanced mastery first. Honestly, he had not even been that happy when his powder moves reached mastery due to all the work he put into his combo moves.

Anyway, while his move section/pool was not as extensive as that of Mothra/Butterfree, or some of the other ones with quite a few moves, it was versatile enough, and what he was missing in numbers he was making up in mastery.

I mean he had quite a few combo moves at proficient mastery to show, so he could be proud of himself. Honestly, Optimus was suffering a bit due to the comparison with his family/siblings, especially Mothra. However, those same siblings were also the ones that motivated Optimus to reach his current state.

It was kind of like the two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, outside our not-so-little group, Optimus was considered pretty outstanding, and I made sure that he knew that. I was not kidding when I was saying that either, nor was I doing that to make him feel good. I genuinely believed that he could become the ace Pokemon of most other trainers as he was currently.

Anyway, two days after that little happy event in between the boring exams the vacation began and I chose to stay at home for this one. First, it was to spend some time relaxing with my parents as well as Pokemon, and second, I wanted to finish my second project using the vacation.

I wasn't too far from being done with everything, so I allocated 4 hours every day to research while spending the rest of the day with my parents and/or my Pokemon.

Grooming sessions were part of that, and it was fun to just play around with them or relax instead of training all the time. They deserved and needed that month of downtime.

It took me two weeks to be done with the web part and another three to corroborate everything with my super-library, but after two and a half weeks I was finally done with my second project.

The first thing I did was to call Kinji to inform him of the completion of the project since he was the biggest contributor after me. I felt that he deserved to be the first to know that the project he helped with was complete.

I asked him to come over if he wanted to see the finished result before it got published since I did not want to send it over via mail, but Kinji said that he was too busy right now and that he would take a look at it when it was formally published.

I decided to take the next day off before deciding what I was going to do for the rest of the vacation/month. However, it seemed that good news did not want to come alone, so I got another pleasant surprise during that rest day.

During the evening check, I saw that Mothra's Endurance had risen to SSS, which only left her Strength parameter at SS. Once that one reached SSS as well, my darling Mothra would be ready to break through to the gold stage.

Honestly, my excitement went through the roof at that thought, and I knew that that moment was not too far off anymore. Well, aside from that little piece of great news, I decided to focus on the special conditions some of my Pokemon had for their evolution.

Or rather it was focusing more on the special conditions since I have been researching that topic on the side for months now. I had determined some things and I was even sure that I had found two reliable ways to help Osiris/Marowak evolve to Skellibra.

Well, the two ways I was mentioning here were regarding the overcoming of the genetic grudge. The strength requirement was not included in this. As for that one, I guessed that the (low) gold stage was the minimum requirement, but that seemed to be the case for most, but not all, trade evolutions.

The first one was the peaceful option, which was for the Marowak to raise a Charmander as either its child or a younger sibling until it became a Charizard.

The bond/love that would or rather should develop that way should help it overcome the resentment in its genes, thus allowing it to evolve. Actually, in that vein falling in love, or rather genuinely loving a Charizard should fulfill the condition as well.

The second option was a more "violent" approach. Here the Marowak had to go through a huge number of fights against one or more Charizard and defeat them without killing them until it became indifferent towards fighting and beating Charizard. Once that happened it should theoretically be able to overcome the resentment as well.

Still, no matter which option one chose to follow, it was hard to fulfill the necessary condition since meeting members of the Charmander line was not easy. Nonetheless, I had found reliable methods to evolve a Marowak and I was planning to release a paper on that topic in the future.

If everything went as I was envisioning it, then I would publish it while doing my apprenticeship during my tertiary education. I should be able to work more on that topic at that time.

Now, putting aside Mars/Ursaring's potential alternate evolution, since I had no luck finding information about that on the web or inside my super-library, I was going to focus on the requirements for Tatsumaki/Kadabra, and Tyson/Machoke.

I had already been looking through stuff regarding their evolution, and I was now going to focus on finding a surefire way for my two Pokemon to evolve during the rest of my vacation.

By the time my vacation was over I was pretty confident that I had deduced the ideal way using all the information available to me. Let's start with the strength requirement.

The lowest point an evolution was possible was the (low) gold stage, and this seemed to be the known minimum for most, if not all, trade evolutions. At least, there had been no recorded case of a silver stage Machamp or Alakazam being sighted.

Still, I was speculating that I could pull it off during the silver stage if I tried to, considering that the later phases of the limit breaking seem to be equal to the (low) gold stage in prowess.

Now, on to the other evolution requirements. For Machoke, it seemed like beating fighting types as strong or stronger than oneself in a fair one-on-one fight and getting the acknowledgment of the beaten foe was the most reliable way to trigger the evolution of Machamp. It was even better if the beaten fighting types were Machoke or Machamp.

For Kadabra on the other hand, it looked as if mastering 6 moves out of Kinesis, Psychic, Teleport, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Gravity, Miracle Eye, Telekinesis, Hypnosis and Rest was the most reliable option. Moreover, it seemed as if Psychic, Teleport, and Kinesis had to be among the six mastered moves.

There were obviously other alternate ways to trigger the evolution, but these two seemed to be the most reliable and most beneficial methods among those I managed to derive through my research.

Those that followed these methods ended up belonging to the strongest group of Machamp and Alakazam after their evolution among their compatriots at the same stage. At least, it was like that according to my research. I could naturally be wrong, but I doubted that it was the case.

Ultimately, I was happy that I managed to complete all my goals before the sixth and final term of my second year began.


***A Big Thank You to Kheinz for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of June the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8. Those want access to them can find them on my patre*on.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, the lowest number of advanced chapters available will be 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 10.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/5 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Kheinz for becoming a Patron***

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of June the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. An patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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