
Chapter 161

"Dracule...?" I remarked, looking at Domino up and down, wondering if she's related to that DRACULE. "Are you perhaps related to-" I asked, and Domino cut me off before I finished my question.

"Dracule Mihawk is my father," Domino said, cutting me off as she gestured with her hand to the side.

I just stared at her for a second, trying to make sense of this situation. Dracule fucking hawk-eyed Mihawk has a daughter, and she's asking to join my crew.

But now that I had another good look at Domino, I finally see the resemblance between her and Mihawk. Pale skin, Spanish, swordsman/noble attire, and a pair of predatory eyes, with the only difference being the eye color.

Domino noticed me looking into her eyes and smiled, seemingly realizing what I was thinking. "I didn't like the color of my eyes, so I ate the only fruit that could permanently change their color," Domino said, opening her palm as blood from her still open wound, taking the shape of a sphere.

'Well, that sounds like a story, but now is not the time.'

"I see," I remarked. "Why didn't you sail with your father, by the way? If you don't mind me asking," I added with a curious look.

"I imagine you'd be strong in no time if he trained you himself..." I concluded, trailing off as I paused, waiting for Domino to reply.

"That's because I want to kick to his ass!" Domino flatly replied, without bothering to elaborate as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

'Wants to kick her dad's ass, and she went as far as to eat a devil fruit to change the color of her eyes... seems like she has a grudge or something to prove...'

"Many people want to kick Mihawk's ass," I remarked with a chuckle. "I suppose his own daughter wanting to do the same wouldn't be that strange either," I added with a shrug, scratching my head.

"Anyway, you can tag along with my crew for a while," I said after a second's thought. "We'll see if you're a good fit for my crew or not before I decide whether you can permanently stay," I concluded with a nod.

"Fair enough," Domino replied with a nod of her own. "So where to now, captain?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"It's getting dark, so we might as well get back to the ship," I replied with a shrug of my shoulders, still lamenting the fact I didn't get to enjoy a good meal at Spice Bean.


"Everyone look! Johnny brought back another weirdo!" Wilson exclaimed as he stood leaning on the Black Pearl's railing with a smug grin on his face while pointing at Domino and myself.

I just sighed, messaging my forehead as I ignored Wilson and jumped into the ship, gesturing for Domino to follow.

"Is everyone here?" I asked as I turned to look at Laffite, who was already walking towards me while giving Domino a curious look.

"Everyone except for Byron... but he should be on his way back already," Laffite replied, still looking at Domino with a curious expression.

"I guess Byron will have to introduce himself on his own when he gets back then," I remarked with a shrug, gesturing for everyone to come closer.

"This is Domino Dracule. She'll be staying with us for a while, until I can decide whether or not to let her permanently join the crew," I introduced while gesturing towards Domino, who broadly smiled, waving her hand at my crew.

I then introduced my crew to Domino, Starting from Wilson all the way to Law and Pebo based on who joined first. And although they all displayed different reactions, none of them reacted negatively to Domino.


Another hour or so had passed since I introduced Domino to my crew, and we were currently doing what we always do after a long day; lazing around the Black Pearl's deck before going to bed.

I was currently sitting on my favorite spot, sipping whisky from my bottle, while gazing at the clear skies, admiring the beautiful stars on my own while my crewmates did their own thing.

I was never one to shy away from company. In fact, I always enjoyed being around friends and family, goofing around at every chance I had.

However, life in the sea wasn't all fun and games, unfortunately, and despite trying my hardest not to show it, I was feeling the pressure.

I had an entire crew relying on me, and the weight of their well-being, their hopes, their dreams, along with the overwhelming amount of trust they project towards me, can be crushing at times.

Celestial dragons, the world government, the marines, other pirates, bounty hunters, etc..., Those were all threats to my crew that I have to consider every step of the way, and I dread the day my strength and wits fail me, leaving me unable to protect them, and I can not show it.

Not in front of my companions, not in front of enemies, not in front of anyone. So I come here to be by myself and wallow in self-pity while drinking and gazing at the stars whenever I feel I need a breather.

Don't get me wrong, I asked to be in this crazy world, and I don't regret a single thing I did since I came here, but I'm still a human being, and even I have my limits.

"I'm back!" I heard Byron's voice from above, along with the sound of flapping wings, snapping me out of my daze, and I smiled as I turned to look at the blonde musician in his hybrid form.

However, my smile immediately turned into a cold expression as he reverted into his human form, revealing several minor scratches and wounds.

"Who did this?" I coldly asked as I appeared in front of Byron as he landed on the Black Pearl's deck and turned into his human form.

"Just some thugs and bounty hunters I came across in a bar," Byron replied, awkwardly scratching his head.

"Were they strong?" I asked as I looked at Byron. "Regular thugs and bounty hunters shouldn't be able to hut you..." I added, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Well, they ambushed me in the middle of a bar..." Byron replied, trailing off, shrugging his shoulders. "They were well equipped and prepared too, and I didn't see them coming," he added, scratching his head.

"And I couldn't use my devil fruit powers because there were a lot of bystanders, and you know how destructive my fire can be..." he concluded with a sigh.

"Oh, now that you mention it..." Wilson said from the side as he seemed to remember something. "Some idiots tried to ambush me too while I was out earlier," he carelessly added.

"Was anyone else ambushed?" I asked with a frown as I turned to look at the rest of my companions, and they all shook their heads.

"Laffite," I remarked with a sigh as I turned to look at my navigator. "Take Kozue and figure out who these people are, and get rid of them," I instructed, and Laffite nodded with a smile as he turned to look at Kozue, who nodded as well.

"Leave it to us, captain," Laffite said in his usual cheery tone with an assuring expression.

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