

The diary was cut there, causing Zakai to sigh

"[Transmuation magic: restore]" Zakia muttered. one of the three spells he gained from Transmutation magic that he didn't even know about. he could only use it on objects, so it wasn't useful when it came to battle.

the torn page was restored, causing Zakai to sigh

Buckle up kiddos, it's time for an exposition dump.


4/3/2 LC - I had made a deal with the human Agrippa family. they would kill the wife of the Susanoo clan, who was prominent in the clan. although I could have killed the head, Suspicion will rise and I would be killed. I started to make a network of spies to see what this "Ki" Was about. apparently, it allowed the user to sense people. use telepathy, detect lies among other things. I must not be encountered in interrogation for the murder of the Susanoo' head wife's, and need to lay low.

4/7/2 LC - suspicion was rising among the three clans. their new weapon made out of "Alchemy" Was completed. apparently, it was a mechanical grimoire with the power to turn anything it touches into gold. the other races must not learn about this, or we will be hunted. the Susanoo head clan started his statement about Alchemy, saying "alchemy refers to both an early form of the investigation of nature and an early philosophical and spiritual discipline, both combining elements of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, astrology, semiotics, mysticism, spiritualism, and art all as parts of one greater force. Alchemy was indeed what the people referred to as "magic". Magic revolves around the discovery, creation, and combination of symbols to create other types of magic. As new symbols are used and combined, new forms of magic are unlocked. These symbols could appear in a multitude of ways; as animals, objects, or people just to name a few. It is said that these symbols cannot be cracked by those outside us dwarfs. meaning that this form of power will exclusively benefit the dwarfs, as we strive to become the greatest race that had ever walked on all of the earth. Cheers erupted from the crowd

12/1/3 Lc - what, that should be impossible... I saw it with my own eyes. the woman I killed, the wife of the head of the Susanoo clan... was walking. something was strange about her, her smile was more cunning and eerie, and the kindness she showed was gone, replaced with a devilish grin. what had the Susanoo clan done? what MONSTROSITY did they create? I must put an end to this hidden war

the chiefs of the council had decided. the Susanoo clan is to be exterminated in the false charge of dealing a deal with the devil in exchange for the soul of his wife.


"What a foolish man." Zakai thought

(Wonder where I got Susanoo from? wink wink)


16/2/3 LC - the three great clans had been looking at eachover tensely, each wanting their own part of The Susanoo clan, which was getting pressured by the church of dwarfs to admit to heresy. instead of looking towards the Susanoo clan, they want to hold the power of being a prime minister. I fear for my life.

17/3/3 Lc - today, I confronted the Susanoo' clan leader and called him out about his dead wife, who was giving me a creepy smile behind her husbands back. I still recall the conversation Vividly

"Tekka!" I shouted at the man, who returned with a kind smile

"Prime minister, what can I do for you?"

"She's supposed to be dead! how is she alive and breathing!" I shouted towards the man, who simply gave a eyes closed smile "Come."

He started walking towards the Susanoo courtyard, where the people were bowing down towards him

"Ki is a mystical force." The Tekka said "Some have different types, such as having it spiritually or using it psychically to manifest the user's soul in the shape of a weapon." the man stopped, before looking back at me "When my wife died at the hands of your poison, I was heartbroken. I tried my best to do everything a man could do, and I refused to let her die."

he pulled out a book and threw it towards me, as i looked at him in pure horror

"Y-YOU KNEW?" I screamed. no this, was a bluff! he didn't know, he was only guessing!

"your eyes were filled with greed when looking at the clans. You're the real monster here, that is all." the man gave a simple smile, before looking towards me. "Besides, thanks to you, I found something.... much better."

I looked at him with pure horror as he sang


a strong mana prescene filled the room, causing me to facepalm the ground, due to the sheer presence

A small demon figure appeared on the man's shoulder causing him to snicker, taunting the man that was on the floor

"How ironic. the rumours about you killing my wife were true, and the rumours of me making a deal with the devil was also true. i would think we are equal, no?"

"You bastard, what are you-"

"Now now, it isn't the time for cursing." Terra said, "In exchange for knowledge about ki and alchemy the sacrifice my grimoire, I get my wife's soul back." Terra said, looking at the man with deadbeats eyes

the demon on his shoulder was cloaked with darkness, making him unable to see its true appearance

I shook in fear, I shook as I walked back

"What..are you?"

"A Dictator that will rule over the dwarfs," Terra muttered, causing a grimoire to float beside him

"Alchemic grimoire." The man floated the book around "Transmutation, artificial bodies. the fruit of the Susanoo clan for this past few months."

"YOU...YOU MONSTER!" I screamed, attempting to run away, but saw that the room morphed around me with a click on his finger, making it a cube out of steel

"Laplace once told me. everyone can change when given a chance, even demons, devils, dragons." Terra walked over to me "But you, you can't change. You're at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the dwarf race. You've drunk off the power that isn't even yours, belonging to a family that had a fake history in claiming eiden. you have no right to be alive, but I'm a man of culture and etiquette. I'm not going to kill you, but to slowly strip away your power, bit by bit, leaving you with nothing. then, your wife and child are going to die of a mysterious poison. you will lose your step and be forced to watch as I ascend to the heavens, the two great families' watching over me in loyalty. you're going to be living off the streets, disdained and pitied by the peasants you once ruled over. the " the man had a fanatic expression, before calming down "The rule of the terraic empire will rise, as cities and continents will fall, and anew shall rise. I shall take the throne of the empire. and you, nothing more than another mouth to feed."

Terror washed across my face, as I pointed my finger at him

"Y-you can't do that m-my family gave you everything!"

"Oh?" Terra and his demon laughed before he grabbed my collar and put his face to mine.

"You don't have a choice."

The room was morphed, revealing the previous format at the room he needed to kill the man, stop his plans. he needed more time, a luxury he won't get

I believe I am powerful enough to stop the clan. he is nothing more than a human with a low ranking demon, which didn't even provide him with power, if I ally with the 2 great clans, we can beat him! i give myself hope.

What a foolish delusion.

Next chapter