
A different dream?

The author here: some people are complaining that Oc characters are bad, however, the prestigious Crimson lion squad has only like 6 members and only 1 gets a mainstage appearance, being the youngest master of the Vermillion family. don't be upset cause I want to expand on the image.

also, no romance till the story is more fleshed out :P


Zakai woke up on his Luscious bed, in the room that was 3x larger than his cabin overall

Groaning, Zakai thought to himself

"Rather sleep in the cabin, to be honest."

he stayed up last night learnt creation magic, and was able to achieve with the constant input of creation magic directly onto his grimoire, who sucked it up

creation magic had a set of rules, to say. first, you cant make magically enhanced items with them, second, unless you have a spell, all items created will have no taste and third, the size and width of an object depends on the amount of mana you put into it

Once created, the thing won't turn into dust once mana is gone inside it, as it became a physical object. to test it out, he made a set of clothes for himself.

"Geeze, I have an unnaturally large mana pool." Zalak couldn't help but lament, humming while making a new shirt and a pair of jeans

luckily for the butler, he knows creation magic that could make food had a taste, and since it seemed it consumed it from him, he had the spell to

(Author note: charmie would be proud :> )

After having breakfast and cleaning his bed, he went down to the mission hall where there meant to report every day

Crimson lions don't force their members to do missions, but ts traded for an hour of non-negotiable spar under the watchful eyes of Fugeleon, which some members described as hell.

Sighing while talking to veronica, Fuegeleon walked in and hushed all the members into one of the two training halls, outside and inside respectively

today, there going to be training outside due to the clean weather

Although you don't have to spar with your partner, most of the people did it to famaize themself with their duo's strength, leading to arise in battle coordination

"You ready?" Veronica looked at me with a smirk

"Yeah yeah, just start it."

Zakai started of with summoning his bow before chanting

"[Wind magic: Zephr Arrow]"

Veronica didn't flinch as she said

"Nomu, use [Shadow swallow]"

you jumped up and opened its massive mouth swallowing its elements


feeling a threat surround him, Zakai instantly jumped out of the way using wind magic to see the place where he previously stood cut by a large hyper beam of Wind magic


"Nomu can swallow any element and return it with x2 strength." She said, patting the little shadow like doggo "There are limitations though." Veronica asked, "What magic have you copied?"

"Paper magic, Tracking magic, holy water magic, wind magic and Creation magic." Zakai would be working with him in the future, so it was beneficial for him to tell her

Feeling a cold glare at the back of his back, Zalak shivered

"Get back to training and stop chatting." Fugeleon shot a harsh stare, causing Zakai and Veronica to instantly battle again


An hour had passed and Fugeleon had walked out, leading Zakai to split up from Veronica and do his own thing

Walking up to the mission board, he started reading for some half-arse missions he could do

"Kill a Double-Axed rock bear."

Sounds good. some beasts have magic in them, so how will his grimoire react to that?

after giving the sheet to the receptionist, she gave the mission an approved stamp before saying

"The double-Axed rock bear is a bear that is large and knows rock magic, so be careful." She warned, before sending Zakai on his way

Whistling while flying towards the forest south of the royal capital, he said

"This bear really is a hassle huh. it apparently is an apex of its kind and has already killed a lot of the hunters who try to kill it."

After flying for about an hour, he felt a strong mana signal, causing him to fly down from the air

a hunky bear with rocks that seemed to be infused into its body's directly

the bear was altleast 6 of him in height and width, a lot bigger than even the large 100-year-old trees that grow in the ancient forest

noticing an opponent, the rock bear smashed its hands against its chest like a gorilla and shot a large rock at Zakai, which he easily dodged

"Slow but powerful," Zakai said, summoning some paper and shooting it towards the bear, that used its magically enhanced rock skin to block the blow easily

"I need some close contact magic."

clicking his tongue, he thought of the Explosive substance he used to kill the bandit leader and made a lighter

Homemade rocket kit-san is what Zakai will call it

wrapping the powder around the arrow and shooting it, Zakai used the wind magic to make the lighter hit the arrow when it was near the bear

although the bear could stand blunt objects and Sharp, like swords and staffs, the armour was slowly getting worn down from countless explosions

seeing a crack near its collarbone, Zakai gave a small prayer before coating some paper into the explosive liquid he quickly made and sent into the crack, watching as the bear internally exploded and died

looking at the massive bear that was on the floor, Zakai flew down and had the pleasure of searching its insides for its magic core, which is basically where the mana is made in the animal

"Mhm," Zakai said, finding a brown pearl-like core, which the grimoire absorbed easily

since rock magic wasn't advanced and the mana contained extremely condensed mana, a new page was produced with a single spell

"Rock armour."

Eh, it encased him in a similar armour like the bear but slowed him down due to the heavy armour

slowly summoning it away, he collected the parts required for the quest, which was the head and some shards of its armour


After getting his money of 75k, a decent chunk, he went to a random age and with the bribe of 20k, agreed to teach me Fire magic

fire magic was basic magic, so it took not long for him to learn it

"2 spells, Grand fireball, which seemed to be inherited by the geezer and then Hestiac arrows, a version of his wind arrows."

going back to the quarter, Zakai started experimenting with the explosive power


A man and 3 grunts were coming out of the portal, a grunt with a grimoire at hand

"Right on schedule," The man said, looking at a stopwatch in his hand

Zalak could see 10 boars on with tuffs of fire on their heads, making them magical beast

the main man, a slender white-haired man looked at the grunts

"You know what to do."

they walked to a place overlooking a small peasant village with a cruel smile on their face

"This is where the magic stone is located," The main man said "We are going to find it "

"Yes sir!" The grunts disappeared, leaving the man to smile


Waking up, Zakai hold his head in pain

"Sosshi...retrieve.....the...ma...gic....s...t...o...n..e" a voice came from the Grimoire, a different one. this was calm and sounded nice , oddly nostalgic even though he had never heard it before "Y....o...u have 2...w..e...e..k..s" the voice was broken, but Zakai could hear it

As he said magic stone, an image of a Pink coloured gem with a pattern of a crescent moon with 3 stars appeared in his mind


Zakai felt the cold sweat drip down his back as his eyes expanded

"It's the first dream I had that is different from the other one!" He laughed hysterically like a madman for 5 minutes before sensing the grimoire's urgency

"Sosshi?" Zakai said, before going to the quest board

something tells him in the darkest pits of his soul that this thing.... will define the world.

Next chapter