
The Laboratory

"I like it," Raiden said. "It's a good name."

"Yeah. It definitely suits us," Toshi said.

"Hey! Look, Toshi complemented something for the first time. Now, you know for sure that it's good."

"Of course, I will complement if something is good."

Sheila smiled, "I'm glad both of you liked it and it will be a symbol for us to not give up ever."

"Definitely," Raiden commented.

"By the way," Toshi interrupted. "It's been days since we checked on the news. It's better for us to keep getting information on what is going on outside."

"Yeah. We did not even get any free time to watch the news," Raiden got up from his seat and went closer to the TV to grab the remote. He came with and sat on his seat again with the remote in his hand.

He finally turned on the TV and made sure to have the volume on the minimum.

The TV turned on and no other channel was working, just an emergency broadcast was going on.

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