

After the continuous effort of Raiden of ringing the bell. The gates opened up, just a little bit. Behind the gates, a head peeped outside from the little opening. It wasn't full out but only a small portion of the head to observe what was outside. The head rolled its eyes and observed the one who was standing outside. As soon as the guy behind the doors spotted the katanas in the hands of Raiden and Toshi, he panicked and tried to close off the door.

Raiden was expecting his mom or dad to open the gate but he could tell by the little portion of the head that popped out that it definitely was not his mom or dad.

Just when Raiden noticed it, the guy behind the doors tried to close the door.

Raiden saw that coming and acted accordingly to the situation. He was already standing closer to the doors so he reached out his leg and stuck his foot between the gate and the wall before the guy could completely shut down the door.

The gate didn't close as Raiden's foot became an obstacle in the gate's way. Raiden held the door in his hand and applied force to open it up completely. The force was being applied from the opposite side of the door too but Raiden was easily overpowering it.

Raiden applied more force and opened the door about half ways. He let half of his body inside the entrance and could even see the face of the guy pushing it from the other side.

"Hey! Stop it," he called out to that guy but he didn't stop.

Raiden had no option left but to completely push open the door. He applied more strength and finally opened the door, making it to the other side.

Raiden tried to turn toward the guy who was now behind the open door.

But, as he turned, a sharp machete came under his nose.

Makie gasped from behind as she saw the machete under Raiden's neck.

Toshi tightened his grip on his sword as a signal to Raiden that he was ready for the action.

Raiden slightly looked toward Toshi for a split second and gave a signal from his hand to calm down.

The guy hiding behind the door was visible to Raiden but he wasn't the one who held a machete under Raiden's neck. It was someone else who hid behind the guy but Raiden couldn't see who it was because of the angle of the door. The only thing visible to him was the machete and a hand holding it. And, the hand came from behind the door.

The one holding the machete passed another machete to the other guy. Now, the guy who was pushing the door before came closer to Raiden and held his machete under Raiden's neck, too. He came out from behind the door and was visible to Toshi and Makie, too.

"Don't make any kind of scene here," the guy said.

"Are we the one making a scene here or you?" Raiden calmly said, not worrying about the two sharp machetes he had under his neck.

"It was you guys who were ringing the bell like crazy not us," the guy replied.

"Yes, because we needed to get in."

"And why was that?"

"Because it is dark and there might be those monsters running wild outside?" Raiden said and felt kinda confused for stating the obvious.

"Then why here? Go somewhere else."

"Because it's my house."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

The guy shifted a little to see behind the doors and asked, "Is it?" to the one hiding behind the doors.

"How would I know?" A little whisper came out from behind the doors but not audible enough for Raiden to hear it.

The guy came back to his position again and said, "How can I believe it?"

"The machetes you two are holding, you found in the storage room."

The guy shifted again and said in confusion, "How did he know?"

He came back to his position and said, "No, we didn't."

"The sound of the doorbell that you heard, came from the bedroom."

The guy shifted again and said in confusion, "How did he know?"

He came back to his position and said, "No, it didn't."

"The refrigerator had some leftover vegetables and 5 to 6 energy drinks."

The guy shifted again and said in confusion, "How did he know?"

He came back to his position and said, "No, there wasn't."

"Ahhh, you could probably go in the bedroom and find my photo there."

The guy shifted again and said in confusion, "Should I go?"

The one hiding behind the doors nodded and Raiden could tell because of how their hand also started shaking. And, at this point, the machete wasn't even clearly pointing at his neck.

Toshi had removed the grip he had on his machete ages ago. And, both Toshi and Makie stood with their arms crossed.

The guy had also left to check into the bedroom.

He came back and bowed down toward Raiden, "We are so sorry. It is your house."

"Hey! You can come out now, these guys are not dangerous," he added in with his apology.

The machete which was supposedly around somewhere in his neck came down. And, the figure from behind the door came in front of Raiden.

It was a girl.

And, a beautiful one. With long and black hairs which shone brightly on her. In jeans and a shirt, she didn't look lesser than any princess.

After coming out, she bowed down alongside that guy, "We are so sorry, we treated you like that in your own house."

"Never mind all that but just let us all in and close this door."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Both of them moved behind and made space in that little corridor. Toshi and Makie came in and the door was finally closed.

"You guys had us waiting out there for quite a long time," Toshi said.

"Yeah, and oh man! You guys scared me when you pulled out that machete on Raiden."

The guy laughed it off and said, "Yeah, we shouldn't have done that."

"Well, whatever happens in the past, dies within the past," he added in, sarcastically. "So, let's just forget whatever happened here. My name is Jum and she is my sister."

He pointed toward his sister.

Her sister spoke up, "Once again, I'm sorry for all of that, we both were really scared at that time."

Then, she made up a gentle smile on her face and continued, "My name is Sheila. It is very nice to meet you."


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