

The change in the man’s demeanor was almost instantaneous. While still on his knees and restrained, he bent his head forward until his forehead almost touched the ground.

“Forgive me for not recognizing you, lord Tngri. I meant no disrespect. But what are you doing with these savages?” With his head, he motioned to the soldiers that were all around us -and apparently also in awe of the Dragon-spirit surrounding me.

“I was reborn in their lands.”

“Re-reborn?” The man’s eyes widened as he looked up at my face when I squatted before him again, my other-self retreating back to wherever he existed while immaterial.

“Yes. I’m working on regaining my full powers to aid our people again, but my time is otherwise spent when conflict strikes.” I pointed to the battlefield with a movement of the head. “I have been outside the Heavenly Realm for quite a while, what has become of our people?”

The man sighed and told me a story.

Next chapter