

(the next day)

As went to dads office since Baraqiel decided to pick me up in the fuck morning I mean who the hell wakes up at 4am on a Sunday. Anyway i did what anyone in my shoes would do and that was to teleport to my lab and sleep for the three hours and then blame Elsa for not waking me. The man stood at my door for three hours straight and knocked the minute I teleported back and the first thing I said to him when I open the door looked at him dead in the eyes and said

"what kind of psychopath are you to wakes up in fucking 4am on a Sunday I should kill you for this bullshit" anyway after that we teleported to the main building and made our way to dad's office

As we arrived to dad's office he explained what kind of people the Greeks are and there love for curse and bullshit like that so I took one of my invention it basically a necklace that made from Mahō no hagane and absorbs energy that can in connect with it so I should be able fine and full counter will be on at all times like I do to counter the trap vampire

"sephiroth I need you to only go there as Baraqiels second and find out what they want from you and Baraqiel will be the one who talks allies and you will be on stand but if they decide to do something unforgettable" dad said as he looked at me with a dark smile "Infinite Storm Olympics and make sure it destroys everything thing"

"is that wise azazel we may start a war" Baaqiel said a little concered

"the Greeks hate each other with a passion so they won't risk a war in fear of getting backstabbed or something like that so go to town sephiroth" he said as I nodded

"okay but the mean thing will be for to find out what they want" I said


"and do you have any points to what I have to look out for" I said as I looked at him but he smiled

"these are the Greeks so be prepared for bullshit" dad said as I nodded and Baraqiel teleported us to the front of a stupidity big castle with giant sized door

"do giants live here or something" I said a little annoyed

"you have read the books about Greeks correct" he said as he raised his eyebrow

"ahhhhhh yes but still look at this..... Huh anyway let's go I've got some business I need to take care off" I said as I felt a present coming from behind us

"oh are we not important enough for you" a voice from behind said as I turned as some lady was standing behind us as she was in up the stairs before we got here

"yes you are not... no one is to me" I said as Baraqiel looked at me as the womans power flared but I simply looked at her and yawned 'huh she's supposed to be a goddess but she's so weak'

"I see the rumors are true then.... But anyways my name is Hera goddess of-" she went on to say but I placed my headphones on as I played my music as she saw this and decided that speak to Baraqiel because I didn't care about them as the two nodded Baraqiel motioned for me to follow as we went in side to see a room full of giants as I took off my headphones

"is there really a reason for you all to be that big in a meeting with normal sized people, did you not know we were coming or are you just idiots who want to feel some semblance of power" I said as I crossed my arms 'like this is seriously unnecessary' I thought as I felt magic trying to enter into my body but it got sucked into my necklace as I looked around the room to see that the magic was coming from the one goddess and hit her with my KI as she stopped and looked down.

But the rest had a mixture of emotions from anger, boredom, uncaring, tiredness and amusement

"oh well this is the first time we have had a meeting in this room with outsides but don't worry we will fix immediately" the old one in the biggest chair said as a bright light flashed and with in seconds the room was to a normal size some with the gods 'they all look like the gods I killed in God of War huh memories.... Maybe I should bring the game to this world and see what happens hehe'

"if it takes no time at all why did you not do that before we got here and what the fuck is the deal with gods and bright light is fu-" I was cut off by Baraqiel hand on my shoulder as he looked pissed

"sephiroth that's enough this is a alliance meeting and I was left with the responsibility of it so from this point you will-" Baraqiel couldn't finish as I looked at him for a second as my KI washed over him focusing his to shut up but it only lasted a second so he was able to righten himself as he walked to one of the open chairs sat down and talked with the other gods as I was leaning on a pillar with my headphones on as I closed my eye 'he doesn't understand that we can't let them walk over us' as I leaned the sound cut as some one was calling my name

As I looked around the room I see the lady who was send magic at me had a very frustrated face but she was not the only one as most of the gods and goddesses were doing the same 'idiots just don't know when to quit' I thought as I flared my KI as they all stopped and also see Baraqiel calling for me


"lord Zeus would like to speak with you sephiroth if you don't mind" he said as I nodded as the table made space for me as a chair pop out of nowhere as I want to sit next to Baraqiel

"child do you know why you were called here" Zeus said he looked at me with a smile

"what a stupid question to ask of course I don't know why I was called here but I'm sure you will tell me"

"oh so handsome and yet so rude I like it" the lady that been sending magic at me said as she looked at me with a hungry smile

"do I know you" I said as I looked at her with a blank face as everyone in the room had a shock look

"I'm sorry but... Do you not know who she is" a buff man on the side asked

"should I" I said as I really have no idea who she is

"YES YES YOU SHOULD I am Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty all mortal how look at me even for a second falls in love with me and also know who I am!" she shouted from across the room

"yeah no don't feel it... I do feel a little hungry though" I said nodding to myself

"I see so you are either gay or have someone you love" she said

"nah I'm non I just don't find anyone special everyone and everything is the same in my eyes but that enough of that" I said as I turned to Zeus "why have you called me here and don't do that thing where you beat around the bushs that shits get on my nerves" I said as I remembered all the times

"right I have asked you here to find out what you are and how you were able to make that storm in the underworld"

"huh that's easy I am a fallen/human high breed and as for the Storm... I'm not going to give you that information" I said as a large amount of KI was aimed at us but I counted it as I sent my own as the room was fladed in my KI but I soon stopped

"I see well then sephiroth I have one question for you" he said as he paused from a second

"yes get on with it I have thing to do"

"well you join me fac-" he was cut off as he blinked as he looked at me with confusion




"are you sure we can make you a god and give you anything you want"


"I see that your mind is made up but is there a reason why you refuse me"

"yes I am a fellan angel/human and the son of Azazel I don't want or need another faction"

"I see loyalty is a hard to come by now days hahaha but we accept you terms of the deal we will be sending the material in a few days time as we will need time to organize everything"

"yes and so will we lord Zeus" Baraqiel said as he got up from his chair as the meeting had ended and it was time to leave but I decided to take the long way as Elsa had found an island were Gaia was sealed in so I teleported to the location so see that the land full of dead trees

"what a dump well whatever" I said as I opened a portal and brought out project useless as she looked around with a on her face as she shook a little "well ain't you happy but first wait for me to finish my deal first okay" I said as she shook again "I'm going to take that as a yes..... You can come out know I know you're there" as I said this the mud from the ground rose up to form an old lady 'I see so where nature is weak she's also weak must be hard'

"I really don't like people seeing me like this so make it quick boy.... Why are you here " she said as she looked a little annoyed

"okay first dial that shit back and secondly I'm here for a trade" I said as this crotch her attention

"and what do you want from me and what can you offer"

"what I want is for some of your elementals to become my weapon" I said as she looked at me with anger in her eyes

"you expect me to just give you my children for you to use as some some weapons!" she said as the earth around us shook

"yes" I said as a giant hand came up ready to smash me "but as I said this is a trade and as such I will give you something of equal value" I said as the hand stopped

"what do you mean?" she asked

"come on don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about as it's the same thing that brought you out Gaia" I said as project useless was shaking to the music on my phone

"you mean the plant"

"yes she is one of my experiments... I created her to do something but she turned into this but you don't need to worry about about it" I said as useless just dance or tried to as Gaia stepped close and started doing something but useless just ignored her and did her thing 'it's like she's on a 24 hour high'

"strange it's not listening to me or even paying attention to me... Isn't she a planet shouldn't she be obeying my commends why isn't she" she said as tears came down her face "have I gone so weak that my own children have lost a connection with me what has happened to me" she said as she cried and USELESS just watched her for a second before going back to dancing

"you where a terrible mother as all the people in your faction but I am willing to help you for a price that is" I said simply as I slapped a rock that was coming my way

"I was never a terrible mother I only did what's best for the earth" she said getting up and looking me in the eyes with anger in them

"yes but look at this" I pointed to the landscape of the island " place, your stupid hate has corrupted the land around us, you need to let go before you poison more of the world or get yourself killed as you are still useful to me" and what I'm saying is true the other gods had seen it fit to trap her on this island because if she had left her hate and anger would have poisoned more of the earth as she has the strongest connection to the earth "you need to let go before you die and I have to find another goddess that can help me"

"I can't simply do that.... Anyway you said you wanted my children to be a weapons" she said as her face went cold

"yes I want to make a sacred Gears but I won't be trapping them I my equipment like the gear does they will be teleported to their house when they are no longer needed" I said as I really did not want to make a trap for the poor souls

"so you basically want to use there power and that all"

"yes that all as I'm just need power spirits to be my parents and that would be all"

"I see and for that you offer what this house plant that doesn't listen"

"this house plant listens to no one but me but yes she should be able to help you as you can already feel" I said as she look a little you


"yes I can..... Are you going to hurt my children"

"no I only need their power and connection to the elements nothing more nothing less"

"then you have a deal but.... If you ever hurt my children I will hunt you down and use you as food for my babies is that understood boy"

"yeah yeah yeah whatever old lady" I said as her KI shot through the roof as I looked at useless "do your thing" I said as useless jumper out of her pot as I flew into the sky and left Gaia because that not her real body so don't care

As soon as useless touched the soil there was quiet for about a minute before

Boooom the landscape of the island changed as it looked like Hashirama Senju used he's wood style :deep forest emergence as root sprout for the ground and after a few minutes the once dead landscape was covered in roots as the old tree grow back to life and a giant tree was in the middle 'thats probably useless but I've never seen them so this as her sister only grew not jump start other plants' I said as I saw her stupid smile as she shook and after a few seconds the energy and atmosphere became cleaner and more purer

"huh she's just like her sister growing too big for no reason but at least she is going her job" I said as the leaves became different colors as I land on the newly grown grass 'I see she did fuse with the other plants but gave them a jump start to help them grow by themselves I other words

"fucking useless can kick start a plant life and made if given the chance a dead planetl" I said as I looked around and then "did I just make something that can wake up planet!"

"I think you did" a voice said from behind me as a blonde naked lady with huge boobs stood

"put some clothes on Gaia" I said with a blank look not caring about how she looks

"why don't you like the view" she said crossing her arms under her breast making them even bigger 'how are they not being pulled down by gravity'

"no now put some close on I want to get this done as I have things to do"

"no I don't think I will" she said as she strached her body and walked over to me and placed her arms around my neck as she pulled herself closer towards me pushing he breast on my chest "and besides I have to repay you for all this.... you gave me back what I've lost and have returned me I am truly grateful" she said leaking her lips

"okay but the only thing I need is the spirit" I said as this did not faze me at all

"you can have them all of them and you can also have me" she said as she kissed me as I returned it 'I may be a lot of thing but a man I still am' she went to take my clothes off but I remember as I pulled away from her

"wait aren't you like using a mud body or something like that" I said 'I am not losing my V-card to mud' I thought as she giggled as she bites her finger as golden blood dropped

"does that answer you question darling or do you need more proof"

"not really but we still need to finish the terms of our deal..... After this" I said as we went back to kissing as a house was created by the tree as I lifted her up as took her inside

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sorry to all those who thought Mc would lose his V-card to grayfia but life

And I'm currently burnt out so I'll put us on cannon then break one week at most

Next chapter