

Chapter 28

He looked at me puzzled, "I am him, I am Xedjedy." He was as if trying to introduce himself to me once again with his hand on his chest. Trying to get closer.

"When did I tell you that I love you?" I wanted to know if he remembered. I wanted to know if he still loved me the way he remembered me, the way I remembered him.

"What?" he was more confused with his eyes unfocused with a hint of panic. He couldn't remember. I knew he was at a loss. I could feel my chest tighten with the hurt of seeing him different than the way I remembered him.

"You don't have his memories." I spat with a broken heart. I stood up, stepping away from him. "You are but a ghost living in a shell of him. You are not my Xedjedy." I shook my head in disappointment. "You are just pretending to be him, because you had some memories of him as a human, some not all." My eyes watered remembering him as he smiled at me lovingly before he closed the door to the car, which escorted him and my dad to the airport. The same vehicle which brought them their deaths. I could feel my hand treamble as I tried covering myself even more from him. "You are just a monster trying to find a way to acquire more pets to feed your kind." I saw the hurt in his eyes, but I know what I was saying was right.

"But I do love you," He looked at me solemnly, voice shaking with hurt. "My memories were blank because of what they did to me in that facility." He paused, he looked at me with horrors in his eyes. Flashes of him screaming and chained invaded my mind. I saw him suffering. "They drained my blood and replaced it a thousand times." He said with pure despair his voice cracking. "Humans experimented on me in search of immortality. But do you know what kept me alive?" he asked, looking me straight in the eyes. "It was you."

I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to hold him and say that everything was okay. I wanted to love him, but I stood my ground. I remembered how he brought about the war. I remembered people being killed for their blood. I remembered the orphans I rescued. There were thousands of kids left abandoned because of his war and the pandemic.

"Stay away from me you monster!" I revolted, hate and anger was getting the best out of me. Thinking about all the people I saw dead in my dreams. Remembering how I had to kill people I knew who got infected. "I'd rather die than be part of you and your so-called new world." It was then I saw his expression darken. "Leave." I said sternly.

His expression changed to one that made the hair on the back of the neck stand. He grinned at me standing up. He took a step forward like the predator that he is. My heart pounded in my chest. I never had seen him like this. "You have less than two years, love." he warned, blue eyes focused on my neck as I felt it burning. "I'll claim what's mine. Enjoy your shelter while it lasts." Before I could protest, he vanished and everything turned black.

The next thing I knew was waking up from my drugged state feeling hazy and rested. I was mind raped again for the second time and I survived. The blinding light of the fluorescent bulb above my head temporarily blinded me. I blinked a few more times before looking around. I was in a typical hospital room with an Intravenous solution stuck in my right hand. I saw the immobilizers sticking out of my left arm. I could feel a bite of pain, but it wasn't that alarming.

I closed my eyes and rested. Contemplating on what happened with my encounter with him. There was this deep longing in my heart that wanted him near. But I knew better than caving into my desires. I had a responsibility to keep my family safe. I needed to heal. I needed to be strong, because in two years I'll need to set myself free from him.

Within the next few hours I heard nurses buzzing about medical supplies being air dropped into the shelter. He stuck to his promise, perhaps I was wrong about him. Maybe he was more human than I thought he was. But then again he has control over the whole world now, a little kindness would never change a monster like him. Or am I the monster for not seeing him as the person he once was?

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