
Chapter 9: Future Death

"Huh, did you wait long?" I asked, confused.

Looking at Leah again, I took in her appearance. She looked a lot like Lina, gorgeous, 10 out of 10 even with her 2 blacker than black straight horns on her head pointing to the sky and brown skin colour. Oddly enough, she had pink hair that fitted with her blue eyes. She also had more giant boobs than Lina.

"Not really, just a couple of minutes," Leah said, lifting herself off the wall.

"Well, your room is close to the rest of the kid's rooms. So, of course, she will wait for us." Lina said, opening the door to a purple and green room.

"Uhm, whose room is this?" I said, looking around. Two of the walls were emerald green, while the others were light purple. The bed itself was dark purple same as the curtains. There was also a walk-in closet to the side with a big mirror just our side.

In all fairness, it was a big room. I estimate it to be 8 by 7 in, including the walking closet, but for me, it was small. I have lived my entire life in room 15 by 15, and then I have my own warehouse of 500 by 500m.

"Yours," Leah states as if it was obvious.

"Uh, I see it's quite colourful and small," I said, tilting my head at the bright colours.

"Small, really, you call this small?" Lina said, baffled at my words.

"Yeah, my warehouse room was 15m by 15m, and then I also had the warehouse itself where I could do what I wanted. There is no way after 10 years I can go back to something like this." I said, looking up at them like it was obvious.

"Whatever, for now, you are stuck with this," Leah said, a bit annoyed.

"So I have permission to make myself a warehouse. Cool, I will start tomorrow on building it."

"That's not. You know what? I would like to see your skills." Leah said, sighing in defeat.

"Awesome. Oh, is it fine if I make the warehouse float?" I said, making both Leah and Lina look at me weirdly. Seeing their expression, I added. "My original one is floating above the Pacific Ocean now."

"You are getting weirder and weirder the more you talk," Leah said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, so please just give us a break and be silent for a while," Lina added, also shaking her head.

"Oh, okay," I said, confused.

"Let's get you in these clothes," Leah said, holding up a bundle of clothes.

"Great, I'll get changed then," I said, disappearing to the bathroom.

"Sigh, I just don't understand how her powers work. She hasn't even seen the bathroom, but she can teleport to it." Leah said, sighing again on the other side of the door.

"She will probably tell it at some point," Lina mentioned stretching her arms out.

"Some point only when she trusts us," Leah confirmed, nodding.

"Well, obviously, anyone will be wary of their former enemies. Especially humans, they aren't like demons who will move on a sign peace treaty." Lina explained, sighing in disappointment.

'Yeah, can't believe something like that at all. there is no way demon can be that easy going.' I thought, scoffing at their talks.

"That's true. Oh, but I do like her new hair, though." Leah said, making me choke on my spit.

"Yeah, it does fit her quite well," Lina said in agreement.

'My hair fits me?' I thought, looking into the bathroom mirror at my long black and purple hair.

"I guess it does?" I mumbled, turning around my fingers.

Sighing to myself, I undress only to have my heart drop.

"Why, why the fuck is there a tattoo on my arm!?" I yelled in depression.

Looking at my right arm, you could see a circle on my deltoid and 5 cm or more lines going around it, moving down words. It kind of looks like flames working themselves down words to my arm, ending just before my wrist.

Not long after, I yelled, panicking. Knocks came from the door.

"Hey, Ren, are you okay!?" Leah opened the door without waiting for an answer, entering with Lina both with a worried expression. Seeing them act like that did pull a bit on my heartstring. Only a bit, though. I have seen people fake those sorts of faces many times before.

"Why do I have a tattoo on my arm?" I asked, looking at the two while showing them my arm.

"Sigh, you made me worry, Ren." Lina and Leah said, sighing in relief.

"Mind explaining, please," I said, irritated at their responses.

"That's your proof of being royalty," Leah explained, making me even more confused.

"You see, every clan has their own insigma, what you call a tattoo. They show what your clan and noble status are. The bigger they are, the less your status is," Lina explains, pointing at my arm.

"Hmm, so being my entire arm means I am the lowest," I said, not caring about much.

"Yes, in royalty, you are the lowest, but in general, the heir to a duke's house is just above you," Leah said, shrugging.

"Ugh, nobility, how bothersome," I said as if I was puking.

"I agree fully with that statement. Anyways get dressed. Food is getting cold." Leah said, Come on.

"You're the queen, though."

"Yeah, and does that mean I need to like politics?" Leah said, looking at me weirdly.

"That's true," I said, nodding with a thoughtful expression.

"You know this is the weirdest conversation I have ever been in," Lina said while snickering to herself.

"Huh?" Both Leah and I looked at Lina, very confused at her statement.

"I mean, here we are standing in a bathroom talking to an 18-year-old in a child's body naked about politics and clans, hahaha," Lina said, breaking down laughing.

"That... and she is gone again," Leah said, seeing that I teleported away again.

'I got way too distracted and totally forgot I was naked.' I thought, feeling my face heat up.

Quickly putting the clothes on in the walking closet, I sigh in relief, knowing they didn't try to find me.

"There I am, done," I said, coming out of the walking closet into the room.

"Yup, you definitely a tomboy," Leah said, nodding to herself.

"Well, no shit." Lina and I said simultaneously.

"Sheesh, no need to attack me," Leah said jokingly.

"Pah, if I wanted to attack you, I would have said something about that hair of yours." We said simultaneously again.

"Okay, can you guys stop?" Leah said, this time looking as if she had taken it to heart.

"Hmm, fine." We said, looking at each other and smiling.

"Just no. I thought I would be the one with the special connection with my new daughter." Leah said she was depressed.

"Aah, don't worry. I did grow up with a doctor and picked up some skill on the way."

"So you will help with experiments?" Leah said happily.

"It depends on what you are doing?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"No human or demon experiments. That's a no-no from me. I will never teach someone about those things." Leah said, shaking her head.

"Good, I won't want to have anything to do with that, thank you," I said, nodding and looking to my side where Lina was standing. I noticed that she had her hands clapped together as if giving a prayer. While looking at me with pity.

"What is with you?" I asked, tilting my head at her.

"I pray for your freedom," Lina said with a small bow.

"Freedom? What are you-"

"Okay, that's enough talking time to go eat," Leah said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room.

"She doesn't want to get exposed." I heard Lina whisper just before I was out of the door.

'Did I just sign a death warrant?' I thought, looking up at Leah.

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