
Demon Royal Family Daimonas

Demon Royal Family Daimonas

Demon language: Narlic

Demon King: Uwe Daimonas

-Looking in the direction the voice came from, I saw a 3-meter-tall blue skin man sitting on a red throne. He had black hair and black eyes. He was also not wearing any shirt showing his well-toned upper body. What stood out the most was the black ram like horns on his head-

Demon Queen: Leah Daimonas

-Looking at Leah again, I took in her appearance. She looked alot like Lina, gorgous, 10 out of 10 even with her 2 blacker than black straight horns on her head pointing to the sky and brown skin color. She had pink hair that odly enough fitted with her blue eyes. She also had biggar boobs than lina.

- sword of ice gives Ice minupilation

- Succubus Demon

First born: Lucas Daimonas(Age 21)(Male)

-He looked like a man child not having any real reseblence to his father. Actually, he just looked like a male version of Leah. Straight black horns with short pink hair, blue eyes well to es body and brown skin color. Defently a male version of Leah

Second born: Julia Daimonas(Age 16)(Female)

- She also had ram-like horns on her head with black hair. Her body shape was well-toned for a female model with pearl skin. Surprisingly, she had the same colour eyes as the lightweight red battle armour with a thin sword on her waist. Probably a rapier.

- rapier of wind gives wind milipunation.

Fiancé of first princess: Darian Protar (Killed by MC) had the fire sword ren has now.

Third born: Karl Daimonas(age 12)(Male)

-looks excatly like father just younger.

First Concubine: Lina Daimonas

-She looked likea model and i wasnt excaderating. Even in human standers she was gorgeous. She had a small stature not passing the 1,6 m mark. She had a small face with biggish yellow eyes. Her body was also a 10 out of 10 it was just her boobs were on the smaller side. If it wornt for the small scales on her neck and the 2 little horn pocking out of her white hair i would have thought she was human.

- sword of the shadows gives shadow minipulation.



Timy(Male) age 15

Sara(Female) (age 15)

- twin daggers if shadow gives shadow minipulation.

Second Concubine: Petressa Daimonas


First born: Serena Daimonas (Female) (age 17) (Cat tribe demon)

Third Concubine: Semantha Daimonas


First born: Hendrian Daimonas (Male) (age 17)

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