
Chapter 90: The Demon Lands (II).

Chapter 90: The Demon Lands (II).

Kein's POV

Everyone went over through the map, before yawning tiredly and getting through each of our tents. "Goodnight, everyone. See you in the morning."

"See you." 

Each of us went to our respective tents. I bought a lamp for some light. I took off my boots and armor. The nights in the desert are cold. I decided to take some time journaling my adventures to the demon lands. It's worth writing back home to my family. I'm sure my father is worried, especially my daughter and girlfriend.

A few hours had passed and I couldn't sleep, I didn't know why but it felt like I needed to keep watch. 

"Nngh…" I heard a whimper outside of my tent, the shadow of a human figure pulling the curtains open while she was holding a pillow. 

It was Avery, looking rather afraid as she looked around.

"Avery, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I ask her, taking the lantern a bit close to see her. 

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