
Negotiation (II).

Chapter 85: Negotiation (II).

Kein's POV

"You own a divine weapon?!"

Sato Iyashi's shocked face got to me, her mouth was agape and her black eyes were wide with shock. To me this divine sword is just any other ordinary sword, I use my cursed sword [Nirvana] more than I use the divine one so I rarely pay any attention.

"I-It's… really a big deal to you guys, huh." I remembered Kazari and Avery's reaction from just this morning. I understand why many would scramble their minds just to get a hand of this sort of weapon. Avery was definitely in tune with my divine sword that she borrowed, with a weak slash she managed to cut down a huge tree.

Owning a divine weapon is a huge jackpot if a hero ever has one of these, thankfully now that I know that we can use this to our advantage. "I got it from a slime ancient ruin, I wasn't expecting to find the little guy there."

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