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Chapter 68: Festival with Vivienne (XXX-END).

Kein's POV

The announcement of the several events went on until the sun was almost down. After winning third place- my girlfriend looked so out of it after hearing she didn't win tenth place as she intended.

"But the plush..." Her shoulders slumped looking at me apologetically for not winning me the plush. 

I laughed a little. I haven't forgotten how competitive she can get when it comes to things like these. "It's alright Rose, you have gold now at least. We can just- buy one?" I suggested it to her and I mean there's always these toy plushies in stores. 

Nothing to be worried about now.

"It's different... I wanted to win it for you, not buy it for you..." (Rose) mumbled like a little girl in a small tantrum and I laughed, patting her head. 

I suppose with the way she lived, everything she did was bought for her- so it would be rare to get something for me without the use of money. 

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