
Chapter 72 - Hollyn

I knew I was dreaming, that floaty awful feeling invaded my mind, weighted my limbs. I winced as something whispered in my ear. A familiar whisper. A horrifying whisper.

"Hollyn, you've come to see me. What a pleasant surprise." Patrick Walsh said. Hard fingers gripped my arms as I tried to scoot away.

"No. No. Get off me. Thane! Tagan! Toven!" I shrieked their names as I tried to pry his fingers from my skin. I called up my magic. I had magic. Lots of it. More than I knew what to do with.

He laughed in my face as nothing came to my hands. Not even sparkles or glitters of magic. Just nothing.

No. No. No. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Not now.

"You took out the one person who was keeping me contained," he whispered in my ear as he slid his disgusting tongue up the side of my neck. "My brother was too concerned with staying bright and light to worry about expanding his magic. He was a fool."

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