
Volume 7 : CHAPTER – 23 : THE STARK PALACE (2)




"The throne we possess is for the sake of the people and not the king.... that's what you always said to me. How utterly foolish you have been my big brother. But since this chair has been too comfortable for you, I will show you what exactly it means to rule and conquer all under the heavens. Today everything will change and so will the history of the Kingdom and the rectification of our father's mistake of choosing you over me. When I Oweyn Stark will finally take hold of all the power and everyone will submit to my will."

The man's hand slowly glides over the throne's top made of the rarest magitite ore. The excitement on his face broadened as he found himself a step closer to his ambition. The stillness in the King's halls was just the silence before the storm.

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