
Chapter 500: Kendra Campbell Fell to the Ground

After finishing her meal, Hallie Morgan returned to the Collins family's house. She had been shuttling between this house and Maya Morales' house for many days now. Maya Morales was visibly thinning as she stuck to her resolution to take better care of herself; combining disciplined eating with a regimen of prescriptions from the hospital.

Over the next several days, Lance Collins was out, whiling his time away. However, he claimed that he didn't want to disturb Maya's recuperation and thus stayed out of her way for quite some time.

Hallie was worried. She had already made a declaration and decided to try out for Casper Tremont's role, but she had no idea how to start.

Kylie Morales sent her a message. She found out that Casper Tremont's character this time was a victim in a city of desire, a quiet woman. Kylie texted Hallie, "I am worried about you taking on this role. Are you truly capable of it? Will Dylan Collins allow you... to take on this role?"

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