

Aaron Porter sighed as he waved his hand. Now and then he wiped the sweat on his forehead. The weather today is really hot, making him escape for a moment from the task at hand.

In his mind imagined his birthplace far away. The place of origin of his mother, where he spent most of his childhood, a country with four seasons located on the continent of Europe, a monarchical country called the United Kingdom or England.

Cold and not too hot weather like the UK is more suitable for him, his sensitive skin is not suitable for the tropical country where he lives now. His skin must have immediately turned red when exposed to the scorching heat of the sun. However, this hostile climate for him did not prevent him from falling in love with this country.

Sitting relaxed under the shade of a banyan tree in the field of Economics faculty, Aaron let the wind blow his brown hair. His bangs are quite long and dangle on the right side of his forehead now and then, almost piercing his eyes, making him frown, and then smoothing them with his hands. People around him repeatedly suggested just cut his hair, the dangling bangs were quite annoying sometimes but Aaron didn't care. His cousin even mocked him that Aaron had never changed his hairstyle since he was 7 years old.

Aaron doesn't care about hair trends, it's not important. After all, he had a reason to leave his brown hair like this long ago. The dangling bangs were used to cover up something, something from his past, something he didn't want to remember. Something that still gave off a bitter and suffocating effect every time he thought about it.

Aaron exhaled loudly, shaking his head slightly. Why did his mind even wander there? This is the result when daydreaming in the scorching weather. His brown eyes swept around, just in case he might have to end his rest soon and return to his duties.

Aaron is not an economics colleger but he has a job here, as one of the Health Section committees for new college student orientation activities. Yes... Aaron is a medical student at this university. Several collegers from HF were assigned to be the Health Section during this orientation, Aaron happened to be assigned to the economics faculty.

Keeping watch, Aaron reached for his water bottle and downed most of its contents, the hot weather did make him thirsty. That's when he heard a commotion from the field. The new colleger who arrived late were being punished for running around the field, most likely some of them fainted because they were not strong.

The new colleger had been punished with push-ups and scout jumps before but were still given the punishment of running around the field. He seemed to be able to guess who came up with the idea of ​​such an overkill. None other than his ignorant cousin.

The orientation period aims to introduce the campus environment to new college students but sometimes this kind of event is also used as a show of power between seniors and juniors. Some are even used as an arena for revenge because in the past when they were juniors they also received unpleasant treatment from their seniors.

Aaron doesn't really like this kind of activity even though when he was a freshman last year, he also took part in it. He just doesn't like people who are superior and feel that they are the most powerful or powerful and then use their strength and power to oppress the weaker ones. No... He didn't want to act like a hero by defending the weak even though on several occasions he had deliberately involved himself and got into trouble because of this weak and strong affair.

Oh, he hates 'the strong' who seems to be in power because he used to be in the position of 'the weak'. Almost bullied every day just because of the 'different way of speaking and face before finally fighting back and turning things around. No one else dared to bother him since then.

Of course, the entire committee during this orientation period will not be too harsh on their juniors, let alone bullying them, they also have rules that must be obeyed and sanctions if they violate these rules.

Aaron immediately ran towards the commotion, his break was over and his job awaited him again, which was to ensure the safety and health of the orientation participants.

As soon as he arrived, Aaron saw a girl who seemed to have fallen, just sitting on the ground, there was a man who was probably his friend squatting beside her. The man looked panicked and when Aaron looked again, he recognized the man. That's Thomas, his bandmate.

"What is wrong with her?" Aaron asked Thomas. He crouched down next to Thomas and glanced at the girl in front of him.

"She fell, Ron and she's bleeding," said Thomas.

Thomas seemed to know the girl, it was predictable because from a distance he could see her angry and anxious behavior. Aaron examined the crying and frightened girl. The wound was not serious even though there was quite a lot of blood. But the girl looked strange, her body was shaking and her eyes were blank. There's something wrong with her.

"Is her head hurt?" thought Aaron.

"I don't think so." thought Aaron.

"Why she's acting like this?" thought Aaron.

Aaron looked back at the girl, her face pale white, her vacant eyes staring blankly at her. Her soul seemed out of place. The black bead that looked sadly bothered Aaron, her gaze was familiar and so was her face. Aaron gasped as he felt a sudden shortness of breath, his lungs running out of air. His memory drifted to the past where regret hit him mercilessly. A regret that can never be fixed. The young man shook his head, what was he thinking at a time like this. Focus, Ron... Focus... What are you thinking?

"She can't see blood. She has a phobia. She's always like this when she sees blood," said Thomas.

Hemophobia? Aaron thought to himself. No wonder. Hemophobia is the fear of blood. The reactions of people who are afraid to see blood usually vary, from mild ones such as the pale face, headache, shortness of breath, heart palpitations to shock like this girl. Some even fainted.

"Let's take her to the clinic first," Aaron said quickly. Wounds on her feet and hands must be treated quickly. His eyes glanced at the name tag the girl was wearing. Mai Anthony.

"Mai Anthony," he said.

"Mai. Just call Mai," said Thomas.

"Ok, Mai... You can hear me. I'll take you to the clinic, we'll treat you. You're gonna be ok." Aaron said touching the shoulders of the girl in front of him, trying to get her attention.

Mai blinked her eyes and then her gaze focused on the person who had been talking to her. That feeling of deja vu bothered Aaron again. Why did this girl look familiar to him? This time he took a deep breath, trying to shake off the strange feeling that had been bugging him for a long time. Aaron tried to focus on the girl again, he had already managed to get her attention, his eyes weren't empty anymore. Aaron smiled at her, trying to be kind to his patient but suddenly the girl sobbed and started crying again.

Wow... what's she doing again? Ok, before that the girl had indeed screamed and cried but earlier she had calmed down a little. What's up now?

"Sorry... Sorry... I didn't mean to. Sorry..." Mai said quietly.

So why is she apologizing? Aaron became even more confused.

This girl is talking gibberish, her words are not clear but she seems to be apologizing for some reason. Aaron suspects this is not just a phobia. This girl's behavior is like having a panic attack. Her body even trembled, her breath was also short.

Phobias that cause panic attacks? How can? What is this girl doing?

Aaron brushed the questions off his head, just calmed her down first, he decided.

"It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize. It's gonna be okay, Mai." said Aaron.

"Don't die... Don't die... I beg you... Don't die." Said Mai.

The girl gripped his arm tightly making Aaron wince. His nails seemed to want to penetrate the alma mater jacket he was wearing.

Eh... Wait.. Don't die? Who died?

Aaron shuddered and then suddenly a soft sob sounded again. The sobs instantly turned into sad and desperate cries. The girl's breath hitched, her body shaking violently. Aaron glanced at the confused Thomas, demanding an explanation but his best friend looked panicked and just as confused as he was. Not helpful at all.

Aaron was just about to say something, but suddenly Mai hugged him instead. Aaron gasped while Thomas was shocked. Mai didn't seem aware of what she was doing, the girl seemed to be in another world. Aaron became embarrassed by himself, how could he not, suddenly being hugged by a woman like this, it was already so he didn't know this woman. Everyone there looked at them and started whispering.

"You're flirty! Why is she hugging Aaron," said one of them?

"Luna must be hot and cold seeing this," said another.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Stay safe and have a happy day :)

awisantonicreators' thoughts
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