
Garrett Joins TBC

"Someone is after them?" Tanya demanded with fire in her eyes, the shock of finding her mate made her forget the danger she was in.

Emmett nodded, "The twins are different, special…the men who are after them we think it's to control them, for their power - but…" He trailed off and Rosalie and Emmett exchanged wary glances

"Maybe you should give Emma to Rose or Kate or even Garrett.." Emmett offered up, he was worried about her ability to control herself with his small daughter in her arms after hearing the next part.

Narrowing her eyes at them, Tanya shook her head, "I'm fine." She insisted, "But what?"

Swallowing the venom in her mouth, Rosalie gripped Emmett's hand before answering, "One of the men wants Emma as a wife."

She expected the reaction from Tanya, but instead she heard two simultaneous loud snarls from Kate and Tanya - momentarily, she was worried it would frighten the twins but besides Liam, who side eyed them - Emma just seemed to burrow further into Tanya. It was like she knew that Tanya would need the reassurance, which she probably did - Rosalie could admit at this point that Emma and Liam seemed very intuitive with the needs and wants of others. Tanya looked murderous and her grip had tightened substantially on Emma and Rosalie couldn't blame her, it was her mate she was referring too after all. The mate she had waited over a thousand years to find only to find out the day she mt her someone is after her. Kate had a fire in her eyes and her fingers were sparking electricity and she knew they had the allies they had wanted when they set out here even if it wasn't in the way they were expecting.

"Not to ask a rude question but what are they?" Garrett interrupted the snarls from Kate and Tanya, he knew his mate was upset and so was he, but when her fingers were sparking he didn't dare touch her.

"When will Carmen and Eleazar be here? It's something I would rather we show you all at once," Rosalie didn't want the twins to over exert themselves too much in one day. The sound of air being sucked out of a sippy cup, interrupted the discussion and both twins looked at Rosalie and Emmett with a clear question in their eyes.

"Dining room table?" She questioned looking at Tanya who nodded, "They went hunting.." She offered confused before following Emmett, Rosalie and Liam, who had started heading to the other room before the question was finished. Kate and Garrett weren't far behind.

"You can either set her down or sit with her," Rosalie offered, since she knew Tanya was confused on the situation, the Coven Leader reluctantly put her mate down, dropping a soft kiss on her head before standing by her chair and watching the twins who were seated next to each other.

"Eyes open or closed?" They both asked looking at Rosalie who hesitated before responding, "Closed for now," with a meaningful glance at the three still confused vampires.

"Daddy?" They asked looking at Emmett and it was clear he knew what they were asking by the way his eyes lit up, "Heck yes!" he yelled out and they giggled, "Mommy?"

She smiled softly at them, "I'm alright little one's, and Tanya, Kate and Garrett are too." She tacked on, already knowing they would ask, "you go ahead." before looking at the three confused vampires, "Don't react." it was whispered and rushed and only confused them more.

Tanya watched curiously as the twins closed their eyes and linked their fingers and then there was a feeling of weightlessness, similar to the feeling you get when bungee jumping or sky diving - before appearing out of thin air were three plates, filled with Steak - two cut up and one not, mashed potatoes, and corn. Three napkins, with cutlery and 5 tall glasses of what smelled like the most delicious smell she had ever smelt - besides Emma because her mate's scent was heavenly.

Her shock was broken only when she saw Emma tuck a napkin in her shirt and place her bear down beside her before beginning to eat and she couldn't help but coo at her, which was followed right by Kate's - only to be silenced by more shock as they watched Emmett dig into the third plate of food.

"Um, what the hell?" Garrett exclaimed and he was sent three glares by three blondes, which resulted in him putting both his hands up and taking a step back. He wasn't dumb enough to go up against two momma bears and a mate.

He reached forward for a cup only to be stopped by Rosalie, "I don't know if you wanna do that before getting all the information and another power the twins possess - conjuring"

Garret narrowed his eyes at her, watching as Emmett grabbed one of the glasses and continued to eat while him and the twins watched the TV they could still see from there. "He's drinking it!"

"Have any of you wondered on our appearance?" She ignored his comment,

"Yeah why the contacts and spray tans?" Kate asked eyeing them curiously,

"They aren't." Was the simple reply that made Kate scoff,

"Then what is it?"

Rosalie waved her hand over the blood, "You can smell it."

"Is it human?" Kate asked, she didn't think it was but it wasn't animal.

"No," Rosalie stated with a 'duh' look, "and it isn't animal. The twins can't have animal blood - it will make them very sick." She explained for the sake of Emma's mate, who would need to know this information.

"Then what is it?" Tanya asked, worried about anything her mate was drinking that she didn't know about.

"I can't really explain that right now, but it's called 'True Blood' I didn't come up with the name and I don't make it - they do." She motioned to the little blondes who had conjured themselves sippy cups to drink with their food.

"And it'll what, turn our eyes and skin human color?" Garrett asked eyeing it curiously, it was his curious nature that led him to his mate after all.

"Among other things - yes." She said, motioning to Emmett who was finishing his food.

Garrett wasted no time in grabbing a glass and taking long sips, he didn't need to hear anymore than that, Tanya and Kate watched in barely concealed fascination as his eyes immediately changed from golden to a green and his skin went from pale to tan. He practically slammed the cup down when he was finished,

"Amazing!" He exclaimed, receiving two beaming smiles from the twins before he blurred to look at himself in the mirror and returned a second later, "and my throat!" he whispered with a hand to his neck looking at Rosalie for an explanation.

"You won't feel a burn anymore, nor will you want or crave human or animal blood. 'True Blood' has been compared to a human soft drink, you'll just simply want to drink it while lounging around because it tastes good and is extremely satisfying. If I know my children, they already filled the fridge." Rosalie chuckled

He blurred to the fridge and sure enough it was filled with glass bottles that looked a lot like human beer bottles with the words 'TBC' written on them.

"Why the fridge?" Kate asked taking the bottle out of her mates hand to look at it curiously,

"They were worried about forgetting to feed us in Chicago so they summoned a mini fridge filled with it," Kate and Tanya both eyed the blondes softly while chuckling at the story Rosalie supplied them.

"TBC?" Garrett questioned, handing the glass to Tanya after Kate was finished, neither had chose to drink from their glasses yet,

"Liam and Emmett decided to call it the True Blood Club - and so far … you, Myself, Emmett, Shannon, Esme and Carlisle have 'joined'" She used air quotes around the words joined, "Alice and Jasper are also planning on it,"

"Only Alice and Jasper?" Tanya asked,

Rosalie nodded, "Edward is being his usual pain in the -" She cut herself off, glancing at the twins and back to Tanya who was smirking at her, "being a usual pain and causing issues about the twins. Him and the Mutt think they're dangerous and because he is sure we have no souls - he refuses to believe anything about the twins."

"What does that mean?" Kate demanded

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