
[Season 2] Q&A Guide

Hi, Axy here <3< p>

Writing this book been such a wonderful journey, and I'm glad that this story can entertain many of you in your free time ;D

As per my note in the previous chapter, I will start Season 2 with a Q&A guide regarding the Passing Realm.

I kind of planned to make readers figure it out on their own through dialogues and lines but I guess there will be too much to remember by then. 

If possible, please write your wish and hope for the future of this book in the comment sections <3< p>

It makes me sooo happy knowing that you're so invested and immersed in the world of this book <333< p>

PS: Lots of information here definitely have some hints and foreshadowing of future chapters.

Happy reading! 


1. How many layers are there in the Passing Realm?

The Passing Realm consists of five layers, starting from the lowest to highest; Abaddon, lower Sheol, Minas, upper Sheol and Aravoth.

2. What is Aravoth?

Next chapter