
Chapter 3. The Fake Uchiha

"Do you have to go?"

Tashigi asked me with a sad expression on her face. She was holding my hands while I was ready to go on the ship.

After our little moment, we both enjoyed each other company while eating different foods. I told her about my leave as well which she didn't like at the beginning. Though she agreed with me after some words from me.

"Hmm, I am a traveller which means I can't stay at the same place for more than 2-3 days. After all, there are a lot of places where I need to go"

I spoke with a smile on my face to which she reluctantly nodded and removed her hands from my hand.

I leaned forward suddenly while giving her a quick kiss on the lips which caused her to smile happily.


I spoke loudly while jumping on the merchant ship. She waved at me with a happy smile on her face to which I waved to her as well.

The ship started to move slowly while we kept waving at each other which we stopped after we couldn't see each other. Well, she could not see me so she went inside the town.

Well, time for me to work, With quick steps I beheaded everyone heads on the ship. Even though it looked like a merchant ship however it instead belonged to pirates who were killing townspeople while eating their meat.

During my killing spree, I found another person who was on the ship. If I'm right then he was here to kill these scums as well. Even though I was killing them by myself, he still helped me to remove some more scums.

I didn't need his help to do these small things, The only reason I was even bothering to use my hands was to test my physical powers otherwise I would have killed them with just a thought.

Still, I had erased their souls from existence so they would never get the chance to reincarnate again even if it's not possible. Now we both were standing on the deck of the ship while looking at the sea.

"So how come the famous dragon is going these little work?'

I asked him with a calm tone though my voice contained some amusement.

" I'm doing work and I don't care if it's small or big. Even though my fight is with World Government that doesn't mean I would let these scums live"

The dragon spoke in his monotone voice to which I just nodded without any words.

We both kept looking at the sea without speaking to each other when he suddenly turned towards my location.

"If you ever think of joining the revolutionary, I would gladly welcome you"

The dragon spoke calmly before his body turned into the wind and he disappeared from the ship.

"A revolutionary huh? I think I would pass this"

I spoke slowly with a small smile on my face before I went inside the ship. Everything was cleaned so I didn't have to live in a dirty ship.


"So this is whisky peak, not very impressive"

I spoke loudly though no one heard me as I was standing on a tall building. There was an apple in my hand which I was eating happily.

There were many buildings here along with narrowed alleys. The town was bustling with people though they were all pirates who were hiding here.

After resting on the ship for some time, I decided to come here while leaving my ship in the middle of the sea. Coming here was not that difficult since I used my powers to teleport me here.

Since I don't have anything to do or achieve, I have decided to do things on a whim. For example, I came here to deal with these pirates as I want to use my powers even more.

And there was nothing wrong in cracking some criminal heads for fun. I would even face devil fruit users here in the distant future so I would not be getting bored very easily.

When I was scanning the town, I found something very interesting which made me smile excitingly. Jumping on the other building, I started to go towards the life signature that I had just sensed.

People of this world don't have moving type energy inside their bodies and yet I could sense moving energy in someone. If I have to guess then I would say it's "Chakra" because the energy felt like a mixture of spiritual and physical energy.

After jumping on some more buildings, I finally reached the place from where that energy was coming. It was a dark alley and there were no people around it except another human signature.

Jumping on the highest building of that area, I could finally see those two people and I immediately recognised both of them. It seems the guy has sensed me as well, not that I was trying to hide from him anyway.

One of them was a muscular woman who was part of that Crocodile organisation. She was kissing the other guy passionately and I could feel myself vomiting at that sight.

I don't have a problem with muscular women though she was someone that I hated because of her face. Or maybe I was getting irritated for no reason though it might be related to the second person who was here.

The second person was a handsome guy with a cool and calm face though his eyes were roaming on that muscular girl body with a hungry expression. The man was wearing a cap like cloth and he was the famous

"Uchiha Itachi".

" I never thought I would see someone using his body for this kind of thing and that too with that ugly girl"

I spoke in a mocking tone while jumping from the building towards them. Both of them instantly got furious at my remark.

"I didn't think that I would meet another champion so soon and that too the famous " Gojo"

Itachi spoke calmly though the anger was visible on his face.

God, who the fuck gave him, Itachi body? Oh, right, he was gifted by another god.

"Still, it's good that you are my first opponent, hehe"

Itachi spoke with a little giggle which was quite irritating for me. I was one of the biggest fans of Itachi and to see him in this condition.


Itachi muttered under his breath hurriedly with a small smirk on his face. His girlfriend was also smirking at me.

I could feel something trying to invade my mind, just kidding, I didn't feel anything at all. This Itachi must be thinking that I have only Gojo powers which means if he uses attack first then he would win easily.

Sadly, for him, I was different so I did what I could do to erase this filthy guy before he puts even more dirt on Itachi name.

With a single thought, I moulded the air around me to make a sword that went straight into the head of that ugly woman, killing her instantly.

Even though his ability didn't work on me that doesn't mean it got cancelled. He must be in his dream world right, torturing me which was just an imagination of his.

With a swift movement, I leapt forward and thrust my right hand into his chest which brought him back to reality with widened eyes full of fear and shock.


He asked with a low voice while coughing continuously. Instead of replying to him, I just smiled at him which caused him to get even angrier though he was not in any condition to do something to me.

"You are just a disgrace to the name of Itachi"

I spoke last time before I erased him from existence along with the god who was behind him.

Whenever I would kill a champion, the god would die along with him. It was the official rule among those gods and no one would interfere with mortals. So that means I would not have to fight a god, it's not like they would be able to do something against me.

"Excuse me, sir, Would you mind hearing me for some seconds?"

A voice came from behind me and I could tell who was the owner of that voice. I had sensed him the moment, he was celebrating the death of that ugly girl.

"Of course, I have time"

I spoke with a small smile on my face while turning towards his position. Oh, it seems someone is willing to do anything to save some people or should I say a country?


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