

They passed the night without worries.

When they woke up, Dai Bao and the rest volunteered to catch some fish, birds and collect some firewood.

"Huh? Why are we getting firewood now?" Xia Lingxin asked.

"For cooking of course! We're going to have breakfast!" Dai Bao told him.

Xia Lingxin realized that the individuals have their own tasks and nobody was pushing on the others their assigned task.

"Umm–what can I do to help?" Xia Lingxin approached Song Jia who was cutting some vegetables.

"Hmm? You can help peel those potatoes." She gave him a random task. Shao Mei, and Luo Yating were already helping her and He Zhenya was setting their table.

Nevertheless, Xia Lingxin was grateful that Song Jia didn't exclude him.

He glanced at Sun Xun's tent. He hadn't emerged from the tent yet.

Actually, he was not in his tent nor was he in his space.

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