
How We Will Rule

"Alyon, I have some ideas about the way our two regions are governed!"

Nafız started to talk out her thoughts one by one, after pulling her friend, whom she had forcibly removed from the room to a quiet place.

"I cannot say anything about the Arid Zone; we have two orc tribes, one of which is hidden, and their habitat is limited. Do you think ruling the region we are in with a single tribe is the right choice?"

The idea must have come to her after she got out of the dungeon and faced the siege. Enemy armies had only two targets, and they could advance rapidly. Settlements in one spot could be besieged very quickly, and worst of all, they had no allies to come to their aid.

"Do you think that's how the Orc Steppes were always ruled, Nafız? It's time to share some information from my master's memories!"

The Blood God did not know as much about her native land as Alyon. After Mora accidentally met the son of the then-orc lord, all they could do was escape. Under these conditions, it would not even occur to them to talk about the forms of the political administration of their place.

"During the time of my master's father, there were at least ten different tribes even in the Arid Zone. Three of them were as strong as the local orc tribe. It was scarce for an external enemy to even enter the land for a siege, a political visit!"

His fists clenched tightly as the burly orc spoke. The details in his memories formed the basis of his ambitions today. A solitary, self-sufficient empire that instills fear in the enemies! Why not, when there's been a precedent?

"However, this system also has many missing parts. The rivalry between the tribes can sometimes turn into hostility. As in every race, there is no way that there is not bad blood among the orcs!"

Even without inherited memories, their experiences from birth would be enough to confirm this view. Even if you were the perfect organization in the world, one rotten apple in the basket was enough to ruin everything.

"My opinion will be a little different, chief master! Do you know what merit means?"

Hearing the word for the first time, Alyon twisted his lower lip and shook his head while Nafız continued to speak.

"It is giving the job to the best person who can do it. It is to empower the worthy, not just those who are born with certain rights!"

This was the method they had already applied to their environment, and it would have required minor adjustments to make it widely available. The only obstacle standing in the system's way was the lack of a place to raise competent orcs.

"Good idea, but we need to find skilled and knowledgeable orcs for its implementation!"

"I think the hardest thing will be to change mindsets. Look, you're still talking about looking for orcs. Tell me, which orc could bring the benefit the Gulag has given us?"

Although Alyon's perspective was far above the others, it was still relatively narrow. He quickly forgot the people he had benefited from on the way.

"Well, is there another man like Miloş who trains our warriors in the Holy Land? Not to mention the gladiator trainer you invited by force!"

Faced with what he heard, the burly orc had to think for a moment. At a glance, there were non-orc people at many vital points. These people had been chosen because they were well-suited for the task they were about to do, and they could go further.

"Shouldn't you share these with my son, who is your student, not me? After all, he's the hardest working person in our family."

The chief, who was in a difficult situation with many questions, started a counterattack against his friend. It is evident from the tone of his voice that he was getting rid of the nervousness before when he said my son, he was saying it by pressing on him.

"You're right. I'll send a message. Let him work on your work a little!"

Nafız accepted the offer from her friend. Bookworm was one of the first to be consulted, and the first prize dungeon had been incredibly helpful to him.

''There is one more subject. We need to solve your grandson's development and concealment problem. My opinion is that he goes to the holy land with his mother. He has the strength to handle the bounty dungeon alone; he must be kept as our secret trump card for the final attack!"

When a problem was solved, a new one appeared. Although the young orc's bloodline strength was legendary, he had to learn to fight without using it. His abilities were kept secret from the orc society. If its existence was known, it was sure that it would be the first target of the enemies.

"It would be a wise decision. Yarmagül also gets the opportunity to rest comfortably until she regains consciousness!"

"Then we agreed. Did anything happen while I was at war?"

After rolling his eyes from side to side, Alyon took a deep breath and began to speak.

I heard that the "Arid Zone" mines are working efficiently. Our business in Nikonya is in the position of the most popular shop. Also, the orc community we encountered on our way to this region will be here tomorrow. Looking at their progress, I think I will assign essential tasks!"

Those mentioned were Asiyürek and his group, and Nafız would smile when she thought of the day they first met. She wondered how they would react when they arrived; those hungry but honest orcs, I wonder how they were now.

When the two of them finished their conversation, they moved to the newly reunited family. His father's face fell a little when they told the young orc about their decision, but there was nothing he could do. Leaving the group from the Holy Land, the convoy was to carry the mother and son on the way back.

The young orc looked contented. Even though his mother was in the healing bath, it had been more than five days since he opened his eyes.

During this time, she was waiting for the Hammer Tooth, telling her son about the events she had witnessed. After hearing that, Alyon's grandson was curious about the heroes of his dreams.

"Hopefully, Blood Warrior Sangre and my uncle Bookworm" will also be in the incoming convoy. I want to meet both of them!"

It was these two that interested him the most. While Sangre was a mighty and ruthless warrior, he used his Bookworm wit to bring his enemies to their knees.

"I am going to meet the City Lord to convene the council. It will be useful for them to learn the latest situation in the region!"

Nafız left the whole family behind and started to think about the responsibilities suddenly placed on Alyon's shoulders. When he said children, grandchildren, his family had expanded. After all, the burly orc had many weak points.

It could not be a roughneck fighter by relying on the wrist. He couldn't take a step without thinking about the people he was supposed to protect.

I wonder if I am losing the meaning of the concept of family, she thought to herself. She saw her friend's condition not as an increase in his happiness but as an increase in his troubles.

She said whatever, and instead of strolling down the main road, she plowed through the buildings, accelerating towards the castle in the center of the city.

Although she had to pass through the places where the structures were built together, she managed to turn the situation into a game. She was as happy as little children who were delighted when they climbed the steps in front of the shops.

"So that's it, you're ignoring us, huh! The amount you will give has doubled, let's see which is more important. The gold you earn or the lives of your children and your wife?

She had just passed the building when she heard the conversation with her sharp ears, but after a breath, the Blood God would have to change direction.


As soon as you stop worrying about every negative situation you experience, you realize less tired and happier.

Haruki Murakami

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