

While Alyon was telling the Gulag, who would become the de facto new city lord, the moves he would make from now on, Miloş was busy showing his master the location of the Lands of Light citizens living in the city. While the houses where these people, most of whom were employed at key positions, were generally mansions, the soldiers kept a tight watch at their gates.

"You wait here; you'll need me later. Don't show your face to anyone."

Nafız turned into a shadow after telling her to watch out for her new slave and entered the garden of the last house she was going to today. The moon was trying to hide behind a cloud in the sky when she came to the owner's office, swaying from the darkness.

The Nikonian army commander, Monk Pierre, was engrossed in his daily affairs, not realizing that his door had been opened slightly. Realizing that the light was too low to read the papers in his hand, the commander lit the candle on his desk.

With the illumination of his room, moving shadows appeared on the wall opposite. When Pierre, seeing shadows in the shape of a wolf's head and sometimes a rabbit, stood up in fear, a voice filled the room.

"When I was little, when there was no electricity, we used to play this game with my sister. There are some good things about living in the ghetto, too! "

Pierre was struggling to make sense of what he heard as Nafız walked calmly towards the Monk.

''Of course! Forgive my ignorance; you were a citizen of the Lands of Light. Naturally, you have never been in the dark when you were little."

Seeing that the person walking towards him was a female orc, Pierre suddenly began to sweat cold. Being in the same room with one of the Orcs without his guards was not part of his daily life.

Stretching towards his staff in panic, the Monk felt a gentle breeze on his face before seeing his hand flying in the air.

"Ahhh! My arm, you wild creature, how dare you? "

As the Monk, whose arm was cut off to the staff, began to scream, Nafız made a slashing blow to the throat with his hand. The commander, whose vocal cords were crushed, lost his balance and fell to the ground. Nafız was following him step by step. While the Monk, who lost his last chance to cast a spell, tried to crawl and escape.

Crawling against the wall behind his desk, the commander was still trembling as he turned around to avoid seeing the orc warrior.

"You clergy have always been like this. When you take this toy from your hand, you immediately runoff. "

Nafız, who came to Pierre's side, continued to speak, leaning over his ear.

"Why don't you sing your magic hymns, Monk? Beg your glorious god, let him come and save you."

While members of the congregations that make up the Lands of Light believed in the God of Light, the inhabitants of the Hell Land were companions of Darkness. Because the two powers had been at war for centuries, they knew a lot about each other.

Clergy members, who were followers of the light, recited magical hymns to attack and defense and used their wands to increase their power.

Nafız, hitting the wall of the Monk she held in her throat, turned her head back with the sound of the opening of the big two-winged door of the room. The soldiers entering the study room were trying to understand what was happening, and Nafız, who saw this, slowly took off her hood.

"Nikonia's glorious soldiers, you arrived just in time. I was about to nail your commander to the wall!"

After finishing her words, Nafız, who struck the Monk on the wall with her staff, among the confused eyes of the soldiers, burst out with laughter and jumped out of the room window. The voice of the female orc rang in her ears as the soldiers rushed to their commanders.

"Tonight was the night of Orcs' revenge. Whoever is hostile to us, their blood is under your feet! "

The soldiers, who had to look at their feet involuntarily with the orc's words who killed their commanders, saw a mark drawn with blood on the ground.

The plus sign inside the circle, which is the symbol of the orc tribe that dominates the region, was enough to explain that the orc tribe was waging war on Nikonia.

"It happened like this; from now on, you will be at war with the Orcs tribe in the region until I conquer it."

While the Nafız got the job done, Alyon had finished telling the skinny older man their plan. The citizens of the Lands of Light in the city were portrayed as killed by the orc tribe, creating turmoil in the region and preparing the ground for the emigrating tribe to become stronger.

"It's time for me to go. You can use mechanical pigeons to get the materials you will need. The city lord has to give a harsh response, don't try to be merciful."

Completing his words, Alyon swiftly emerged from the throne room, and the deputy commander entered. Surprised that the guard at the gate was not in place, the soldier froze at the sight when he enters. City lord Godfrey, his right-hand Gulag, and the guard at the gate were lying on the throne room floor, seriously wounded.

When the soldier rushing to save his lord reached him, Godfrey blew his mouth, "Catch those two murderous Orcs, and I will tear skin them alive said.

While Godfrey and the injured were waiting for the healers, Alyon met with his friends in the secret cave.

"Nafız, I hope there was no problem while implementing our plan."

When Alyon saw Nafız eating with her slave, he asked curiously.

"What did you think I was? I put the Monk on the wall like a postage stamp. "

Nafız answered with pleasure, took a big bite from the thigh in her hand.

Nafız, who wanted to celebrate this evening, when the two enemy forces started a war with a delightful meal, had the people living in the dungeon have meals made of monster meat.

While the whole city was mourning, there was a celebration inside the dungeon with joyful laughter.

The City Lord was outraged that two Orcs were not found, and the Gulag recovered enough to set out for his dungeon after two days finally. When he left the massive guards around him in front of the door and entered the dungeon, people lined up to congratulate him.

When the turn of people hugging, crying, and embracing with joy came to an end, a giant orc came across the Gulag. As the Gulag shakes the hand of this orc, smiling at him, he felt unable to pull it back when he wanted to release it.

"My friend, the plan you made with patience paid off at the end, I congratulate you wholeheartedly, but I want you to know that if you do not cooperate on the issues we are talking about and make a wrong move, I can find you wherever you are."

The Gulag collapsed where he was in mixed feelings when the Orc let go of his hand and turned away without waiting for an answer. Meanwhile, Joshua had woken up and met the female orc standing by his head.

Nafız couldn't help laughing when he saw the boy who had snuggled in the corner of the bed with fear. The boy's reaction, who saw the creature beside his throat with its whip, was quite natural. Seeing that Joshua was okay, Nafız stood up and walked out of the burrow.

Seeing their children waking up from sleep as the female orc came out, her parents also rushed in. Seeing her son trembling in fear, his mother tried to calm him down by wrapping it around.

"Everything passed. We no longer need to live in this cave. Come on, smile, and your mother will bring you hot food. "

While emotional moments were being experienced inside the cavern, Nafız had descended into the grand opening.

"Are you ready Miloş? It's time to get out of this shithole."

To the question of his master, Miloş answered in a full voice.

"We are ready, sir. We can leave whenever you want. "

As Nafız, Alyon, and Miloş advanced in a narrow tunnel behind the skinny older man. A messenger entered the tent of the chieftain of the orc tribe that ruled the region.

"Chief Red Bear! The news is terrible. All the workers in our two mines were brutally murdered.

Propaganda is such an art that one says "ah" when stepping on someone else's feet.

Bob Hope

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