
Chapter 7

            "Today, you are going to be training in rescue missions at the USJ. Earthquakes, fires, mudslides, anything that nature can throw at you. Even if you do not plan on becoming a rescue hero, you are expected to know how to deal with any situation in case you're in the middle of one. Suit up and meet me at the loading station," Aizawa explains. He doesn't bother to wait for a response as he leaves while pressing the button to reveal the cases.

Satoru along with the others do their tasks with chit chat filling the air.

"Does USJ mean Universal Studios Japan?" Kaminari asks during the walk to the changing rooms.

"No, you idiot," Jirou sighs.

Satoru taps his chin, "Well, you never know-"

"Don't encourage him unless you want to suffer."

"That's not manly," Kirishima intervenes.

"Would you rather have Kaminari's heart break when he realizes it isn't what he thinks it is or deal with it now?"

"I guess you're not wrong."

Kaminari waves his arms rapidly to get their attention, "Does that mean we are going there or not?!"

Jirou glares at Satoru since he encouraged it.

He sighs, "Nope. We're not even in the same town as it."

"Dang it."

The boys and girls split off to change. It doesn't take long for them to return together and head to the loading area where a bus waits for them.

Before they board, Iida stands in front of them, "Everyone, we shall enter the bus in alphabetical order and sit two people per seat- what is everyone doing?! Get back here so we can line up!"

Satoru can appreciate the sentiment since he is trying as the class representative, but Iida is wasting their time as the look of the bus has all the tells of having a different seating arrangement than a normal bus. Satoru is the first to get on it while everyone else follows. Stepping inside confirms his suspicions as most of the seats are against the wall more like a party bus. Satoru walks past Aizawa, who was seated in one of the few normal ones and takes one of the curvy corners. He ends up sitting next to Aoyama, the sparkling boy that he has not talked to yet, and Shoji, who is also on the same ship.

Satoru introduces himself to the two boys, but he doesn't conversate beyond that. He is taking the ride to listen to everyone and see if there is any information/drama he can pick up.

It's also because Satoru has a bad feeling about this trip, but he shoves it down. He doesn't have any reason to worry yet. He'll keep it in mind, but there is no reason to start destruction if there is no reason for it yet.

Listening in on his peers, Satoru believes he gains valuable information.

"Midoriya, can I ask you something, kero?" The frog girl beside Midoriya asks.

Midoriya nods, "Yeah, sure, Asui!"

"Just call me Tsu."

"Um, Tsu."

"I was wondering if you knew that your quirk shared some resemblance to All Might's quirk?"

This question puts the boy in a spiral, about to start explaining everything when Kirishima cuts him off, "I don't think so, bro! All Might's quirk doesn't hurt him!" Midoriya nods in agreement immediately.

Satoru withdraws to his own thoughts while the others talk about it. Even though what Kirishima said is true, what Tsu said is also true. Both have extremely powerful strength quirks. One could point out that strength quirks are common, and that is correct. However, All Might's and Midoriya's quirks go beyond what is expected of one. He also did notice how All Might seems to pay more attention to Midoriya than the other students, but he brushed it off due to Midoriya's costume.  Maybe it could be something more?

Satoru snaps from his thoughts when Bakugo's screaming fills the bus, "OH, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT, DUNCEFACE!"

Dunceface? Satoru follows Bakugo's line of sight to find it landing on Kaminari. Honestly, he isn't surprised.

Aizawa interrupts the feud, "Everyone settle down. We're here." He is the first to leave. Satoru doesn't blame him one bit.

Everyone waddles out of the bus to see the huge building in front of them, and they are in awe. Since Satoru was in the back of the bus, he is the last to step off.

Satoru looks up at the large structure and freezes.

Why is his head throbbing now of all times? He's never had this happen before.

Satoru's vision suddenly goes black, and the chatter amongst his classmates disappear.

What is happening? A villain attack?

Then, so many images and sounds and emotions rush through him like a tsunami. Satoru recognizes some of the places, but others he has never seen before in his life. Some of them are calm, but those are nothing compared to the destruction he sees in others. Sometimes his hearing would be quiet but then suddenly fill with screams or cackling or conversation.

It's overwhelming.

It feels like years before it stops, but it has only been a minute.

Yet, it feels like he has been granted the universe in that moment. Like, he knows what is going to happen in the future. It's a bit jumbled in his head, but he can pick out the moments needed. Satoru doesn't understand. He'll need a lot of time to figure this one out.

"Gojo? Are you with me?"

Finally, a voice pulls through. Satoru nods.

"Are you okay?"

Satoru opens his eyes to see Aizawa on his knees in front of him. When did he get on the ground? Well, it was overwhelming, so he guesses it makes sense. Behind Aizawa, his classmates look down at him with worry.

Satoru smiles at his teacher, "Sorry about that, Aizawa-sensei! I'm good now, no worries! Sorry everyone!"

Sure, Satoru's head still feels like it's about to break in half, but he can deal with it. He hops to his feet and wipes the dust off with his hands.

Aizawa stands and looks over Satoru to make sure he is okay.

Aizawa sighs, "Don't go all out just to be safe."

Satoru nods, "Will do!"

"Come on, everyone."

Satoru can feel their worry like a second skin, but he ignores it and focuses on what he just witnessed.

Is that actually going to happen or is his mind just playing games? If it's going to happen, why is he learning about it now? Is it a part of his quirk that he didn't know about until now? He denies that. However, if it is an accurate future then…

Despite the weird looks Satoru receives, he makes his way to the front of the class. Thankfully, they don't say anything about it. Some of them stick closer to his side like Ashido and Kaminari while those he is not as close with step away like Shoji and Aoyama.

The class enters the USJ to find that it is as extravagant inside as it is outside, if not more so. They are currently on a platform where a hero, Thirteen he believes, awaits them, but looking past that, they could see a wide range of different types of areas. One has a shipping sink. Another is completely on fire. The mountain region rises high above the rest. There is six in total, and all of them are connected to the center that is just like the platform but with a fountain in the center.

What concerns Satoru is that he has never seen this place, yet he recognizes it as though he has been here before. That means these new memories, if that's what he can even call them, hold merit. It means that what he saw is more likely to happen.

His heartrate increases, and that certainly isn't helping his headache. Satoru sticks to the front, surprising most of his classmates as he usually stays in the middle or back. They seem more worried, but he sticks to his position and watches carefully. He lifts his mask slightly up, enough to see more but not enough to raise suspicion. Thirteen starts explaining what is going to happen. Well, what is supposed to happen. The words go from one ear and out the other for Satoru.

Satoru watches that center area.

The explanation must be finished because his classmate's voices are picking up. He doesn't understand what they are saying, but he'll figure it out later if that's a thing.

Small movement in the air at the center area snaps Satoru's attention. Nobody else can see it, but he can and he knows what is happening.

Satoru's attitude may have been off before, but now it is completely serious.

Satoru interrupts whoever is talking, and despite his worry, he remains calm somehow, "Sensei, we need to get out of here."

Aizawa's eyebrows furrow, "What are you talking about?"

In the background, Satoru can hear his classmates murmuring, and it is pissing him off. They are wasting time chatting about it!

"There are villains here! Look!" Satoru points at the center where the disruption becomes visible to everyone as a purple vortex. The vortex widens to allow for people to come through. The lights spark, shutting the electricity down.

Kirishima asks, "Are you sure it isn't part of the exercise, Gojo?" The boy starts to step forward when Aizawa's arm raises in front of him to stop him.

Aizawa turns his head to the students, "Gojo is right! Those are villains! Everyone make your way out of there! Kaminari, request for help! Thirteen, go with them! I'll hold them off!"

Satoru makes his way though the crowd of students to lead them to the exit when he hears Midoriya stutter out, "But sensei, you're not used to these type of attacks-"

Satoru almost snaps at Midoriya, but he calms down right before and explains, "He's a hero, Midoriya. He knows what he is doing. The more you talk to him, the more time you're wasting for him."

"I can't get a signal," Kaminari calls out. Satoru concludes a quirk must be involved with that. Probably with the electricity too.

Aizawa nods to Satoru before he jumps into the crowd, not that the boy notices as he starts making his way to the entrace. Midoriya gets the message and follows along with his classmates.

Satoru runs to the exit when the purple mist intercepts him and his class. Bright yellow eyes glare upon them.

The mist speaks, "So this is UA's golden eggs. I am sorry to interrupt your training, but in order for us to succeed, we need you here so that we can bring All Might, the symbol of peace, here to kill him. Before I scatter you, I believe it is only polite to introduce myself before your doom. I am Kurogiri, second in command of the League of Villains. Now, the less you struggle, the easier it is for all of us."

The only reason Satoru had let Kurogiri talk was to gain information. While he does know him, it would be odd for Satoru to say the man's name when he never technically said it. It would raise suspicion, and if Satoru wants to help and not be stalked for having random information he shouldn't have, he has to let it happen naturally.

That's not to say Satoru can not do anything. He can obviously. He just can't be suspicious about how he does it.

Satoru gets ready to attack the man with a plan in mind when he is interrupted by two hero boys.


"This isn't manly, dude!"

Thirteen tries to scream at them to stop, but they move before she can finish saying what she was going to say.

Bakugo and Kirishima attack the man, but they are thrown back since one can't technically attack mist.

"I should have expected as much," Kurogiri starts to explain, but Satoru takes it as his chance to attack.

Satoru rushes forward and brings up his wall to keep the mist from touching him. Kurogiri tries to wrap himself around the boy, but he can't when he can not touch Satoru in the first place. Satoru runs through until he finds Kurogiri's physical body, medal platelets, grabs it, and slams it to the ground to attempt to restrain him. Honestly, he doesn't know how his teleportation works, whether he can go wherever or if he must have a certain amount of room to perform, but it prevents him for the time being. He thinks. Honestly, his memories don't provide much about him.

Some of the class applause behind Satoru, and while he would usually bow, now is not the time for them to be cocky despite stopping the main issue, "We need a way to restrain him. If we don't, he might just escape."

Yaoyorozu steps up, "Should I make a box to put him in?"

Satoru nods, "That's the best idea we have for now. Just make it large enough to put the metal piece in. Everyone else, get out."  Yaoyorozu starts making the box.

 "We can't leave you two behind! I won't allow it as class president!" Iida intercepts.

Thankfully, Thirteen steps forward, "I will watch over them. You need to go ahead so you can get help. The longer we take, the more time it gives the villains to injure your teacher."

Iida snaps to his senses, "I see! If that's the case, let's go everyone!"

Iida leads them to the exit, where he has to break down the door by turning on his engine legs and slamming it into the door to break it. The students rush out, and Satoru can only hope that they make it to get help in time. He doesn't want to see a reenactment.

Yaoyorozu finishes the box, and Satoru doesn't hesitate to shove Kurogiri in there and close it.

"Thank you for the help. You two should get out of here. I'll go down there and help Eraserhead," Thirteen tells them as she turns away to join the fray without looking back at them. Obviously, she trusts them to follow instructions.

If only that was the case.

Satoru and Yaoyorozu nod to each other then start running for the exit to join their other classmates. Satoru knows what is going to happen, yet he keeps approaching that exit until stopping right before it. Yaoyorozu goes through first but looks back to see him standing there.

"Gojo, what are you doing? Come on!" Yaoyorozu pleads. She tries to grab Satoru's hand, but he steps back to avoid it. He can't just let it happen. It would be pathetic if he runs out now.

"Go ahead," Satoru tells her.

"No! We were told to leave! We shouldn't disobey orders!"

"There's something I have to do here."

"Gojo, it's the teacher's job to protect us-"

"Yaoyorozu, you trust me, right?"

That makes her freeze, "Yeah, why?"

"Then trust me that I will get out of here without getting injured."

Yaoyorozu considers it for a moment, "Fine. But I'm coming with you."

"You'll get in trouble."

"I don't care. If I let you run in there, that would make me a terrible and unheroic friend. Besides, you're going to get into trouble for this too."

Satoru decides that he can't waste any more time, "Fine, come on. We're going to hide in the bushes and watch." Satoru leads the way, and Yaoyorozu seems shocked at his idea.

"I thought you were going to do something more reckless."

"I might later on, but it would mess everything up if we go now."

"I understand."

With that, the two duck down in nearby bushes and watch their teachers fight. Despite the large number of villains here, they seem to have no issues. Obviously, they are wearing down. Satoru learned early on that Aizawa's hair rises whenever he uses his quirk. Compared to when he usually uses his quirk, Satoru realizes that the intervals of when Aizawa is using Eraser is shorter. Then, Thirteen is not meant for fighting due to her quirk Blackhole, which could kill people within seconds. But she is holding herself well, and Satoru appreciates that.

Satoru doesn't know how long it is until what he is waiting for comes out.

One moment, Thirteen is dealing with the villains. The next, a ginormous blue creature with a beak stands over her ready to crush her into bits and pieces.

Satoru doesn't think. He just moves. It was probably for the best as he has no idea how he gets there in time.

Satoru jumps from the bushes to go in front of Thirteen to stop the creature, but within the blink of an eye, he finds himself in front of it with its fist raised. It slams it down, and Satoru stops it a couple inches from destroying his skull. The villains around them seem to freeze.

"What the hell kind of NPC is this?!" A boy suddenly snaps somewhere nearby, but Satoru doesn't pay attention to him, ignoring the fact he recognizes the voice despite never having met the boy before.

"Thirteen, we might want to step back," Satoru recommends as he looks over his shoulder at her. Thirteen quickly knocks out the villains to give Satoru the space to back up. When he does, the arm slams into the ground. It doesn't hesitate to go again by trying to punch him. Satoru has to bring the shield up once more.

The villains seem to have been mostly taken down as Thirteen goes to his side with worry filling her tone, "You need to get out of here. It's dangerous."

Satoru huffs, "It can't hurt me. It can hurt you guys, and that wouldn't help us."

Out of the corner of his eye, Satoru sees Kurogiri appear. It wasn't secure then. A pit of rage rises in his gut, but he squashes it down. Anger is not going to help him out of the situation any faster. It will screw him up if anything. Instead, he focuses his attention on the one in control as creature doesn't seem to be figuring out that it can't touch him.

Shigaraki, the leader of the League of Villains. In Satoru's opinion, the only think worth noting about his appearance is his ragged blue hair, black pajamas, and hands holding onto him. Honestly, he's a child that makes too many video game references for his own good. It's concerning considering his position.

He turns his attention back to his opponent, and a name clicks in his mind: Nomu, an experimented human.

He really did learn about the future, didn't he? Now is not the time for him to ponder. Right now, Satoru needs to get his teachers out of here alive while gathering information. He's thankful for his quirk as he doesn't even get tired from using it, so he can do this for a while if wanted.

"I am sorry, but the students have escaped, Shigaraki," Kurogiri tells the boy. At least Satoru can say that he learned the name without being weird now.

Shigaraki's anger growls as he starts a temper tantrum, "Dang it, Kurogiri! You had one job and you screwed it up! You're lucky that you're useful or you would be gone for this! Nomu, get rid of this NPC!"

"I believe we should leave. We are clearly outnumbered, and that boy seems to be able to stop anything."

"I am not leaving until we defeat All Might!"

"That's not going to happen if the boy defeats it first. If the Nomu dies here, you won't be able to obtain another one for a while, Shigaraki."

"I don't care! I already started the level! Get the boy!"

Satoru can hear Kurogiri sigh from the distance. He has to be about to do something, and Satoru doesn't know if Kurogiri or the Nomu is a bigger threat. Kurogiri could teleport (possibly kill) his teachers without a second thought if he uses his teleportation quirk correctly. He also happens to be the most significant person in the group given he can take anyone anywhere. Nomu, meanwhile, can decimate his teachers if they aren't quick enough. However, he also doesn't know what the Nomu can exactly do. His memories show that when Nomu attacked Aizawa before, he tortured him before supposably going to kill him. The only reason why Aizawa didn't die at the time was because All Might came at the right moment.

All Might should be here soon now that Satoru thinks about it.

Satoru snaps himself out of that thought process. He doesn't need All Might. He can take the Nomu down should it become dangerous for the other teachers, but he's trying to save it for evidence purposes.

A figure moving in the corner of his vision captures Satoru's attention.

 Shigaraki seems to be done waiting. He races forward to attack Aizawa, passing the teacher's capture weapon easily and starts to disintegrate Aizawa's arm. Aizawa kicks the man back and puts some distance between them while holding his attacked arm. Satoru can see blood running down it.

All Might still isn't here, and Satoru is tired of waiting. He can't risk it anymore

"Thirteen, step back!" Satoru commands. The spacewoman hesitates for a moment before doing so, giving Satoru enough room to do what he needs to do. He just needs to do this quickly to prevent the creature from hurting him.

Satoru takes a deep breath and focuses.

With the blink of the eye, Satoru drops the barrier separating him from the Nomu and easily forms what he needs before it interferes, "Blue Maximum!"

While Blue is simply a vacuum, taking Blue further will create a blackhole, destroying all of its the surroundings including living things.

The Nomu is ripped into shreds as bits and pieces of it fly into Satoru's makeshift blackhole. Watching carefully, Satoru can see it starting to heal itself, but it isn't able to heal itself fast enough. It is soon gone, only leaving its blood scattered in its wake. It's disgusting, but Satoru hides his expression of it for now.

"What the hell kind of NPC is this?! Is he a sidequest or something?! Kurogiri, get him!" Shigaraki snaps at Kurogiri with his demand.

"I'm afraid I can't touch him, Shigaraki. We need to leave before All Might gets here-"

Right at that moment, All Might bursts through the door with that signature smile, "I am here!" Behind him, multiple heroes stand ready to take down the threat.

Aizawa takes the chance to try and wrap Shigaraki in his capture weapon, but Shigaraki dodges at the last second. The teachers are quick to react. One of them shoot Shigaraki in the hand, and the boy looks ready to rage and fight. However, before he has the chance to chase after them, the purple portal appears and disappears, Shigaraki going away with it. Nobody else that was brought with them is moved. Satoru assumes they were considered scraps to the villain.

The teachers come down and start to round up the collapsed villains.

Aizawa approaches Satoru, already looking done with his student, "You were supposed to evacuate with the rest of the students. What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Satoru grins, "I am plenty fine despite the previous issues. I seen you were having issues, so I came to help!"

"You should have been gone already by that point."

"Yaoyorozu and I had to stay behind to try and trap Kurogiri, but that didn't seem to work out so well. Thirteen can vouch for me on that."

Aizawa sighs, "Does that mean she is here too?"

"Yeah. She's hiding in the bushes where I was."

"Then how did you get down here?" Satoru shrugs at that, "We'll question it later. Any other students should I know about?"

"No. Everyone else left."

"That's something. You and Yaoyorozu will get detention for a week for this."

"Expected as much. Can you shorten Yaoyorozu's? She didn't participate in the fight, and she only followed because of me. She tried to get me out of it, but I'm too stubborn for my own good."

"…I'll consider it. Come on, let's go."

Satoru, along with Aizawa and Yaoyorozu, leave that dreaded place behind for the rest of the heroes to clean up.







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