
Chapter 3

Age 14

"Say goodbye to your brother, Shisuta," Satoru's mom asks of five-year old Shisuta.

Currently, Satoru and his family are outside of their estate in front of their driver. Mom, Dad, and Shisuta stand in front of Satoru, who is beside the car about to leave for the day. Despite him returning by evening, his family is making it seem like he is leaving and never coming back.

Shisuta huffs, "Why he leave?"

Satoru smirks as he bends down to her height, "I have to go take a test to prove myself to the school."

"…sounds dumb. Don't go to school."

He chuckles, "If I want to be a hero, I have to. You can't keep me to yourself, you spoiled brat."

"I don't see why I can't," Shisuta mumbles.

"How about this? When I get back, we'll play, alright?"

That snaps her out of it, "Okay! Bye-bye! You must return by night!"

"Will do!" Satoru ruffles Shisuta's hair, ignoring her complains as he stands up to face his parents, "Well, I should get going before I get chained down."

Satoru's mom smiles to him, "Of course, dear. I'm so proud of you."

"I haven't even taken the test yet. Wait until I pass before you say that at least!"

 "I don't need to when I know you're going to pass. You've worked so hard to get where you are."

"So has everyone else. I just have to prove I'm better."

"Just be careful, okay?"

"Of course."

Satoru's dad nods to him, "I know you don't need it, but good luck to you anything."

Satoru grins, "You're right, I don't. But I'll take it anyway! See you later!"

Waving his family goodbye, Satoru gets into the car and heads off to UA.

UA is the most prestigious hero school in Japan, releasing a majority of the best heroes out there. Students from all over strive to join the school's hero course, yet very few of them make it.

Satoru is going to be one of them. Most people would probably assume he is probably being cocky with a statement like that, but he isn't stupid. He knows his limits, and UA is within them with no issues. Satoru is aware that he is more than capable of entering the school. He would be ignorant if he thought otherwise.

When Satoru arrives in front of UA, he steps out of his ride in front of the gate and looks at the building with awe. Even though he has seen pictures of it, nothing compares to the grand size of what it actually is. A tall cement wall surrounds the school to keep the students inside safe while keeping unwanted visitors out. The gate itself requires a keycard to even enter the campus. Otherwise, the person is thrown out. Today, the exam day for those wanting to enter the school, is the only day that security is down.

Once inside, a ginormous glass building looks down at its student. Honestly, one would think that it was an office building or a hero agency but not a school. Satoru isn't an architect, though, so he won't judge. If they want to be grand, he says show off all they want.

He doesn't bother to imagine the training fields and such beyond the building.

Satoru returns his gaze to ground level to see crowds of nervous students entering the campus. It looks like they were entering a death sentence more than anything.

Satoru enters the building with a smirk. This should be interesting.

The first thing Satoru had to do was show proof that he registered to try and enter the school. Once the people at the front desk saw his paperwork, they tell him to follow the signs to his testing room. That's easy to follow, though apparently some students got lost still even with instructions. He must wonder if maybe they went out of their way on purpose, but he decides he'll be curious about it later.

Satoru enters his assigned room, goes to the desk with his name on it, and waits for everyone to come in. After an unorthodox amount of waiting in his opinion, they finally explain the rules and provide the academic test.

It's what one should expect. It revolves around the core classes like Math and Japanese and beyond. Some things go beyond that like asking about quirk laws and certain heroes. It is not hard, but it's not easy either. Satoru honestly expected it to be harder, but seeing as the other test takers seem to be struggling, it's doing its job apparently.

Satoru finishes before the time and waits impatiently for the rest. Unfortunate for him, there was another hour for it at least. Yes, he already checked his answers, and he isn't willing to check them anymore.

Finally, everyone finishes, and they are told to report to their respective testing areas depending on what course they are trying for. For Satoru, that lands him in a large auditorium with a bunch of hero wannabes. It takes a while for everyone to come in, butt once they are seated, the show finally begins.

"HELLO, LITTLE LISTENERS! CAN I GET A YEAH FROM EVERYONE?!" Echoes in the whole stadium as the hero Present Mic enters the stage with a huge grin. It would make sense for him to do this given that he is a radio host.

There is silence from everyone, but Satoru really didn't want to leave the man on a hanger. Besides, it's technically a request. He isn't going to deny it.

"YEAH!" Satoru yells, ignoring the looks he receives from everybody. It's their fault that they don't know how to listen.

Present Mic looks in his direction and grins wider, "Thank you, contestant number ####! I guess everyone else is just part of the tough crowd. Oh well! Welcome to the practical portion for the hero course! If you have pent-up aggression from the academic portion of the exam, this is a great place to release it! Now, should you look under your seat, you can see the practical exam guide! Go ahead and snatch that up and take a read while I explain how it works!

The practical portion will be in ten minute sessions in super urban sessions! The goal of the exam is to destroy as many robots as possible like a super sick guitar solo! There are three different robots, each one worth one to three points depending on the difficulty it is to defeat it, so choose wisely which one you fight! Keep in mind that you can't attack other contestants as that is a huge no no in UA! You will automatically be removed from the exam if you do so! Now-"

Out of nowhere, a kid with blue hair interrupts him, "Excuse me, sir, but I have a question!"

"Hit me!"

"On the printout, there is four enemies when you said there were three. If this is a mistake, that is improper for a prestigious school such as UA! Us students deserve a high education, and this is just inappropriate! And you!-" He suddenly points to a kid with broccoli hair, "You have been mumbling the entire time! If you are not going to take this seriously, I recommend you leave! This is a serious test!"

Satoru facepalms. It's people like him that make the Earth turn slower than it should.

Present Mic clears his throat, "Thank you for letting me know, contestant number ####, but I was saving that for later! However, I can tell you now! The fourth enemy is worth zero points, so it's not worth going after it. With that said, please report to your respective testing area listed on the brochure!"

Satoru finds the letter on his and starts moving. He doesn't have to go very far when he realizes that the buses outside of the building are labeled with the letters to the fighting arena. It turns out, the school is so large that they must transport the students to their areas in order for them to reach it in an adequate amount of time.

If that doesn't demonstrate how large the school is, he doesn't know what does.

It doesn't take long for him and the other students to reach their field. As Present Mic said, Satoru can see tall city buildings poking from over the wall. It's expected since most heroes end up working in the city anyway, so it makes sense to see how students operate in that environment. One can't casually fight in the city as they have to avoid injuring civilians and damaging property. It takes a certain amount of awareness, something he suspects most students don't have. However, the guide nor Present Mic never said anything about property damage, so it seems to be a free-for-all to do whatever they want.

Speaking of the students, Satoru looks to see how many he will be competing against for robots. He suspects maybe around 50, more or less. Given the size of the area just from the outside walls alone, there is plenty of room for one to perform what they had to destroy the robots without injuring others. That is in theory. It's expected that most students will go for the first robots they see, which will be at the entrance and straight. It's possible that the students will go on side roads as well, but it's not a huge chance. Satoru's best strategy is to run past the ones in the front of go to the back. That way, he will have less competition for the ones around him and more room to perform.

Satoru makes his way to the front of the crowd, his expression changing something innocent to something serious.


As soon as the gates start rising, Satoru runs under the moving gate and moves to his targeted location. He hears Present Mic saying something in the background, but he ignores it in favor of his goal.

The first thing he does while retreating to the back is check out his surroundings. UA did not cheap out on this test. The city looks exactly like a real one. The buildings have supplies in them, street lights works, and it doesn't look cheaped out. It looks legit. The government must really like this school for how much money this must have taken.

On his way to the back, Satoru huffs when he is forced to dodge a three pointers, "I wasn't planning on taking any here, but oh well. Blue Max!"

Satoru focuses his energy on the robot and makes a black hole appear. Blue typically just makes a vacuum since it is negative and moving it around forces molecules to try and fill the freshly made space. However, with enough energy, it can become a blackhole. That robot didn't stand a chance, so he made his merry way onto the back.

Satoru arrives on the road he wants, and, as expected, nobody is here, and there are load of robots.  Satoru gets to work by rushing into them to get their attention. That is the easy part as he doesn't even have to walk near them for them to activate and chase him. Rather than wasting his time focusing on one at a time, he herds them all together until they are in the perfect position.

"Reversal Red!" Satoru calls as soon as he lines them up.

With Red, it's positive energy, so it pushes everything away. The line of robots is shoved into each other until the pile of metal crashes into the wall. That's one street cleared, so he moves onto the next and does the same thing. Unfortunately, all fun must come to an end after two rounds of herding and destroying when Satoru finds people. If he performs that tactic here, someone is bound to get hurt.

Out of curiosity, Satoru decides to peek into an alleyway to see if there are any there. With his luck, there isn't. It would make sense given their size, though, so he can't critic too hard. That means all robots are on the streets.

Seeing how a pink girl as casually throwing what looks to be acid all over the street without a second thought, Satoru keeps in mind that he needs to be careful to avoid injury from more chaotic quirk users. With that in mind, Satoru switches to a less violent Blue tactic to just bring nearby robots together to crash into one another and works from there. That doesn't last long either.

When the earth starts to rumble underneath him, Satoru turns his attention to find a building-sized robot approaching them. It must be the zero-pointer they were talking about, but why? Did it seriously need to be this big?

Satoru drops his position and makes his way over to his contestants, who somehow haven't noticed the large robot yet, "Hey, guys, we should scram unless we want to be under robot foot!"

The students turn their attention to the gigantic robot that has decided to grace its presence, and they started screaming and run for their life. That's a way of doing it.

Satoru checks to make sure that nobody is left behind before leaving as well. It's seems like the screamers are helping the world given that they are giving distressing signs to the other contestants. Thankfully, the robot is slow, so Satoru jogs along to make sure nobody is trapped while destroying the occasional robot along the way.

That's when a loud buzz echoes the entire city.


Satoru smirks as he retreats to the bus to leave. He's pretty sure he passed.

Two Weeks Later

"Satoru, your letter from UA is here!" Satoru's mom calls from the kitchen. As soon as he heard the word later, he runs from his bedroom to his kitchen in a few seconds flat.

 A moment later, Shisuta follows right after him, "Why must you be so fast, Sa?!"

Satoru shrugs, "Why must you be so slow?"

She sticks her tongue out at him, "Just open the letter already!"

"Yes, dear, open the letter," Satoru's mom encourages.

Satoru sits at the table with his mom and sister beside him while his dad, who was already at the table, stands up and joins beside his wife. He opens the letter only for a piece of metal to fly out onto the table. A bright light shines as a hologram pops up in front of them.

"I AM HERE AS A PROJECTOR!" It screams, causing everyone but Satoru to jump in surprise. In the hologram, a familiar person stands before them.

"Is that All Might?" Shisuta whispers as stars fill her eyes. Satoru nods, not taking his eyes off Japan's number one hero. How can he not? This is a huge deal!

"Quiet and listen," Satoru's mom tells his sister.

All Might continues, "You may be wondering what I am doing here! Well, starting this year, you are looking at the new heroics teacher of UA! I will also be telling you your results!

Gojo Satoru, you passed the academic portion of the exam with flying stars. However, in the practical, you took those stars and exploded them! You have scored 132 villain points, making you not only first place in the practical but ever! You beat my score! Congratulations!

That's not all! UA does not reward for just beating up villains but also for helping the other competitors as well! By telling the students to evacuate from the bots, you scored 15 rescue points! Combining the score, you have a total score of 147 points!

Congratulations on entering UA, Young Gojo! This is your hero academia! I shall see you soon!"

The hologram disappears, leaving only plain disk. As soon as it shuts off, Satoru's mom and sister jump him.

"Good job, bro!" Shisuta complements him.

"Amazing, Satoru! I knew you could do it!" His mom exclaims in near tears.

Satoru feels a soft pat on his shoulder, and he looks over to see his father smiling at him, "Good job, Satoru. I'm proud of you."

Satoru simply shrugs, "I don't know what you expect from me. Did you forget who I am?"

Satoru's mom huffs, "No need to act all high and mighty, sir."

"Ma'am, I have every right to be. We all knew I was going to get into UA even if I used just my pinky."

"Oh boy, what am I going to do with you?"

"Love and care for me?" Satoru smirks.

Satoru's mom simply pats his head, "Who wants to go out to eat to celebrate?"


"Me too!"

"I wouldn't mind."



Discord server is up and I will be posting early chapter releases over there to get opinions before I release on Webnovel. By the way it is free to see the chapters lol I just want opinions on the chapters and see if I need to change anything. Comment below for the invite.

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