
Chapter 25 : THE PLAN OF FATE

Everyone was up by 7:00 AM the next morning.

Everyone was in the living room and had just finished breakfast. The time of planning was about to begin.

Maurice had the morning news playing.

"Tomorrow at 2:30 PM will be the the start of the NEO Earth Parade! There will be floats, a marching band, giant balloons, dancers and more! The president of NEO Earth has joined us today to tell a little bit about the project NEO Earth has been working on for a long time! Welcome to the studio Mr. Neal Abrain! How are you doing this morning?" The news reporter woman said as Neal suddenly came into frame.

Zoar realized this was the first time he had ever seen Neal's face.

"Thank you very much for letting me join you all this morning! Me and my company have always wanted to help make the world a better place. As all of us know, the problem here with our country here, Zeu is that the government is very poor. I have been donating my own money to the government for years and I'd like to announce that there will be more police agencies popping up in many places that don't have any!" Neal said with a fake smile.

"That lying son of a-!" Maurice was hit in the back of the head by Krycella.

"SHHH!" She said with her finger of her mouth.

"Really!? That is truly amazing Neal! Hopefully they can help put an end to the outrageous Ravens of Reinstom!" The reporter said.

Neal started coughing.

"Are you all right?" The reporter asked.

"Yes! Thank you! One more thing I'd like to say before I have to go is please come to the parade! Everyone! You surely will not be disappointed!" Neal said, showing off his fake smile again.

"Yes! All are welcome to the parade! Now time for a commercial break!" The reporter said the the News channel cut scene played.

Maurice turned the TV off before it could finish.

"He's holding a goddman party for all of this!?" Maurice got up from the couch.

"Seems so..." Zoar said.

Zoar didn't care too much for the parade. He kept thinking of Neal. He looked to be about 40, dark orange hair, blue eyes and wrinkles in some spots.

"Let's begin planning!" Kasstia said.

"The event starts at 2:30 PM, so we should be ready tomorrow by 2:00 PM." Zoar said.

"I think we should be ready before that and be near the area that's off limits by 2:00 PM." Krycella suggested.

"That sounds good." Zoar said.

"We'll hide out in some alley way, we don't want to be seen by the crowd of people in the parade. I'm not sure if Neal is suspecting us, but we still need to lay low until we take action." Zoar said.

"So what's our plan of action?" Maurice asked, sounding serious for the first time in a while.

"I've already thought about it." Zoar said and turned to everyone.

"Kasstia and Maurice will take on the robotic enemies." Zoar said.

"Robotic!?" Maurice said.

"Huh?" Kasstia was just as confused as Maurice.

"I did a little research late last night. Neal doesn't have human gaurds. They're all robotic." Zoar said.

"That does make me feel better... I didn't want to have to shoot humans..." Kasstia said.

"So we shooting robots!? Sounds more fun!" Maurice grinned.

"Krycella will take on Cecil Graves. From what we learned from Velvet, he'll more than likely be there behind the scenes. Once we interfere, he'll have to come out and help Neal." Zoar said.

"I got it!" Krycella said, throwing a fist in the air.

"I'll do whatever i can with my power!" Krycella said.

"Good. Cecil will definitely be a strong person." Zoar said.

Zoar was the leader. It finally set well inside him. He was the one that held the group together.

They've lost a couple members and gained one, but they were still a team that relied on one another.

"What are you gonna do Zoar?" Krycella asked.

Zoar pulled out his sword.

"I'm gonna fight Neal. I will end his tyranny." Zoar said.

The energy flowing through him made him feel more determined than ever.

"So how are we going to attack them!?" Maurice asked.

"I have something in store for us. Don't worry, it won't go wrong." Zoar said.


It was 6:30 PM and everyone went into their rooms for the night. They ordered steak for dinner and had a early celebration.

Zoar and Kasstia wanted to spend what could be their last night close together.

"Hey... Kasstia." Zoar said.

Kasstia was wrapped around him from behind as they at on the edge of the bed.

"Yes?" She said.

"After we win... I think I know what I want to do." Zoar said.

"What is it?" Kasstia opened her eyes and removed her face from his neck.

Zoar stood up and turned to her.

"I love you." Zoar said.

Kasstia blushed from surprise.

"Zoar! I- uh.... I love you too..." she said sweety and flustered.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Kasstia. I want to comfort you when your feeling lonely, I want to help you over those mountains we call problems, I want to be there with you..." Zoar said and closed his eyes.

Zoar pulled a small box from his pocket and began to kneel.

"Zoar! This- theres no way- I!" Kasstia couldn't speak right. Tears began to rush down her face.

"Will you marry me, Kasstia Goldenart?" Zoar said, smiling.

Zoar had done alot the night before.

At around 9:00 PM the night before, everyone was alseep. Zoar used that time window to go out and buy a wedding ring for Kasstia, which cost 30,000 Satu for both his and her ring. He then did research on NEO Earth when he got back and went back to sleep at around 11:00 PM.

"Zoar..." Kasstia said with tears engulfing her eyes. She leaped onto him, wrapping him in a loving embrace.

"Yes..." she said. It was almost inaudible do to the crying, but Zoar knew what she said.

The night unfolded into an exchange of kissing and touching that escalated into acts that were embarrassing to speak about afterwards.

They both felt fulfilled now.

They went from alone, to alone together and now they were a whole. One soul.

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