
Chapter 19 : LUNENTO

"We're gonna ignore the fact you two were down there exchanging saliva and move on with some information I and Krycella just got! Alright?" Maurice said.

Zoar and Kasstia blushed a little and nodded.

"So what's the new" Zoar was cut off by the sound of thunder.

They all looked up and it started raining.

"Shit," Zoar said.

"Goddamnit!" Maurice suddenly got angry.

"Guys! Look over here!" Krycella called out to them.

They look over to the direction where her voice came from and see a parked car.

"Where'd that come from?" Kasstia asked.

"I don't know, but let's just get in the damn thing!" Maurice ran over to it.

Zoar and Kasstia following behind.

They all got into the vehicle, only slightly wet.

"Here's a note!" Krycella handed it to Maurice.

"Let's see here... 'Heres is a car for you guys since you lost your other one. Sincerely, Jason Shepherd from The Ravens of Reinstom.' Holy Shit! These things are ours!" Maurice smiled widely.

"From The Ravens!? What's going on!" Kasstia freaked out.

"Oh yeah! We haven't told them the truth about The Ravens!" Krycella said.

"The truth?" Zoar asked.

"Yeah, yeah! Pipe it down! Anyways, they ain't bad, Neal Abrain just was spreading out rumors they were evil. They all just wanted to help the world when the group was first formed, but Neal ruined that shit and used their title to do his bad shit! As always, Neal is a piece of absolute trash!" Maurice crumbled up the paper.

The rain started getting harder and thunder became more frequent.

"So... Neal..." Kasstia didn't know what to say. Zoar put his hand on her shoulder as a way to tell her "It's okay, you don't have to talk right now."

Zoar understood what The Ravens of Reinstom were in her mind. Neal's gang causes havoc and ruins lives. The group that killed her parents.

"We should hurry and get to Lunento before this storm wiped our asses out! I'm hungry as Hell too!" Maurice started the car.

"Good idea..." Zoar was hungry as well, but also extremely exhausted.

"Are you okay, brother-I mean Zoar?..." Krycella asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine... It's okay for you to call me brother... I may not remember anything about you, but... I'm still your brother, right?" Zoar looked at Krycella.

She smiled and nodded.

"If I'm able to... I want to get my memories back as well... Same for Klara- or uh, mom...." Zoar gave Krycella a small grin.

Krycella smiled and turned back to the front.

"You look pale, Zoar..." Kasstia touched his face and he jumped a little.

"I'm just... I need food and rest..." Zoar's head almost fell into the window, but Kasstia stopped it and laid it in her lap.

"Kass..." Zoar had to admit laying on her lap felt nice. It was a bit weird to say even in his mind, but her thighs were like a soft, squishy, and warm pillow.

Kasstia leaned down to his ear and she whispered into it.

"Go to sleep now... Rest my dear Zoar..."

Zoar's heart skipped a beat.

Being cared for and giving care back to that person felt amazing.

Zoar felt safe with Kasstia. The one person in the world he could rely on right now was her.

Zoar felt his self slowly fall deeper into drowsiness until he finally fell asleep.


Zoar awoke to the sound of a car honking.

"Damn asshole!" Maurice yelled at the car behind them.

"Oh, you're awake!" Kasstia quickly pulled her hand out of Zoar's hair.

He didn't notice it was there.

Zoar rose Kasstia's lap to his seat.

"Is this Lunento?" Zoar asked Kasstia.

"Yep! This isn't a very big city, but there sure is a lot of people here." Kasstia said while looking out the window.

The building Zoar saw wasn't too big but still wasn't small. The city was like a small town, but with more businesses and apartment complexes.

"We got food about 20 minutes ago from a drive-thru! We left your burger and a bottle of water in the bag down on the floor!" Krycella said.

"Thanks." Zoar grabbed the bag and opened it.

He pulled out the burger, which was wrapped in tinfoil. He unwrapped it and began eating it.

"Finally!" Maurice said and stepped on the gas.

"Now we should be at the hotel in about 5 minutes!" Maurice said as he made a turn.

Zoar finished the burger quickly and it made him feel so much better.

The burger contained more calories than what he usually eats in one day, but he decided to not think too much about it.

"Now that you're up, I need to tell y'all what Jason told us. It was more of a warning." Maurice said as he looked around the road and made a left turn.

"Go ahead," Zoar said.

"Neal has a secret device or something that has all the magic in the world turned off except for his and his main team of freaks," Maurice said.

"How am I able to use magic?" Zoar asked, leaning into the front more.

"That's got you stumped too? Shit..." Maurice toggled with the AC.

"So what's Neal doing in Grifnine? Did Jason say anything about that?" Kasstia asked.

"This is the bad part. Neal has another weird device thing that he plans on using to steal all the magic in the world with and using that power to become the king of Earth." Maurice said.

"I'm getting sick of chasing after that bastard..." Zoar hit the car door.

"We have 4 damn days left to stop him too! Shit, I forgot to say that!" Maurice yelled.

"What!?" Zoar and Kasstia say in sync.

"Yeah! We gotta be there in 2 days at least or we ain't gonna be prepared enough to stop him!" Maurice was now pulling into a parking lot.

"Shit..." Zoar said.

He wasn't prepared at all. He had basic magic, but didn't know anything about his special magic and didn't know how to make custom magic.

He would need to learn more quickly if he wanted to stop Neal.

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