
Lawrence of Arabia

The winds were changing, and over the last few years, many changes had come to the Arabian Peninsula. German oil companies had made their way into the region after Emperor Alexandros Palaiologos sold the mineral and oil rights of the land to the Reich. 

But perhaps the man most bewildered by these vast and sudden changes were the native Bedoin tribes, among which was a noticeably European man. Though his skin had been kissed by the sun above, after years of exposure. The features of this man were clearly English. 

It was none other than the previous King Lawrence Lancaster, who had ruled over the English throne during the days prior to the Catholic Church's last crusade. The man had abandoned everything after witnessing his army so spectacularly massacred by the German Reichsgarde within the Sinai Peninsula, and as far as the rest of the world was concerned, he had died a long time ago.


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