
The Scramble For Africa Part I

It had been five years since the German Empire landed a man on the moon and currently, the Iberian Army stood in the horn of Africa, facing across their Byzantine rivals. Both Armies wanted access to the territory for the sake of economic development, and neither was willing to concede.

Thus, after establishing trenches, and aiming their rifles at one another, the Iberian Sultan and the Byzantine Emperor, who were leading their armies, met in no-man's-land to discuss their differences and negotiate a compromise that would have both sides satisfied. 

Ghazi stood in the center of no-man's-land with a white flag in one hand ,and a conceited smile on his face. Meanwhile, Alexandros opposed him with a stern expression, and a rifle slung around his back. The Byzantine Emperor was in a sour mood. The scramble for Africa had already begun between three major powers, all of which were competing for the most territory. 


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