Two weeks came and went, and during this time Berengar had been closely monitoring the reports from his armed forces who were sifting through the ashes of Tlemcen in order to rescue any survivors of the German attack.
Those who were fortunate enough to have lived through the day of reckoning thought that perhaps the world had come to an end. After all, such overwhelming power was something that had never before been witnessed by humanity.
The combined might of the German thermobaric missiles was so powerful that it could even be seen from space, something which was caught on film by the Reich's military satellites. Regardless as to what one thought about this incident, one thing was certain.
A powerful message had been sent to the world: The von Kufstein Dynasty and its Cadet Branches were strictly off limits. Any harm done unto them would result in the total annihilation of not only your entire bloodline, but the Kingdom where you reside in.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: