The Emir of Tlemcen sat on his throne, as his messenger reported the news. The Sultanate of Morocco had fallen to the Iberian Empire's conquest. In doing so, any and all previous treaties and agreements between their two realms were now null and void.
This included the betrothal between the gorgeous Princess Amara Al-Haqq and his own son. While the Emir was a wise man, who could tell that times were changing out of his favor two decades ago, his son was a gluttonous, and lustful man, who cared little about the balance of power. Worst yet, there were many players in the Emir's court who wanted to do away with him and place his son on the throne as a puppet.
To tell his son that one of the women he had been eying for several years was no longer going to marry him would only cause a tantrum of epic proportions. Still, it's not like much could be done. The Sultanate of Morocco was conquered, and to the victor goes the spoils.
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