
Establishing Dominance

Berengar did not check up on Linde for the next hour, as he hosted the meal for his son's wedding. Instead, Henrietta had taken the woman's place at his right-hand side. As for Hans, he was quite concerned about his mother's outburst, but had decided to leave this matter to his father, who was more experienced in dealing with the redheaded beauty. 

The meal continued for some time, as everyone present seemingly forgot about the incident between Linde and Itami, until finally Hans and his three brides went back to their room to retire for the night. As for Berengar, he did not immediately make his way to his room. Instead, he took a shortcut to the room where Linde and Honoria usually slept when they were absent from his bed. 

With a brief knock on the door, Berengar could hear the sobbing on the other end, and rather than request entry, he simply forced his way inside. Where he witnessed Honoria comforting Linde, whose makeup had completely run down her face. 


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