
Rescuing a Damsel in Distress Part II

Nearly twelve hours had passed since Empress Itami Riyo had her position usurped by her most trusted general and was placed under house arrest. Currently, she sat within her room staring longingly at the Julian pillow, which she was hugging tightly while beneath her covers.

For the first time in a long time, Itami had no desire to work on improving her nation, or its efforts to combat the upcoming German invasion. In the blink of an eye, everything she had worked so hard to achieve had been taken from her by her most trusted advisor. 

She could hardly believe that Shiba would betray her like this. After everything the two of them had been through together, the man had utterly backstabed her during her hour of need. Perhaps at this moment Itami should be feeling the need to cry, but there were no tears running down her eyes, rather there was an endless pit of darkness that had replaced her heart, filled with a desire for vengeance.


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