Captain Herman von Habsburg sat silently in the interior of his squad's infantry fighting vehicle. Days had passed since the hostilities between the Reich and the Empire of Japan had begun. At the moment, several divisions' worth of German Marines were being deployed to the island of Borneo in their attempts to liberate the region from its Japanese Occupiers.
While the rest of his unit were saying prayers, while their armored vehicle sat on board a large landing craft, Herman was instead gazing at the interior lining of his Stahlhelm. There was a photograph embedded within the liner of a rather gorgeous woman. In the eyes of many, this woman was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
Since his father's execution, Herman had a conflicted relationship with his elder sister, who was now one of the two kaiserins of the Reich. Linde had, in his eyes, betrayed their family, and for the longest time he had deemed her unworthy of forgiveness.
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