
An Act of War

Despite Itami's best attempts to squash the so called 'hauntings' of Borneo, they continued to pop up here and there during the dead of night. By now, morale was at an all-time low for the Imperial Japanese Army as they continued to push forward into the meat grinder in an attempt to take the Island by storm. 

Currently, a squadron of Me 264 strategic bombers and their fighter escorts were flying through the night sky over Borneo. Though instead of bombs, these planes carried propaganda leaflets which were written in the Japanese script. Their mission was simple: dump the pamphlets over the northern half of the island before returning to Singapore. 

As tensions rose in Borneo, the German Empire became more and more active in non-combatant roles. As such, many of the Reich's greatest talents were flooding into the region, preparing themselves for the day the fighting truly started. 


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