
A Failure to Amuse

Tilicke Schauffhusen sat patiently while waiting for his meeting with the Japanese Empress. After having a few many too drinks during his last visit to Japan, he was heavily scolded for his mistakes regarding the leaking of information that could prove critical to the war effort. 

As a result, he had been assigned a chaperon, a young woman, roughly Henrietta's age by the name of Dorethe Schubert. Since graduating from the same high school as the Austrian princess, Dorethe had worked hard to become a lawyer, and was now in a position of power she had never dreamed possible while she was growing up. 

It was not just her career that this young woman put a significant effort into, but her appearance as well. No longer the frazzled haired, four eyed girl of her youth. Dorethe had become quite the beauty in her own right.


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