
The Battle of Devagiri

Emperor Asha was dragged through the ruins of Devagiri by his own soldiers. Everywhere he turned, an armored vehicle, supported by the combined might of Anangpur and German Infantry had broken through his meagre defenses, and unleashed a killing spree upon his people. 

Still in disbelief by the sudden, rapid onslaught, Asha gazed towards his war elephants in hopes that they could break through these hunks of steel and tear through the enemy lines. However, as he witnessed one of his men sitting on the back of these beasts, unleash the might of his Gatling gun upon a single Panther Tank, his heart immediately imploded.

The .45-70 bullets barely even scratched the paint job of the Panther tank, which responded to the attack by shifting its turret in the direction of the war elephant, and unleash a 7.5cm high explosive shell onto the target. 


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