
First Contact with the Japanese Navy

A young marine by the name of Johan Visel stood on watch within the German outpost that had been established on the western coast of Australia. The man was barely eighteen years old and had just graduated from his training to become a marine. 

For his first deployment, he was shipped an entire world away from the fatherland, and ordered to sit in a watchtower that faced the ocean. His objective was to keep a lookout for any potential threats that might exist on the horizon.

Alone, he stood there and smoked a cigarette while his g-27 semiautomatic rifle rested on the edge of the window. He could not help but complain to himself about how shitty his job was.

"Man, if I knew I was going to be sitting in a fucking watchtower all day, I would have purposely fucked my rifle qualifications score so that I wouldn't be issued the damn marksman's rifle."


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