
Welcome Home

Weeks passed by, and the long awaited supply ships arrived in Australia. Along with a significant number of men who could begin the construction of a proper military base. Honoria said her goodbyes to her crew before departing with Malissa back to Singapore. It wasn't an overly emotional affair, as Honoria had already said everything that was needed to be said to Elfrun. As for the rest of the crew, she barely even knew half their names. 

The two women flew together back to Kufstein, where they shared one last conversation before saying their goodbyes. Honoria struggled to fight back the tears in her eyes as she gazed fondly upon her old first mate. It was difficult for the woman to find her voice, but in the end, she posed the question she was most curious about.

"So... Where will you go now?"

Malissa was equally emotionally stricken as she sighed heavily and gazed off towards the west. There were several moments of silence before she revealed her plans. 


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